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shouldn't it be four ?, because he is faster than the strongest enhanced system holder who said she has 4 digits in agility
no because it says he gets a free stat point. It never states he has to use them instantly.
can't he just continually drink o type blood, so once he levels up he can instantly had it?
its is a great noval which talks about conquering the system that is in place. Unlike other novals where the protagonist is weak then suddenly becomes strong due to a system. In this noval he is already on top of the world. If you can't even succeed in our world how can you succeed in another.
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yes monsters
it has a great premise but the characters are all kinda plane. the world is great but it's still missing something. Just needs more detail......
it's kinda interesting, but their is not enough chapters so far to tell what the story is gonna be about. So I hope the author starts adding