


Well I like to read and write. That’s about all…

2021-02-16 JointGlobal



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  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    … paralysis

    Ch 18 Chapter 18: Castelia Gym (Part 2)
    Pokemon: Reborn As A Dragon Tamer
    Anime et bandes dessinées · ArifuretaForever
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie
    This chapter is just for word count i will delete this chapter when there will be enough chapters, so please ignore this chapter, there is nothing in this chapter.
    The Modern Soul as Gregor Cleane (GOT) (ASOFAI)
    Livres et littérature · Game_of_thrones
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    A really good story, good character development, most semi major characters have it at least a little and it helps make them feel more realistic, with how no one is perfect and how most major antagonists aren’t just one dimensional bad guys. Most of them are smart, which can challenge the mc through a battle of wits, and some seemingly one dimensional antagonist can actually make you feel some sympathy for them. The mc is pretty intelligent and cautious, using his knowledge of the game and his class to make plans, and usually always has a plan. He isn’t op from the start, but he quickly grows stronger. Also the beginning few chapters make you sympathize with him and understand his motives better. The world of this novel is a mixture of multiple genres sci-fi, fantasy, apocalypse, etc. This gives it a separate identity from most novels. Also the world in this novel is pretty dark and realistic considering what happened to the world. All in all, it’s a pretty good novel and the only thing I can say I don’t like much is how long some fights take, I mean one of those fights lasted like 20+ chapters , I mean it’s ok and not all fights are like that, but it can really just slow down the pacing.

    Super Necromancer System
    Fantaisie · John_Doever
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Mc may not be harmed by the magic he introduced, but he pretty much gave everyone in the north a gun, and he is trusting them not to go around shooting their guns at innocent people. Sure most people wouldn’t shoot the innocent, but a couple people may get drunk on power and start shooting willy nilly, sure he won’t be harmed, but everyone else is free game. Obviously he didn’t give them guns, but it’s probably worst, considering how powerful magic really is.

    " No, I will teach it to all who want to learn. I plan on having a system similar to those of the Maester. One court mage for each lord of the north. They could help so much, healing magic would make death by childbirth vanish. The mages would be able to make the farmlands more prosperous and the winter more bearable. They could help to defend the realm of men of what is beyond the wall. It would also strengthen the north to a level never seen before. 20 expert mages or less could bring down a Valyrian dragon easily while defending the troops from its flames." Ragnar said; he had already convinced Rickard on "healing magic." the rest just made the idea better in Rickard's mind.
    Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin
    TV · Caio_Bernardo
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Makes sense considering he most likely completed most quests, which means he has helped people before with little reward in return, but to be honest it matters how you play Skyrim, one person may actually care about their actions, another person/ everyone (at one point in time) murders entire cities without remorse, so it matters how the mc played Skyrim before this.

    Ragnar would like to think of himself as righteous, everything he did till today was for the good of someone or the realm ( even before he became Ragnar) and he liked it. So when he heard the sound of fight and saw a group of 10 wildling men surrounding a single man and his wife he didn't think twice before he decided to help.
    Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin
    TV · Caio_Bernardo
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie
    Chapter 056 – Eggs
    The Phoenix - A GOT Fan-Fiction
    TV · GodOfFreedom
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Couldn’t find the right one.

    Within that chest, one black with ripples of scarlet, another pale cream laced with gold, the third green flecked with bronze, sat three dragon eggs.
    Game Of Thrones: The Dragon Targaryen
    TV · Joker_HAHA_199
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Awe yes the wildly famous bird black bolt.

    Black Canary, Black Bolt, and Raven, the Birds of Justice.
    Anime et bandes dessinées · CORNBRINGER
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    First… somehow no one had commented in the past year.

    Ch 156 Chapter 156: Edward's children
    Game Of Thrones: Baratheon The Schemer
    TV · GNaNA
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Glad we got a real chapter

    Ch 52 CHAPTER 48
    Anime et bandes dessinées · CORNBRINGER
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Force healing, a covenant plot device in the movies and this book (most likely if he was taught how to)

    Aegon had been impressed when Stannis told them to go to Hell. That this girl was his daughter. His blood. He would not forsake his only child. Boy or girl. So the man had called on every Maester from the Seven Kingdom and every apothecary through them all to wage this war against the vile disease. In the end, the girl had been cured, but was left with a noticeable scar on her face. A victory for Stannis in keeping his daughter alive, but a costly one given the scar. No man would marry his girl when she became a woman one day without being given a heavy incentive. Still, Aegon felt he could turn Stannis to his cause if something that would heal his daughter fully could be presented to the man.
    Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens
    TV · Yellow_Lantern_
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Doesn’t he already have that.

    When Will heard that, he felt like it was an interesting opportunity for him, especially because he would finally have a studio in Hollywood that he would be able to rely on. The other Big 6 were just after profits.
    My Hollywood System
    Films · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    ??? Why would she even want to do that? I mean I understand she wants to get out of Wills shadow, but she has no experience in running a studio, the studio can conflict with Wills, the studio will make them even more separated with June now having to act and run a studio at the same time, and it’s probably going to be funded by Will, at least for the start, defeating the whole reason she made the studio, to not need Wills help any more.

    Ch 188 MHS - Chapter 186
    My Hollywood System
    Films · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    … really, and the system couldn’t do this before? It seems like one of the most important things a system can give its users.

    [A new part has been added to the System shop. You can now buy various types of Martial arts and self-defense skills from the system.]
    My Hollywood System
    Films · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Go away system, no one likes you.

    [The system's neglect of the host's self-defense is deeply regretted.]
    My Hollywood System
    Films · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Mc is a idiot, just run away and not talk with the suicidal man, like he had a couple seconds to run.

    Ch 17 Chapter 0017. Zultan
    MONSTER MMORPG: Mayhem Online
    Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    This seems, you know illegal, I don’t think companies should be allowed to get away with torture, as even though it’s in vr the players would still feel everything happen to them, and give them ptsd, as shown with the mc here.

    And Zultan was level 126 back then. It was very unexpected. Instead of killing me straight out, he took out my nails, pulled out my hair, snatched out my teeth, and laughed like a maniac while doing all that. He ensured that I didn't die from these injuries and just suffered pain.
    MONSTER MMORPG: Mayhem Online
    Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    This would actually be funny if this whole interaction wasn’t so forced.

    "I don't think so! My mom was allergic to peanuts!"
    MONSTER MMORPG: Mayhem Online
    Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    Well here’s a simple solution to this fight, it’s called using yours skill points, he has hundreds of them and can use them any time he wants. Like at this point you should just suspect the mc of a game novel to save up their skill points ’just in case I need to use them in a pinch’ well you idiot you wouldn’t need to use them in the first place to get out of a pinch if you already used them to strengthen yourself. Oh, but what if he needs a lot of strength at the moment but he doesn’t have any skill points to use, well to answer that if he did have those state points to spend on strength then the mc would have a unbalanced character with to much of one stat. So, all in all I don’t understand why all mc’s in game novels save up their skill points, as they wouldn’t need to use them if they were already used before a battle occurs, and if needed it would create a unbalanced character who is a one trick pony.

    Ch 9 Chapter 0009. Weird Old Man
    MONSTER MMORPG: Mayhem Online
    Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques · DreamThree
  • TeddyBear_With_Tie

    My question is why the author even made this arc, it pretty much just shows us that Will is a bad planner… so this arc was just useless filler so the author can work on his other novels.

    Ch 183 MHS - Chapter 181
    My Hollywood System
    Films · DreamThree