

2021-01-27 JointGlobal

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  • dragonslayernjd

    i mean this novel has potential but currently it is not good. first off, the start of the book is just so slow paced that it is painful, each chapter equates to 1 day in the world that our lovely MC is in. that means with the 600 chapters that this book currently has, that would be 600 days following our current rule which is a little under 2 years. 2 years is an insanely little amount of time that passes in 600 chapters. one thing i quite like though is the way the book is wrote, the characters are well written and the MC is realistic. i dropped this book at about chapter 40, i could not handle it anymore since it seemed as if the book was going no where and was not making any progress. i do not recommend reading this book if you cannot handle a very very slow paced novel, but if you do then you might enjoy this novel as the characters are well written and the story is actually creative.

    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantaisie · MasterHexer
  • dragonslayernjd

    book is good, it could be wayyy better if the author fleshed out the world more and instead of a fast paced story, changed it to a slow paced story. story has a lot of potential

    Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
    Romance · MattHarris
  • dragonslayernjd

    good book, my rating is only so low cause i rated the stability of updates 1 star. the reason being that the updates are so inconsistent and slow, btw if the author mentioned something that was making him be slow on the updates in the latest chapter, then sorry cause i havent read the latest chapters as i am trying to wait a little so i can binge it

    Fantaisie · the_fallen
  • dragonslayernjd
    Répondu à dragonslayernjd

    Well the grammar errors are just common mistakes, as I said they aren't big enough mistakes where the reader is confused what the sentence even means. But the mistakes are still pretty annoying to read through. I'll continue reading the novel as you have said chapter 80-150 could be an entirely different volume, and I will write a review again once I finish. Thank you for your time.

    Divine Path System
    Fantaisie · _Transcendent
  • dragonslayernjd

    Honestly, even though the rating I gave this book seems quite low I still enjoyed reading up to chapter 80, but I stopped reading immediately when I knew this story was going nowhere. The writing quality in this webnovel is not good at all, every single sentence has at least 1 grammatical error. And while these errors are not big enough to make it hard to understand what's happening, they are just annoying and kind of give me the message that the author doesn't care enough to fix them. The story development is fine, the story is a bit slow paced as 1 week in the novel is about 8-10 chapters, but the action coupled with the fast progression Varian has makes the novel seem fast paced which is perfect for me. Character design is fine, each character has their own personality and their own unique goals. The world background for this book is okay at best. Many times while I was reading I was confused at what was happening, who the story was talking about in main action events, and where everything took place. Sometimes it feels as though the author skips some details that can help the whole story be easier to understand. Now don't get me wrong, the novel was enjoyable for however many hours I was reading it for. But I simply saw the novel was going nowhere and I gave up reading it. For example the Academy Arc is 120 chapters long. That is just an insanely absurd amount of chapters dedicated to an academy arc. And I have multiple suggestions for the author, instead of dragging out the academy arc, you could've cut it down to 15-20 chapters. Set up Varian to be out in a mission, and while he is gone the academy gets thrashed by the abyssals and the high ranking traitor. This would open up so many more opportunities for the novel to go into, for example it could help eliminate the rinse and repeat style this novel uses. It could also work wonders in the world background and the story development, as through this event of Varian's whole life turning around because of the academy being attacked and ultimately destroyed, Varian could be thrown in an entirely different situation or environment. For example, maybe after the attack on the academy Varian would seek hiding in another planet and have to adapt in that environment. Or Varian could get captured into one of the Abysses and is forced to survive in the enemy territory. There are so many different options that could make this story way more enjoyable then just dragging out the academy arc which simply just gets boring after awhile. I know this review was very long, but thank you nonetheless for reading the entire thing.

    Divine Path System
    Fantaisie · _Transcendent
  • dragonslayernjd

    honestly this book is a great read, but jesus the chapter updates is so bad. for example, the last chapter was uploaded 25 days ago. if the author started posting chapters more frequently, then this book would actually be a really good read.

    The Retribution of a Cursed Swordsman
    Fantaisie · Zero_Things
  • dragonslayernjd

    Now I don't have a lot of time on my hands to write this review, so I will only go over the characters and their personalities in this review. I am on chapter 20 so far, and let me tell you the author really does know what he is doing when he is writing these characters. The main character (Jin) perfectly represents a boy that is still naïve even after he has gone through many hardships like his parents passing and him getting stabbed in the back by the goblin kid while Jin was helping him. Another great example of this is when Jin's grandmother is trying to get a psychologist for Jin, this is when Jin lashes out at her and says something along the lines of "I changed because I realized how this world is." (That isn't exactly what he said, but it's as close to what he said as I can remember) Yet in the next 5 chapters it shows us that he hasn't really grown from the traumatic experiences he went through, even after he thinks he has overcome the naivety of the world, he still decides to hop into the portal with Flint and the two girls. This one portal scene really does represent how most people are todays, falling into peer pressure and not thinking about the consequences of their actions. Jin knows that he might get stabbed in the back by his newly acquired friends just like he did with the goblin kid, yet right when Flint and the two girls start to attack his pride calling him scared, Jin doesn't care about the consequences anymore and hops into the portal. Honestly I didn't have much time to revise this review, so if nothing made sense in it I apologize. But basically my review sums up to the characters in this story being very well written and very realistic.

