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no no no. not like that like this. two three death from a tree.
He sleeps where ever he wants apparently... also wasn't he renting a room at an inn. If he had a house why not use it? and before you say it. no it's not because he would feel sad/he can't stand it. because that wouldn't fit his character.
that's kind of unbelievable...
minor spoiler about a scene with in the first few chapters. this story sucks. I'm normally lenient with my reviews, but it's just so bad. the story is inconsistent in the same chapter I can't imagine even imagine how the author would keep it consistent throughout the book. for example we find the mc completely obliterate a level one wolf in one hit, then went he finds a level 5 boar, IN THE SAME CHAPTER the players that were following him don't believe he can fight against it. and don't even get me started on the story. the story it's is amazing for the writing quality... because it's almost entirely ripped off of other books!!! they took good stories mashed them together and made a monster. like using a beautiful girl to make a chimera with chicken wings. do yourself a favor. never look at this story again.
A great book in general. great grammar and storytelling. plus the main character isn't all that bad. he's intelligent but not a know it all, and he's got a consistent personality. it's a little rough in the beginning but once you get past chapter five you'll be hooked. a great read. just wish I could have more chapter. Aslo if the author wants I can help with avoiding tropes that make it boring. and using writing to your advantage. you've done a great job already. just don't want this to fall into mediocrity.
Nice touch, you introduced a new measurement system without complicating anything. respect plus 10.
if you look at it this way, it makes sense. let's assume that battleship means a highly weponized space ship. now it needs to be able to hold a lot of people, ammo, energy, guns, smaller ships, and so forth. plus you need yo build thousands maybe even millions of them. it's costly and difficult to put all the best gear into that kind of ship. but consider this, take a person, you have less space to work with but more freedom, you don't have to spend money on life support, storage, or fuel. that gives you liberty to pack a smaller amount of wepons in to the machine, but they can be powerful, any solder can be much more easily replaced then a whole ship.