

2021-05-24 JointGlobal

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  • Rayyer
    Rayyer8 hours ago

    the world, the character and the development of the story is pretty generic predictability so as the sties just dives throw events that should have had no only more build up to but also more development has this makes everything shallow and rushed as if the story is just trying to meet check boxes character including the mc are also boring and unremarkable

  • Rayyer
    Rayyer3 days ago

    this story has a yapping problem they Conaway keep dragging events for lon hen I needs to overstating there welcome the writer paywal the story when we barley introduced to the world for e.g we don't know the wat the power system is and how u works, there little character identify of the mc

  • Rayyer
    Rayyer5 days ago

    I can see that there potential bu the author just rushes throw thing Makin It impossible to get attached to character only at a surface leave. dialogue is boring and uninteresting. the author doesn't know how to create natural flowin conflict and events as they just forced into the story etc the masters identify and the hes end and back story , the isikai shi way is I there, there's alot of tell no showing in this story

  • Rayyer
    Rayyer16 days ago

    this just like every other brain rot content same generic mc,plot,character etc to fit all the self insert wish fulfillment fantasy here

  • Rayyer
    Rayyer21 days ago

    this story is pretty generic moden fantasy how the story develops is so rushed that there is no room for things to breath and every chp is an info dump and become of this the character are barley develop and fi in to a troupe rather then flushed out character especially the mc te author focus on trying to justify the edgy nature of the mc this ruins the story as we the reader bearly spend time to get attached to him or other so and reaction the story makes is surface level and not deep. and on another not the edgyness of the mc makes him and interactions with him boring and predictable further destroy and natural progress development for the mc and other characters

  • Rayyer
    Rayyera month ago

    thy just keep saying shit like were supposed to know wat it is. this story doesn't understand scope and the how to properly implement the things mentioned in the story and implement it to the world. this is a generic edge self-incert story

  • Rayyer
    Rayyera month ago

    the quality of the writing and potential world building is very good the problem is with 2 things most side character are not developed enough and the Racist story building of characters other then white in this book as the all or most Black/ colored characters are either submissive/barbaric slaves/crimes and whorse and th whites in this story are powerful and justice despite all that they do

  • Rayyer
    Rayyer2 months ago

    the characters for a while are dull and one no for the mos par especially the mc but I started getting good until it just drop at in evolve into a shit solo leveling clone like most systems novels with the shop, God sealed within and the undead arm.

  • Rayyer
    Rayyer2 months ago

    nah fam this is one of the most boring story I have ever read for like 15chp all the story does is just hand down power un earn to the mc. there no development of the mc so u don't give fuck about them and is the lazies power fantasy i have read they pa lock the stor at chp22 when there has been Luke zero development of te story and mc for u to even give a damn