

2020-02-19 JointGlobal



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The Light Found in the Darkness

When she lost her light and hope he became hers. . . . You know that moment when you want to scream in despair, I have known that feeling all my life. All that rage you want to let out, but you can't you have to keep it locked inside. You always need to have the perfect smile, posture, and most importantly family when you are royalty. Head held high. Everyone that belongs to royalty in my kingdom was born from one star. The day I was born everyone said I blinded them. As I descended from the dark sky of the night, the brightest star everyone has seen in history. The brighter the star the more powerful you are. Since I have knowledge of memory I've been told what to do and not do. Funny they say you are not supposed to take orders from anyone, but that's an order. They taught me not to turn my back on THEM because one single flinch, one single second, and even one distraction could get you killed. I am meant to be the Queen of Elora the Light kingdom and I will do anything in my power to destroy them. I would go to the depths of hell myself to put an end to this war. I swear that on Goddess Asteria as I was blessed her name. They say I was named in her honor, to thank the gift that was myself. . . . Since I took my first steps I was taught how to raise a sword and control my powers. I was taught how to slaughter a whole army by myself. MY family and myself don't fake smiles and fake being innocent we know who we are and so does everyone in the universe and beyond. We don't hide behind our castle doors and pretend to be innocent. THEY are fake and disloyal. THEIR armies have killed thousands of our own, as we have. We fight by our army's side unlike THEM. Before I'm crowned I will end this war and kill everyone in THEIR royal family. Finishing by that petty princess, as their lineage will end on her. I swear that on God Erebus, as I inherited his powers and name. . . . When she was supposed to be light, but he became hers.

beberly_Orellana · Fantaisie
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