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it's a good story so far but you are really full of yourself thinking it's so good that chapter 16 is where you should start privileges. there are many books just as good or better that doesn't start privileges until at least chapter 40. you need to stop being so greedy if you want to actually draw in ppl. sorry if that sounds brutal or mean but I'm just being honest with you being too greedy won't get you anywhere.
this has been a great book. very well written love the story line and the mc can't wait for more chapters. hopefully they will come soon the anticipation is killing me
I believe having a little romance wouldn't be a bad thing. just no harem or playboy action. I have truly been enjoying the book
has been an amazing book. can't wait to read more
first time reading a book like this I love how you mixed in fantasy with reality so smoothly.
It's great to have a book that is a bit of an all arounder. it's not just action, romance, or comedy, but a mix of all three. I was very sad when I ran out of book to read. I really hope to see more of this book in the future.
The overall quality of the book was great. I love how the MC gains abilities easily enough, but still has to work to improve himself. the storyline keeps me interested enough that I had to read all of the available chapters and wish I could continue reading still.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
please continue it is a great story
This has been a great book so far. I can't seem to put it down. I still have a ways to go since i am only a Third of the way thru so far, but if the future chapters are anything like what I've read so far Then I don't see myself walking away from it anytime soon. Honesty I believe this book would make a great tv series as well. Every time I read it I get so immersed in the book i almost feel like I'm watching it or right there with them. keep up the great work.