    Loki’s Successor System
    Fantaisie · SkyStrider
  • dragonslayernjd

    Don't know whether the people that wrote reviews on this novel have very low standards, or if they have never read an actual good book. Writing Quality The writing quality in this book is terrible. So many gramatical errors that it actually confuses me how the author didn't find anything wrong with it when he proofread it (hopefully he did). The writing quality makes it seem like the author doesn't care enough to actually fix them. Stability of Updates No problems here. Story development I mean, the story development in this novel is pretty good. I like the pacing of the story and that it is not too fast paced nor too slow. Character Design I don't have any complaints with this section either, I think the characters are well written and have their own personalites and goals. World backround Nothing special in this category, the world isn't described well, it's the epitomy of "average". Some advice for the author in this category, try to describe the mc's surroundings more. It just feels like you couldn't care less about giving us a world that we can imagine. Conclusion Below average. Those two words sums up everything I think of this novel. Don't get me wrong, I am not intending on bashing the author, but c'mon dude, you could atleast make it seem like you care about your work. There's so many grammatical errors where it seems like it was written by a fifth grader. I don't get how there are so many 5 star reviews on this novel, this is nowhere near perfect, very far from it actually. But whatever floats your boat I guess.

    White Blaze
    Fantaisie · Copper_mask
  • dragonslayernjd

    i like the book so far (chapter 17) but the one thing that will actually make me drop this book is if he becomes a musician. nothing wrong with being a musician, the job just seems boring and lame for a book to be written about it

    Throne of Magical Arcana
    Fantaisie · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • dragonslayernjd

    Honestly I don't know why so many people have perfect 5 star reviews for this book, because in my eyes this book is far from perfect. Writing Quality I gave writing quality 2 stars for the amount of grammar mistakes and because the way the story is wrote has no flow. Usually in good stories you can find yourself immersed and actually imagining yourself in the situation, but in this book it just feels like I am reading the words without any purpose and without imagining anything. The way the story is written just feels choppy, and just lazily put together by someone that doesn't have a lot of time on his hands. I recommend getting a proof reader to revise your work. Story development Story development is actually pretty good in this story, that's why I gave it a 4 star. Some things you need to fix though is how fast paced the whole thing is and you have to kind of buildup the story more before you get to the main plot. Character Design This is my least favorite aspect of this book other than the writing quality because of how illogical some people think in this book. For example, on chapter 1 the Dean get's a admission letter from another school that he has never heard of, and doesn't even know the location of. And the funniest thing yet is that the Dean actually thinks that the MC going to an unknown school in the middle of nowhere is a good idea. It's almost like the dean is setting the MC up for failure, or just hates him. Think about it, if you were the dean of a school and some random person just shows up in front of you and hands you a admission letter for one of your students, from a school that you don't even know of, would you let your student go there? The answer is no, any logical person would not let their brightest student go to a mysterious unknown academy/school. The character design actually makes me cringe sometimes because of how bad it is, because it makes everyone in the book seem like an illogical idiot. World Background Like I said in story development, there needs to be more buildup instead of just cutting to the chase like how this book does. You need to buildup the story while giving details on the world around the MC to actually let your reader be immersed in what he/she is reading. But in this story it seems like I am reading words, but not connecting the words to form an image inside my head. Conclusion Now, despite all I have said in this review on how not good this novel is, I am definitely not bashing the author or deliberately trying to bring down the author for his work. I actually respect the author for taking a chance and going down the journey of writing stories, and that is the reason I am giving you criticism so you can someday maybe become a great author and appeal to many other readers. I hope you, the author, the best in the future.

