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i forgot i wrote this, wtf i was on?
finally a black beauty 🙏🏻
wtf, this Is the most wholesome chapter i have read on this novel, and knowing it's all fake brings me agony. Alex...May your name be forgotten.
Is She...Is She trying to Say his name?
nah not even the spiritual Word Is safe from this mf 😭
i have a sense of deja vu
it Just felt strange that there were so many negative reviews and most of them are complaining about... things that the author mentioned in his tags, like wtf? this story Is great, the MC Is a savage, he's mad shit Crazy, and fiiiiinally a really depraved MC, i hate when in the description they write "EXTREME SEX, I WARN YOU, IN THIS NOVEL THERE ARE SOME CRAZY FETISH, YOU THOUGHT COULDN'T EXIST" and then, it's the most boring vanilla shit i had ever read. Another thing, this author can write women, my God i hate when other authors are like "ehm She Is in her 40's but she looks 18" no She fucking don't, have you ever seen a woman? this author describes MILFs as what they are... MOMS! i don't want a "MILF" that looks like 20, i want a milf to be in her 30's 40's and looks like her Age! God... sigh, other then this, the women here are not some brainless corpse of flesh (i mean they become one After the MC brainwash them), they have emotion, they are smart (not as much as our MC tho), they are powerful and with strong and relevant background. Sorry for the long paragraph, but one last thing, here the women have diversity, they are from various etnic groups, they have different body-shape (even tho they are all sex bombs, the author trys to differentiate) different hair-style. Ok that's all, Sorry for the long paragraph, and continue this way author, don't listen to the negative comments.
nah this man Is straight insane