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A bih shame you dropped this. It was a very fun novel. I feel you could have done 20 more chapters and completed the story. I hope you will write more novels in the future, well done 👍💯😎
One piece arc was quite interesting and entertaining. But Naruto arc is rubbish, quite Unessary. In the second arc, 79 chapters are basically short inner monologues of characters or just retelling the original plot, very boring and a waste of time. Quite a shame, season 1 great👍👏😊 Season 2 (Naruto) 💩💩💩 -no offense author San, just a friendly review to help you become better. Ps. Delete Naruto arc and you can still make this novel amazing 🤩
Madara's mangekyo ability is Limbo, it is not a simple switching position with his clone...
the thing I don't like the most about this novel is: 90% of every chapter is about the description. When MC See's someone, next you have a long dialogue about that person(history and canon story). the same happens when he thinks about his abilities ( next you have to read the whole history from original story about those abilities) honestly it has become kinda ridiculous, there is so little interaction and so little change to the original story. the more I read (I'm at chapter 80) the more bland and boring the story becomes. now I just ho through the chapter's very quickly since nothing interesting happens. I Honestly can't reccomend this story, sorry author San.
this overpowered seal is killing the story. .. it went form interesting to easy mode - bot in wish Fuflliment. I want this ability, let me just touch a person and I can get all their best abilities and potential. . I mean, the seal is ridiculous and not in a good way👿👎
this sounds interesting enough. I always wondered how far can the character with the most potential go if he got serious🤔 I just hope it won't be a harem, it always destroys good stories. .. .
Make a blog, you can find a YouTube video on how to do it, it's not difficult
Well, that's pretty fucked...
Rifan should have sent Hancock back to her ship and only heal her two sisters. That would have been the best punishment for her arrogance. I just can't imagine someone so powerful forgiving such an insult.... Shame the author couldn't resist his list and made Rifan a wimp in this chapter. 🥺
😅 what can I say, strange surname is forgotten quickly 🥸