    Sky Chasers: Scale of Judgment
    Fantaisie · PaleTwilight
  • dragonslayernjd

    i really like this book so far, but question for the author, will there be any romance? im only chapter 3 currently (i know im not very far in) but i just wanted to know if there was going to be a female lead since the MC clearly states that he does not care for romance, he just cares about getting stronger. i wanted to know if that changes in the future

    Mystic Age
    Fantaisie · KenceRussel
  • dragonslayernjd
    Répondu à LuoYeYouLing

    eh its fine lol, anyways i reached the elimnation part and it actually isnt as bad as i thought it was going to be lol

    The Demon King's Cowardly Vessel
    Fantaisie · LuoYeYouLing
  • dragonslayernjd
    Répondu à dragonslayernjd

    Ya I was mainly thinking short term wise, but now that I put everything together it kinda makes more sense to feed it to his beast

    God´s Eyes
    Urbain · HideousGrain
  • dragonslayernjd
    Répondu à The_Celestial_King

    ya i like that writing style in some stories, but in other stories, in my opinion, it just doesnt fit. like sometimes its just confusing and your always wondering when you going to get back to the mc's perspective, thats what i felt like when i was reading this story, i was always thinking "when is the mc going to make any progress?" or "when in this pov done so i can go back to the mc's perspective?" to me the other pov's just werent that entertaining, but thats just my opinion.

    God Of Immortals
    Oriental · Primate
  • dragonslayernjd
    Répondu à Primate

    ya i mightve worded my review in a way that it could be misinterpreted, i indeed only like a single pov, my bad for the confusion

    God Of Immortals
    Oriental · Primate
  • dragonslayernjd

    pretty good story, just not my type of story. i dont like the writing style of it, the writing style the author uses makes it seem like everyone in the story is the main character, because at least every 1 or 2 chapters it follows a different person, like ju fengs mom, or the titan lord. i prefer the story focus on the main character, in this case it would be ju feng, and not focus on the side characters as much. but thats just my preference

    God Of Immortals
    Oriental · Primate
  • dragonslayernjd

    Great novel, but not for me. I was kind of expecting a magic academy and such, not a kingdom building or soldier recruiting novel. But nonetheless this novel is very good. For anyone that likes a cunning, intelligent, and a villain MC, then this book is for you. If you expect this book to have a magic academy or something of the sorts, don't read it as you will only be disappointed. Even though I dropped this novel at chapter 70, most people will find this to their liking.

    Darius Supreme
    Fantaisie · Kotario
  • dragonslayernjd

    Too be honest, this book just wasn't for me, but that won't stop me from admitting that this book truly is an amazing novel. The writing quality shows how much effort the author put into this. Updates are frequent, story development is quite good with only a few mistakes, character design is very good because each and every character has a certain mindset and goal, and finally world background is amazing as well. The only thing that made me know that this book wasn't for me, was that it gives me Harry Potter vibes with the wands and the magic sport. I also am quite sad that the magus' cannot show their magic to mortals, and are very secretive. This was the reason why I dropped this novel, but most of you will probably find this book to your liking, so try it out

    Tales of the Legendary Magus
    Fantaisie · Belg4r
  • dragonslayernjd

    Honestly I can't understand all these translation slandering reviews. The translation for this novel isn't even as bad as some chinese novels. Either yall have way too high standards on translation, or you have the reading capability of a 5 year old. But even if the translation quality is decent, doesn't mean I liked the book, I dropped the book fifth chapter.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • dragonslayernjd

    This story really has provided me with a couple of hours of comfort, but alas, everything good comes to an end. I have read up to where I dropped this novel (chapter 150), and I can confidently say that this book is pretty decent. The book has pros and cons, and I will begin to discuss those as of now. Writing Quality: 4/5 The writing quality in this story, for the most part, is really good with only a few minor grammar mistakes every chapter. Of course, I gave it a 4/5 because of those few grammar mistakes, but of course the writing quality is easily read and those grammar mistakes are so small that you usually can just gloss over them without even noticing it. Stability of Updates: 4/5 Don't have much to say about this one other than the author usually uploads chapters quite frequently. Story Development: 3/5 The story development in this novel is surprisingly good the first 100 chapters, but it kind of takes a turn for the worse after that. Let me explain, in the earlier chapters the pacing is quite good, not too fast and not too slow. But the deeper you dive into the story, the more confusing stuff gets, and the story development kind of plummets. I cannot provide any examples unfortunately due to the fact that I would have to put a spoiler tag on it, and I would rather not do so as to attract a bigger audience to read my review. Character Design: 4/5 The characters in this story are well thought out, they each have their own personalities, their own goals, and each and every character has something unique to them that makes them more likeable, or unlikeable depending on which the story wants you to think them as. For example, some characters are arrogant young masters meant to make you dislike them, while the friends of Daniel are more intricate and more detailed, to make them more likeable as a person. World Background: 5/5 The main thing this story is good for (in my opinion) is the world background and the amount of detail the author manages to squeeze into a page. I don't have much else to say for world background because all I can say about it is that it lets you be able to picture what the author is writing. Conclusion/Overall: 4/5 stars Obviously this book is a must try, it will most likely appeal to most of the people that read this book at first, but the deeper the story gets, the more people that dropped this book are going to be found. Thank you to the author for giving me the chance to write this review, and I hope you continue to improve in the art of writing.

    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantaisie · SometimesITalk