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Loving this story so far. Thank you Author for the great read :)
Angelica is just how you describe her to be. Pretty and suits her personality.
Omg so handsome. Thank you Author for the profile of our Charlie. :)
Loved this book. Great job Author:)
Loving this book so much. Thank you author har_k for the never ending surprises. I’ll be reading your other novels too after this. But keep up the great work.
Only 2 chapters left but no more release for awhile now. Patiently waiting for the end of novel. Please release the last 2 chapters soon. Love the novel. Thank you.
Please release more chapters. Patiently waiting. Thank you and loving your novel. Just wish to read more soon, since the chapters stopped releasing for awhile now.
Oh Issabella, don’t get to happy with yourself. Karma is catching up real fast. Daniel should not be a leader of the Thompson anymore. Don’t know how he could be so muddle headed with taking Gillian’s side instead of his biological daughter’s Molly side. He has never once been a dad to Molly even finding out she is his biological daughter. So irritating with his character.
I don’t understand why Molly needs to apo logize to Gillian for when she did nothing wrong and the culprit is Gillian. Nicholas is still so bias even now knowing of Molly’s truly Ivy. He should be the one to apologize and have Gillian apologize also. Gillian deserves her leg amputated. That’s what she gets for being evil first.
Yes please take the DNA samples again Qiao Nian. You need to do it yourself with the kids blood.