


I am an ambiguous writer, one day you may be reading about something, and the next day I come up with a completely different story than before. I hope you enjoy my stories.

2022-05-08 JointGlobal



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  • Apolonius556a month ago

    Good chapter, the only thing that bothers me is that the story is very slow, what you do in 3 chapters could easily go in one. Apart from the fact that they are short, the story moves very slowly.

  • Apolonius5563 months ago

    Good chapter, regarding the R18 scenes, you can imply that they happen without necessarily writing them, hint at what happened or what is about to happen, for example between Bonnie and Nathan one night, plan the sex scene, but when it happens, yes You don't want to write them, you go to the morning and pretend that it already happened, obviously with the reactions of the characters.

  • Apolonius5563 months ago

    Only 10 chapters are available, the other 35 that appear are spam so you pay to read more. ------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Apolonius5563 months ago

    The story is very confusing, it has notes on pages after paragraphs in High Valyrian that lead nowhere because there is no translation. The story tries to have a mysticism that only makes it more confusing to understand. Characters come back to life for no apparent reason after years of being dead. Honestly, it is very frustrating to try to read the story.

  • Apolonius5562 years ago

    Why the hell do you post 20 chapters and then demand that if they want to read more they have to pay on patreon? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • Apolonius5562 years ago
    Répondu à Apolonius556

    It was the first 30 episodes not the first 20, my mistake. Also after that, well you know what I think

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  • Apolonius5562 years ago

    Well, here is my review: The first 20 chapters were entertaining to read, the story had a good development, the mc's relationship with the other characters was well explained and understandable, and the story was well written. But (and this is where this story fell flat for me) when the canon characters showed up, that's when everything got screwed up. The super forced relationship that the mc tried to sell as Ron Wesley's mentor was pathetic to say the least, then as you noticed that he was getting to know the other characters it also seemed super forced to me. Why the hell would the mc have to teach Hermione a charm just to keep her out of trouble? The girl is 2 years younger than Mc, just tell her to leave and that's it. Another thing that bothered me a lot was how the third year arc lasted so long, when the first 2 years weren't like that. I understand that it was because of the whole thing about the philosopher's stone and so on, but it really wore me out on all that arc.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Apolonius5562 years ago

    Pure spam about another page for you to pay to be able to read. Nefarious..................................................................................................................................................................................

  • Apolonius5562 years ago

    Absolutely nefarious here abandoned this story First of all the Mc is absolutely bland, in the second chapter with 3 YEARS he measures 2 meters and can already transform into his lycan form. Then he barely has a chance he goes with the Starks to follow him by "helping them" by giving him a bite. All this described in the most forced and rapid way as wanting to get it out of the way. Third he says he doesn't owe the Starks anything and then he goes and kisses their ass like a brothel whore. Honestly, this story is disappointing.

  • Apolonius5562 years ago

    Absolutely nefarious here abandoned this story