
Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter

I don't want to be the guy in the spotlight. I just want to be the overpowered, unfairly strong guy in the background who can whoop the Main Character's ass if he wanted to at any point in time. But, I'll admit I do have my moments. I am Steve. A transmigrated gaming introvert with an obsession for sandbox games. I am cheater and I'm a bastard in Danmachi who has a Minecraft System which he uses however he wants to get whatever he wants. No rules, no responsibilities. Just the freedom to do as I please with practically no consequences. Did I mention I'm also a cheater? Creative Mode? Hah, that's only the beginning my friend...

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
89 Chs

The Great Tree Labyrinth

(General POV)

A large red woolly mammoth burst out of the tree canopy and tried to skewer the vanguard on its tusks. But it did not account for the adventurer right in front of the Loki Familia who merely stood in the way as the others behind him dispersed on either side. Regardless, the Mammoth Fool dove straight forwards, intending to either gorge him or mow him down. 

'It really doesn't do well for its name does it?' Steve thought.

Outstretching both hands, he caught both tusk in his palms and all the momentum behind the monster's charge just seemed to vanish as it came to a stop. The mammoth tried desperately to move it's head but it was held firm and effortlessly in place by Steve, who after seconds gave the tusks a violent jerk and the monster's neck snapped.

The thing screamed out in pain but was soon cut off as Tiona and Ais came from either side with their respective weapons and ran it through right until its stone was cracked. The mammoth exploded into dust as its core dropped.

"And that would be what, the fourth?" Steve asked as he looked at the adventurers. He'd decided to leave the helmet off as it felt odd to talk to them under it now that they were getting to know one another.

"Fifth actually." Finn said. "It's been a real help you know, you pinning them down while we have at them as they're immobilised."

"It was a sound strategy." Steve shrugged. "Though I'll admit I was skeptical. Super strength is good and all but it doesn't change your weight and momentum. I wasn't sure I'd hold."

"You said you weigh 40 tonnes in that armour though." Tiona bounded up to him with her Urga. "Surely that counts for something?"

"Probably did." Steve said as he picked up a pebble and eyed a Hobgoblin that was bothering one of the lower ranked adventurers. With skilful aim, he hurled it right between the monster's eyes, and it passed through bone and brain matter like a bullet, instantly killing that monster as well.

"You've just been hanging around, stopping monsters that come in your way though." Bete said. "Why don't you actually advance for a change? You're obviously strong, so why don't you take out your fancy weapon and go kill some?"

"Because these monsters failed to entertain me." Steve said as he put his hands behind his head. "They're just so weak. Considering all that I heard about these floors, it really isn't all that much."

"Just wait until we hit the deep floor lad." Gareth said as he nonchalantly shield bashed a Lizardmen without even looking. The reptile found his face caved in before it too despawned. "You're bound to find something worthwhile there."

"Perhaps. I'm more interested in the next monster rex though." Steve said as he pulled out a map. "Amphisbaena it was called."

"Certainly a tricky one for a beginner." Riveria commented as she and her mages caught up on foot. "A pain for magic users as well since one of the heads breathes out a mist that disperses magic."

'Looks more like a knock-off Kaiju monster to me.' Steve thought.

"Are you going to fight it?" Ais asked as she stepped beside him, keeping with his pace.

"Maybe." Steve said. "I'd really like to kill it with magic now that I think about it."

"You can use other kinds of magic?" Riveria asked, interested.

"Kind of." 

"What sort of answer is that?"

"It's difficult to explain." Steve said as his hand suddenly whipped up and caught a needle like projectile between two fingers that was aimed for his eye. Looking in the direction of trajectory, he was greeted by a giant dragonfly that was hovering about 40 feet in the air.

"A 'Gun Libellula'." Tione said. "A big wuss of a monster that likes to fly high out of harm's way and attack from a distance."

"Where did it shoot this from though?" Steve asked as he held up the projectile. He was immediately answered as a hole in the dragonfly's belly just opened up and out came another needle. This one aimed for Lefiya who could do nothing but freeze as it bulleted right towards her forehead.

"Lefiya!" Riveria called. 

Finn saved the day as he ran back and jumped while sticking the butt end of his spear out, managing to cross it in front of the elf's face and the needle bounced off the weapon.

"You have to stop freezing like that Lefiya." Finn said. "You won't be able to survive like that down here."

"I know." Lefiya said. "I just can't help it. They're so fast and they attack so suddenly."

"Something you'll have to get used to in the dungeon." Riveria chided. "You need to work on your reflexes just as much as your magic."

