

2020-08-03 JointPakistan



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  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à Daoist9OGNb0

    Thats so very thoughtful of you, I say you go for it and remember to keep cherishing your loved ones always and forever ❤️

    The day dragged on until finally, it was lunch break, maybe the day was too slow or maybe it was just Alex and Ash, both of whom were waiting for school to be over already. They had planned to get the tattoo after school and then have dinner over at Asher's place since according to him it was a very draining act and there was no way he would let her go that tired. Alex had already told her brother to tell their parents that she was staying over at a friend's. It didn't take much persuasion just some death threats and something like "If you don't do this for me I'm gonna rip your throat out.... with my teeth." That line alone was enough and Adrian was sold. I swear both Alex and Ash thanked Selene when the day was finally over, they quickly rushed into the parking lot all ready to go when Alex suddenly stopped and Ash for like the billionth time ever was confused as heck. "Why did you stop?" he asked and Alexandria crossed her arms before answering him saying "This time we take my baby!" while referencing to her car. Asher decided to listen to her and went to the driving seat where he was again stopped. "I'm driving!" Alexandria said smirking arrogantly and Asher looked at her as if she had grown six heads. "But you don't even know the address!" he argued and Alex shrugged and said "Well it's a good thing that you do." and sat down on the driver's seat. The look on Asher's face was totally priceless and he sat on the passenger seat sulking like a child. Alexandria smirked once more and put on her shades before starting up her car. The engine roared to life and Alexandria asked the sulking child next to her "Where to?" He grumbled something in response which Alexandria couldn't decipher at all because she wasn't some decoder or shit. She asked him nicely once more and again was met with more grumbling, fed up she took him by the neck and slammed his head on the dashboard. "OWW! why the hell did you do that?" he groaned rubbing his forehead, "You know why I did that anyways stop acting like a baby, you'll heal and tell me the address." He looked at her with a defeated expression and said: "1924 Boulder Street, Beacon Hills, California, it's mostly ruined but I know the owner and he sometimes does my tattoos for me." Alex was shocked because they were going into the human realm and two mates in the human realm was a recipe for disaster. "We're going to the human realm?" Alexandria shrieked while driving, it was impressive how she still had control of her vehicle. Asher was surprised by this sudden outburst but he chose not to show it, instead, he calmly explained to his darling mate that there were werewolves living there as well mostly, the ones that weren't fully evolved. Surely Alexandria must have turned her car back right? Well no, she understood everything, took a deep breath and continued driving until they entered into the human side of California, not even an hour later they came up to the outskirts of a small town that was known to attract the supernatural "Beacon Hills" There stood a house or rather what was left of it, Asher quickly dismounted the car and ran towards Alex's door to help her out, not gonna lie she was hesitant at first but seeing Ash's encouraging eyes she took his hand and stepped out of the car. Both of them made their way to the front of the ruins and came to halt. "HEY DEREK, YOU HOME!" Asher yelled which caused Alexandria to flinch and look at him funny, but at that moment he disregarded her and she didn't seem to mind. Soon a guy looking like he was in his mid-twenties, made his way out the door, it would be a crime to say he was unattractive because he was extremely handsome but nothing that fazed Alexandria because to her the most handsome man alive was standing right next to her. Anyways back to the point, the man or Derek as Asher had said wore a solemn expression but it stretched into the tiniest of smiles when he saw Asher, they did the "bro hug" before Asher actually introduced h/im to Alexandria, he was surprisingly quite nice and invited them inside his "house" He wasted no time and got straight to business which Alex liked because there was no need to do elsewise. "So, it's your first tattoo eh? I'm going to give you a warning it hurts like shit." He said addressing Alexandria, to which she replied: "Ehhh, nothing I can't handle." Derek raised his eyebrows before nodding and going to the back of the house and returning with a flame thrower, this caught Alexandria off guard and she widened her eyes. Derek motioned her to come sit at the couch nearest to him. "Just a warning though, you might wanna tie me down because Luna gets a little squeamish," Alex said shrugging, Derek looked reasonably confused before finally catching own that fully evolved wolves have their own personality, he motioned Asher to grab her and before indulging himself into tattooing on her he asked "Where do you want it and what do you want " Alexandria looked at Asher and smiled before answering Derek by saying "I would like to get the words "Forever and always." Derek nodded and went straight to work without a warning of any sorts and Alex was right because her eyes started to glow dangerously red as soon as the fire touched her skin, Luna was fighting for control, she wanted and she wanted it bad, only the Lord knew how Asher had managed to keep her down, maybe it was Demetri's (Asher's wolf) doings or maybe he was just this strong. After about half an hour the tattoo was complete and Alexandria had passed out due to the constant struggle to gain control. Asher had laid her down on a larger couch so she could rest while he had his own tattoo done. "And what do you want?" Derek asked him and he smiled softly before answering "I want the sentence always and forever on my upper arm." Derek actually smiled when he heard his request guess the sour wolf wasn't as sour now was he? Anyways he did as he was requested and honestly it wasn't surprising at all to see how Asher didn't flinch an inch or even had to fight for control guess him and Demetri were used to it. Anyways by the time our sleeping beauty woke up Ash was already done, she looked at his arm and smiled dreamily before getting up and ready to leave. Both of them thanked Derek who told them that they were welcome to drop by his new loft anytime they liked but for now they had to return to the realm and it was a long ride home. This time Alex had actually let Ash drive because she was far too tired to drive herself. "Damn getting a tattoo is exhausting!" she yawned which made Ash chuckle and say "You'll get used to it, anyways next stop Agreste Mansion for some nice dinner." Alexandria looked at him and smiled dinner with Ash sounded just perfect.
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à NotYourMate

