

2022-02-08 JointGlobal



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  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à Jaquaviontavious


    As Zeus looked at Ganymede, he was torn. A part of him yearned to forget all his troubles and fuck Ganymede right then and there, until all he could whisper was his name. Another part felt deeply disturbed and uneasy about the first part. Look, Caspian was as straight as they come, and as for Zeus, well, Zeus was Zeus. There was no sugar-coating it. He might have even outdone Aphrodite in the realm of Desire, if not for the unholy orgies sponsored and conducted and participated in by the Goddess of Love almost every day. Some of them were traumatising to even him.
    Percy Jackson : How to be a Competent King of Gods
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar

    What about the Gods and other higher beings? His existence and anamolies should have already been noticed by many. And not a lot are going to like how is balantly disregarding the fundamental rules of the world.

    Ch 18 All Pathways (Part II)
    Lord of Sins - (Lord of Mysteries)
    Livres et littérature · YunokRyuk
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    Slavery is slavery no matter how different one is being treated and suffered. It doesn’t change what it is even if they are a human or a god.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    In Greek mythology, Thetis and Tethys are two distinct and separate goddesses who are not directly related to each other. Although their names may sound similar, they represent different aspects of Greek mythology. So what is your confusion?

    'Oh, Hephaestus may be the first to have two moms in history.' Apollo thought.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    You may have a point but this is from the precptive of Apollo who was once a Morden human who values liberty.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    Okay this is confusing, I should have probably looked up the genealogy. Thetis is in a relationship with Eurynome, who is the daughter of Oceanas and Tethys. So yeah, Eurynome is one of 3000 aunt to Thetis. They are not grandmother and mothers

    'Oh, Hephaestus may be the first to have two moms in history.' Apollo thought.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    You are missing the point. In the PJO books, the Greek Gods never explicitly stated they accepted their Roman ascpets accepts other than Athena and Apollo got it off easy. Following customs should come with right to chose, but I don’t really think they much of an option with Roman aspects forcing them at the time of Rome peak.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    Thetis is daughter of Neiris, the Old man of Sea. And as for gay men, they will be there. It is Greek Mythology.

    'Oh, Hephaestus may be the first to have two moms in history.' Apollo thought.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à _Bruh

    Not really, the Gods here are almost stripped of their free will, reduced to act as puppets of the Roman Emprire.

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à BookDragonling

    Because Apollo is someone from our world and time and is having divine drinks.

    "How do you know this?" Apollo arched an eyebrow, sceptical. Her tone was too certain to be a wild guess. "You have some kind of love foresight or what?"
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à SaintVulkan

    And that power behind the arrow forced an actual primodial to acknowledge it. So what is your point?

    Pythia—the name itself held a mystic allure, a testament to the divine slaughter that had taken place on this very soil. Apollo's words reverberated through the surrounding hills as if carried by the winds, reaching the ears of all who bore witness to this tale and those who would come to know of it in the future.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar

    This fanfiction is just horrible. The MC has almost no unique qualities other hating Leylin. His character is completely based around it. I get it that this is crack fic but there is limit even to that. This could have been done better if there are some valid reason for MC to hate Leylin but nah, this is basically just twisted fantasy of the author.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à AenarionVoldigoad

    Yes, it may seem exterme but that is also a part of Desire both the emotion and entity but it doesn’t completely define them

    That was Desire.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à AenarionVoldigoad

    Both, Desire of Endless fits that description.

    That was Desire.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à AenarionVoldigoad

    Hestia is not the strongest of Gods, Zeus is. She is just more connected with Olympus more than anyone else since she is the Goddess of Home and Hearth. She is the core and heart of Olympus.

    Ch 10 Olympus
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à demonic_archon

    Whatever the fate of Asteria was, it was evident Zeus didn’t care about her much in the end. And she was Leto’s sister so her reaction was justified unlike what you implied.

    In that moment, Leto saw Zeus for who he really was—a monster, no less than Kronos. The Gods had risen up against Kronos not only to destroy him but to end his tyranny. Yet, in the end, they merely replaced one tyrant with another.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à demonic_archon

    He is tan skinned in Percy Jackson. And Gods there can appear however they like. And my fanfiction is not going accurate to the Mythology, I am trying though. So stop being so objective.

    "Aphrodite?" Apollo raised his brows, while thoughts flew at information. 'So indeed, the opening of Pandora's Box is coming soon, huh? Could I change something about that event? But I am far from strong enough to oppose my father. Stop, stop, stop, I am going far ahead; let's first join the Olympian Council, then proceed from there.'
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à demonic_archon

    Have you not read single word I wrote? I just said Zeus went to Leto right after forcing her sister to Death. And he didn’t care at all.

    In that moment, Leto saw Zeus for who he really was—a monster, no less than Kronos. The Gods had risen up against Kronos not only to destroy him but to end his tyranny. Yet, in the end, they merely replaced one tyrant with another.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à DaoistwOqXyh

    Personal power is separate from power of thrones. All Olympains get equal amount expect Zeus, who is the King, so he gets the largest. But that doesn’t make him the strongest god but his own power does. I will explain the concept of thrones in the next chapter.

    Artemis reclined upon her gleaming silver throne, immersing herself in the intoxicating surge of newfound power. It permeated her being, imbuing her with a strength magnified many times over. In that moment, she comprehended the true reason why the Olympians stood unrivalled and elevated above all others.
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar
  • Lucien_Morningstar
    Répondu à DaoistwOqXyh

    He is tan-skinned.

    "Aphrodite?" Apollo raised his brows, while thoughts flew at information. 'So indeed, the opening of Pandora's Box is coming soon, huh? Could I change something about that event? But I am far from strong enough to oppose my father. Stop, stop, stop, I am going far ahead; let's first join the Olympian Council, then proceed from there.'
    Percy Jackson : The Bright One
    Livres et littérature · Lucien_Morningstar