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that you are my friend? you disappeared for 2 months 😭😭😭
Hello friend, could you please provide more details about the background and fix the grammar errors? Also, try to provide more detailed descriptions of the characters because it's becoming difficult to get an idea of how they are with very little information about them. By the way, please consider toning down the power of reading the future a little, as if used correctly, it could potentially ruin the story
could you elaborate more on the scenario around why you speak in a shallow way then I don't understand, is mc really a masochist?
new cap when?
need for new chapters my dear friend
bro just answer me where do you get these ideas from
congratulations you just created the most bizarre story in the world, man i have no words to explain this story, i would like to know where you get these ideas from why this is not normal bro this is the first web i read that there is no way to predict the next action of a character, man if you can answer me what kind of different joint do you use because to create this story you have to smoke a lot
bro you smoke some pretty heavy joints to create a story like this.