    Hi there great observation skills. I like to think that Asher got the sleeve after their shirtless encounter but if you like i could edit it to whatever is easier for you. So give me more input please and thank you for reading. Lots of love ❤️ ❤️❤️

    It was lunchtime and the group were sitting on their usual spot, having lunch with Alexandria absent-mindedly twirling her hair, Valerie eating her food and Asher and Adrian talking about sports or as Alex would like to say "Typical boy stuff". It must have been hot in the cafe because soon both the boys had rolled their sleeves up and had begun to fan themselves whereas the girls had tied up their hair and taken off their jackets. Something colourful on Asher's forearm caught Alexandria's attention and upon further inspection, she had concluded that he had tattoos. "Ash, do you have tattoos?" Alex asked quietly, her social anxiety knew better than making a commotion. "Why yes my darling I indeed do, in fact, I have a whole sleeve of tattoos," he answered quite cockily but soon dropped the act when he saw his mate's unamused expression. He fancied her a lot but god that woman intimidated him, yes he liked her but he was scared as shit when she would give him what he calls "The look". Through her eyes, she signalled him to meet her after lunch and fear took over him. He gulped and nodded and tried to carry on with his lunch again keyword "tried". Basically, the whole time he was awaiting his impending doom, such a drama queen am I right?. The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, all the students went to their lockers to prep for their next class but Asher and Alex didn't move a muscle "Hey, you guys coming or..." Adrian asked but quickly understood when he saw his sister's face and dragged Valerie out of the cafeteria. Alex once again shifted all of her attention to her mate who by now was literally sweating bullets, "Alex, I did not know you hated tattoos...." he started but was interrupted by Alexandria's squeal that echoed through the cafeteria, he had never seen her this excited for some reason, in the meantime, she had rolled his sleeve a little more to reveal more of the artwork etched into her mate's skin and was staring at it with awe. Asher was confused and relieved at the same time, "You like them?" he asked with confusion lacing his every word, truth be told he looked like a lost puppy and Alexandria found it adorable. She laughed lightly and it twinkled in the cafeteria and it relaxed Asher greatly. "Of course I like them, they're an intricate piece of art... Do you mind if I...?" she said and Asher nodded basically giving her the signal that she could trace his tattoos. So she did and it literally ran electricity through both of them but she didn't stop until she had memorized all of his tattoos. "Your parents were totally okay with this?" Alexandria asked again still mesmerized by the art. "Well.... my mom was a little upset but that was expected I guess but my dad was quite proud of me, in fact, tattoos are something we bond over," Asher answered and Alexandria looked quite impressed this was something that rarely happened so he took his chance and said "Do you think, maybe we could uh you know get matching tattoos." That caught Alexandria off guard and her smile disappeared as she looked at her potential soulmate with a puzzled expression and I kid you not Asher's literal soul left his body and he prepared to be slaughtered, he was saying all the prayers the church had ever taught him but what Alexandria did next shocked him greatly she said, "I think that's a great idea but I need to ask my parent's permission first." It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he came back to life but he was still quite puzzled as to why she still needed her parents' approval on something as small as a tattoo, after all, she was sixteen.... I mean old enough to make her own descions , all these questions were popping in his mind but he decided not to question it. Now Alexandria wasn't dumb, she could clearly see his questioning eyes so with all the patience she could muster she explained to him how her parent's opinion still mattered to her even though she could make her own choices. For the umpteenth time day, Asher was shocked probably because he wasn't expecting her to explain, seeing his expression again caused her to laugh and to be honest it was music to his ears. Oh, how he would like to spend the rest of his life listening to her magical laugh but as soon as the thought crossed his mind the warning bell rang and killed the whole vibe. Alexandria gave him one last smile before heading out the cafeteria leaving him dreaming about a possible matching tattoo with his soulmate.
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à Jewaria_Majid


    Ch 8 Matching Tattoos
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à Barina_Najam


    Ch 8 Matching Tattoos
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 Author's Note
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 Scarlet Hair And Blue Eyes As a Slave-I
    The Demon’s Bride
    Fantaisie · mata0eve
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 Scarlet Hair And Blue Eyes As a Slave-I
    The Demon’s Bride
    Fantaisie · mata0eve
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 Scarlet Hair And Blue Eyes As a Slave-I
    The Demon’s Bride
    Fantaisie · mata0eve
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 Pitiful Death..(Edited)
    Fantaisie · Kamlyn
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 Scarlet Hair And Blue Eyes As a Slave-I
    The Demon’s Bride
    Fantaisie · mata0eve
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 The Light Orphanage
    Chased by My Demon CEO
    Urbain · nafadila
  • Veronica_Knightly

    See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

    Ch 1 The Light Orphanage
    Chased by My Demon CEO
    Urbain · nafadila
  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à Precious_Agunbiade

    Thank you so much for your gift .I appreciate you a lot.

    Ch 1 Author's Note
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à Wood_Cynthia

    I’m sorry I dont actually understand . Care to elaborate

    Ch 1 Author's Note
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly
  • Veronica_Knightly
    Répondu à Olajuwon_Ijaiya

    Hey I’m currently having my exams and they end tomorrow so I will update soon enough. Thank you for your patience.

    Ch 6 Battle Scars
    The Troubled Alpha Female
    Fantaisie · Veronica_Knightly