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For a demigod she's kinda dumb.... does she really think he's gonna actually let her out? She should've tried to cut a deal...
Er, aren’t you the barbarians of you’re less developed then others?
Oh man he is such a bastard.... and I absolutely love it
Now that is impossible... Hecate had the aid of a divine artifact from Laine and I think Laine stole part of his authority when he "created" nectar
Where'd you even get this info?
They never think how much effort they have to put behind to get where they are LOL.
Actually a good way to use it is to stall for time like bringing in a team member and trying to come up with an escape plan or merely using it as a way to hide
Take a hiatus once you're done with the plotline! You've produced an excellent story and I think you should have some time off lol. At least don't push yourself too much
I think the worst part is that it pretends to be an American character when they really aren't. If he had both Italian and Chinese that'd be ok since he was raised by two different cultures, but this novel clearly does not do that at all.
He could put a treasure on them right before they disappear or he might be so strong at that point that distance and time doesn’t matter and he’ll get there b 4 anything happens