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Amazing story. you have reignited my interest in fanfics with systems.
yeah hiatus means postponed or on break. I'm also kinda in of a writer's block on a the reaction Ghidorah getting resurrected. I have the picture in my head but everytime I write it down it just feels bland. I can't feel any tension when I read it. i tried using an ai but it got worse instead cuz the ai keeps making up its own scene instead.
yes the name will still be the same. I'm still writing the draft for it.
I want to say both but if your asking which one should go first it would be nier since I want to see how yorha deals with the mc as the last human.
Moonhidorah is the female Ghidorah, that's been trapped.
This is the male Ghidorah.
yes, but she won't be showing up soon, now that a new Godzilla movie has shown up.
actually I was thinking the smaller form would be like war's demon form from that game Darksiders. just more asura themed, three faces and six armed.