"I'm sure she's still in her learning phase." Steve reasoned before he looked back at the dragonfly which was flying around. "That thing really does know how to bug people. It looks like it's testing the waters before deciding who to kill."

"They do that." Finn said as he waved to an archer who raised their bow.

"Wait, let me do it." Steve said.

"You want to shoot it?"

"Yeah, but not with a bow."

"With what then?" Ais asked.

"What I refer to as my magic." 

"Really?" Riveria said as she stepped closer. "May I see it then?"

"Sure, just like this." Steve said as he held up an open palm. Using his super processing speed, he input the command and before their eyes, a strange object appeared in his hands. To them it looked like a ball of molten rock covered in a cracked casing of stone. "This explosion power should be enough."

"What is that?" Riveria asked as she studied it with her critical eye.

"I call it a Fireball."

"But there's no fire about it." Riveria said. "It's just a ball of melted rock, it's more earthen magic than anything else." Riveria's brows suddenly raised as she realized something. "Hold on, you didn't say anything for it to appear, no chant or anything!"

"I'm too strong to need it." Steve said with a cocky smile. "As for why it's called a fireball, well, just watch this." Steve wound up his arm as he kept any eye on the dragonfly. As soon as it was in a favourable position for Steve, he heaved it right at the monster.

The ball of lava suddenly ignited as it soared through the air, leaving a trail of flames behind. When it impacted the monster, a large explosion suddenly bent the tree trunks from the force and made everyone's ears ring as a black cloud of smoke and fire formed from the point of explosion. A burning smell soon followed after as the charred remains of the giant insect fell about all around them.

Steve smiled happily. That was what he loved about his powers translating into real life. Instead of the usual Minecraft explosions where there just were white particle effects to form momentary shockwaves, there were actual realistic explosions complete with fire and smoke. 

"You understand now?" Steve looked at Riveria.

"...I believe I do. But wordless?"

"A result of a skill probably. I can't say anything more."


"That reminded me of those bombs that they sell on the black market." Finn said as he approached.

"Yeah, nasty little things they are." Gareth grunted. "Evilus always used to use them when they were around. The explosions are much smaller though."

"Yes, though was an explosion like that necessary for a single monster?" Bete gave Steve a questioning look.

"I'm still getting used to using my attacks on dungeon monsters as opposed to surface monsters. That's why I used it for an airborne monster instead of pointing it somewhere near the ground." Steve replied. "Although if you're willing to volunteer, I'm yet to use it against an adventurer."

"Tch. Whatever. Where's that stupid wolf of yours?" Bete snorted.

"Probably tearing about at whatever monsters she can find." Steve said as he looked in the direction he'd last seen Bathsheba. "It's kind of hard to see her with all these trees down there." Steve looked over the edge of the pathway at the forests that covered the 24th floor. This place looked like the inside of a giant tree since everything looked to be made of wood. Extremely tough and durable wood but wood nonetheless. He could see why it was called the Great Tree Labyrinth.

"Next up is the Water Temple." Ais said. "It gets a little harder from there since its goes straight down and you have to fight water monsters along the way." 

"Shouldn't be too difficult. I've got these." Steve said as he pointed to his enchanted armoured boots. 

"What's so special about your fancy shoes?" Bete said. 

"Like you're one to talk mate." Steve quickly said. "You don't carry any weapons. Instead you go around kicking things with those 'fancy shoes' of YOURS. They can absorb magic apparently."

"And he can use them to make his kicks better." Tiona said. "That's all he's good at. Without them, he's a useless fighter."


"I totally understand." Steve said. "It must be hard having a teammate like him. He must slow you down a lot." Steve said this as his head was turned away from Bete in quite an obvious but deliberate attempt to rile the werewolf.


"Like you wouldn't believe." Tiona said as she leaned her Urga on her shoulder while they walked along the suspended pathway. "By the way, you said you only just arrived in Orario."

"I did say that, yes."

"So you mustn't have had the chance to see all the cool places right?"

"I will admit, no."

"Who does that?" Tione crossed her arms. "Why would you come to a new city and not check out what it has to offer?"

"Duh, because I'm checking out its biggest attraction." Steve said.

"Don't 'duh' me! What are you checking out anyway?"

Steve spread his arms and gestured to all around them. "The Dungeon?"


"You're feeling quite stupid now aren't ya?" Tiona giggled at her sister. Tione grit her teeth and grumbled in response while Finn just shook his head and put hand to his face, though it didn't hide the smile he had.

"I don't get it with you youngsters." Gareth said. "You meet new people your age and you just want to fight and argue a lot."

Typical of youngsters however, they ignored the belly ache of an old man and focused on each other.

"So as I was saying." Tiona said as she hooked one arm inside of Steve's. "Orario has a lot of cool places to go and there's plenty to see. I was wondering if you'd like someone to show you around." She said suggestively.

"That would be nice, especially if it's you Tiona." Steve said as he caught on.

"Great! So when this expedition is over, let's meet up okay?!"

"It's a date then." Steve said, and Tiona's smile grew wider as she giggled. Tione's eyes narrowed at him as that protective feeling in her chest rose again. Silently though, many of the male members of the Loki Familia whom had been moved by Steve's passionate speech last night, and as such had converted to the Faith of the Hips, clapped and nodded in approval as he smoothly picked up what was now to them one of the most beautiful girls in the Familia.

"To think that you would be so bold!" Tiona giggled. "I assume you have a lot of experience?"

"On the contrary, no. I've barely interacted with many other guys my age, let alone girls." Steve said. "It's probably that lack of human interaction...and I guess non-human interaction as well, that has made me quite so blunt in the things I say."

"What were you doing beforehand?" Gareth asked. "How old are you anyway?"

"Same age as her." Steve nodded to Tiona who had wrapped her arm around him a little tighter. "As for your previous question, I was learning how to put my talents to use, gathering resources and collectibles from far and wide as well as honing my combat skills. Never really had anytime for relationships."

"So you've never been on a date?" Tione asked.


"Not even had a kiss I bet." Bete laughed. "Would you know it? He's a sad little virgin. The big tough guy."

"At least 'Tough Guy' is able to start somewhere. What happened to you huh?" Steve asked Bete. "You sound like you have experience but I don't see anybody with you. Not so smooth yourself now are you? What, failed to keep them did ya?"

"Ooooh, he's got you there Bete." Tione said as she laughed. "You're always chasing Ais but she turns you down at every turn."

"Yeah, it's just hilarious honestly." Tiona said. "He proclaims his love aloud for her all the time while trashing on guys that confess to her. But she barely even gives him the time of day."

Bete looked at them but surprisingly, didn't say anything. And only very, very few people understood why. Not many knew Bete Loga beyond his arsehole of a personality. 

But if they were to go a little further back in his history, they would know that he had a childhood friend he'd entered a relationship with, but she ended up getting killed by a monster along with his whole clan, causing him his first heartbreak.

The werewolf's second heartbreak was back when he was captain of the Vidar Familia, and he had healed from his first lost love through a relationship with his vice-captain. However, when he left Orario to kill the monster that had slaughtered his clan, said girl died in the dungeon along with many members of the Familia and Bete came back to a broken home filled with grief and nightmare. The Vidar Familia was disbanded thereafter and Bete began to lose his mind, which led up to him picking a fight with Finn and Gareth.

Of course he got his head kicked in, and that was how he ended up in the Loki Familia. Bete didn't say anything back, partly because the twins had joined in the jest but mostly because those painful memories resurfaced and the grief he still had made him momentarily lose the ability to speak. But to just the top three executives who knew this backstory, they felt sorry for Bete as they assumed that Steve had no idea the impact of what he had said.


Little did they know that that was exactly what the gamer had intended. Bete had been giving lip all morning and afternoon to Steve and the Minecrafter was just sick of it. So for once he decided to be equally as nasty, giving a deliberate dig to Bete's past while fully knowing that it would be written off as him being ignorant and it would strike the werewolf deep.

Steve could be just as much of an arsehole as the next guy. Consequence of spending a lot of time with toxic strangers in COD lobbies. You kind of became desensitized to empathy. 

"You actually want to go on a date though?" Tiona asked. 

"Yes, I did say I found you attractive did I not?" Steve replied as they neared the end of the floor.

"I know but what about my sister...?" Tiona said behind her hand. "You know because of her..." Tiona made a gesture near her torso.

"Her temper is a big turn-off for me." Steve whispered. "Plus her hips are lacking."

"I guess boys will be boys." Tiona said, secretly feeling immensely pleased. "A date it will be." 

Steve nodded before he felt his other hand get grabbed by Ais. He turned to look at her confused.

"What's up Ais?"

"I can show you around too." Ais said quietly.

"You go out a lot Ais?"

"Yes." She nodded. "There's a lot of potato croquette stands where we can eat and there's lots of places to spar as well."

Steve chuckled. "I should have known. Sure, I'll be glad to have you as company then. I'd like to get to know the city as much as possible." 

"Hm." Ais nodded again, satisfied.

"Hey." Tiona playfully pulled on one arm as she looked at the other girl. "I get to have him first Ais, remember. He asked me first."

"You're only interested in books and libraries." Ais said in her usual flat voice as she pulled on the other arm. "He'll become bored and hungry around you."

"And you're only seeking to have spars with him with little breaks in between, stuffing your face with oily croquettes. It's all just training to you." Tiona countered. "WE are looking into potential...'arrangements' between the two of us which are important. Besides, what's so bad about books?" She looked up at Steve. "You like books right?"

"I do actually." Steve said as Tiona fist-pumped while giving Ais a triumphant look. "But I do like spars and snacks though." Steve looked up as his English blood kicked in. "Such a blessing potatoes are. So versatile. Croquettes, chips, mash, jackets, hashbrowns...the irony is that they're poisonous when consumed raw."

"See?" Ais said as she pulled herder on one arm. "There's nothing wrong with training and growing strong together either."

"But you've got it all mixed up Ais!" Tiona pouted as she pulled harder on the other arm. "What else could be expected from a doll like you! It's a date! Where feelings are being explored."

"I know." Ais said. "But I want to see how strong he is as well."

"Ladies, I said I would not choose between you two did I not?" Steve said as he pulled his arms away and walked ahead of them. "Romantic interests or not, I'm not going to be in the middle of a feud. So either you don't show me around at all, or you sort between yourselves who goes first. I'm not a puppy." He paused as he looked over his shoulder. "Of course there is also the compromise of both of you doing it together since really I just want a tour of the city. But I'm not so sure that's a possibility." He turned ahead and kept walking, leaving the two girls to figure it out between them.

A lot of men whistled at what had just transpired though, and their respect for him doubled at his implicity. While some of the girls deflated as they now believed Steve was ensnared by two of the top girls in the Familia. And then of course there were those who were looking at him like he was scum of the earth, namely a certain gold-yellow haired elf who had been saved from being skewered by the same boy just minutes earlier.

Women will almost always just assume the worst because of gender reasons. And don't get triggered ladies because it's not sexist to say that women are very much capable of being VERY sexist and presumptive. It's a habit that ends a lot marriages on unclear grounds...and makes a lot of blokes take a turn.


A slight rumbling was heard of the procession and the adventurers saw several heads pop out of the ground and the walls near the entrance to the next floor. Immediately the monsters jumped out and began running towards them. Because they had to run along one of the many spiralling, suspended pathways, they were running in pretty much single file or two file lines.

"Here they come!" Gareth said as he lifted his shield and beckoned his dwarves forwards with their own. This was usually where the tank line came in because it was too narrow a path to fight as freely. "Get ready! A monster horde!"

"Wait Gareth. I've got this!" Steve said as he took his axe out of his hotbar and raised it above his head.

"What are you doing?" Riveria asked.

"Making it easier for you and so we don't get bulldozed." Steve said as he took aim. When he finally found the correct angel by which all the monsters aligned, he threw thew axe with a swing so strong, his arm created a heaving gust of wind that blew up the twins' pareos. 

The 9 tonne axe spun in the air as it flew, decapitating and bisecting monsters left, right and centre as showers of blood spurted everywhere and heads went rolling. Steve found it reminiscent of Thorkell's axe throw but much more powerful and much more devastating. The best thing was the axe had {Mending} on it, so it regenerated the damage it took everytime it killed a monster. The axe cut through the last monster and sank deep into one of the wooden walls with a 'Thunk!'

What monsters were left were the one fortunate to not be in the axe's way or were too short for it to reach them.

"And there you have just a few scragglers." Steve said. "It'll be much easier now."

"I really can't help but think it was a good idea inviting you along Steve." Finn said. "We've been flying through these floors with you at front. We might even be able to take out Amphisbaena by the time the day's out."

"You know." Steve shrugged as Gareth and his team who had pressed forward by this point dealt with the remainders. "Just an ordinary day in the life of an adventurer."

"Yet you are anything but ordinary." Tiona said as both she and Ais gazed at what the axe had done. The sheer strength needed to throw something that heavy, at speeds that fast, killing that many monsters with no hint of resistance whatsoever...

...it spurred them to argue more over who would be giving him the city tour.

When all was said and done and Steve had wrenched the axe out of the wall, the expeditionary group proceeded to climb down the gaping pit of the water temple. 


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