

2020-01-27 JointIndia



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  • akukit


    Chu Yun groaned and sat down at the low table, serving himself a cup of wine. He needed to be a lot drunker to handle a drunk Xiao Zai.
    [BL] Wolf King and his Fox Consort
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • akukit

    this makes me sad , uff the incompetence he probably feels.

    "This doesn't look like my room," he said, pointing at the damasque wood and silk curtains hanging from the canopy. "My house is a dump."
    [BL] Wolf King and his Fox Consort
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • akukit
    Répondu à 3nvoy

    so does wolf, so many alpha MLS are playboy and cheater .what can we do

    Most alphas grew up knowing they would one day be the head of their household, and take one, or several, spouses across their thresholds.
    [BL] Wolf King and his Fox Consort
    LGBT+ · ThirtyTyrants
  • akukit

    author is a bit misogynistic, and the writing has a lot of self inserts . the mc is powerful strong but infront ml he is as meek, weak and fragile a person could get. Mc at one moment is the most hottest person alive but jokes on you he is a virgin and will only sleep with ml ever. even he is old and hot get confessed to everytime but he will be dumb to every confession on the other hand the moment he will see the playboy ml he will spread his legs . lol.I hate when the world works together to keep mc virgin for no reason and the ml is playboy for no apparent reason.it's basically saying mc is an equivalent of a women in a backward society where she can be powerful but not infront of a man . also will be forever virgin .sometime mc act smart but other time he is as dumb as someone can be . pls girls stop writing lgbtq novels if you want to bring yourself j to the story about your virginity kink.. stop writing gay guys as typical 2000s novel girls . virgin pure , if powerful not infront of ml .

    Reincarnated as the stepson of a mafia mob [BL]
    LGBT+ · minniepens
  • akukit
    Répondu à CLIFF_CHAN

    well I am studying medicine .

    Ever since I was a little boy, my dream was to become a pilot.
    The Author Is Speechless
    Fantaisie · Matsuba_Kuroe
  • akukit

    I also dreamt that until my Asian parents showed me, plane crash files on national geography again again. Telling me the so called dangers of being a pilot just to make me quit. I was a kid , lol.

    Ever since I was a little boy, my dream was to become a pilot.
    The Author Is Speechless
    Fantaisie · Matsuba_Kuroe
  • akukit

    I also want an arc where mc falls for somebody other than shards , lol .

    The reason is, Jia Hyson will more or less stay at his core character and continue the mindset of new world, new life. He will develop a little but not necessarily how most QT MCs typically develop tbh. And MLs are neither always OP, interested or able to interest Jia Hyson. This gives me a lot of options to work with really, though that also means you'll definitely have arcs you'll hate or love ahahaha. 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • akukit

    at least he got that right.

    "There is no mother like Adriana." Mark was drinking champagne again. "I'm sure she will not let Evan taken care of by the stepmother, I also can't bear to separate the two of them," he continued as he put down an empty glass.
    Love, Jerk, and Affair
    Urbain · Nonik_Farellidzy
  • akukit

    I will accept it I mc is also not virgin. nothing I hate more that experience ml and virgjn bottom

    "I know how feral you can be during your rut, how you pounded into me like I am the only one meant for you, how you filled me up with your--"
    LGBT+ · SleepyKola
  • akukit

    can't heir of the family not directly kill the others, his father still is powerful .

    'Ah....should I visit Jarvin once before leaving the first continent?'
    Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel
    Fantaisie · chaotic_1
  • akukit

    I don't want him as his father

    'I should watch his progress closely then'
    Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel
    Fantaisie · chaotic_1
  • akukit

    j don't want him later act fatherly, some authors tend to do that. some lines are better not crossed.

    'Just four years more....'
    Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel
    Fantaisie · chaotic_1
  • akukit

    yeah no harem but ml cheats on mc again and again. so happy reading . you should really add ntr tag. if you don't want to see anymore pissed readers. lol. mc is bottom. and seems like author likes to virginity mc like very much. ml cheats on mc , ml cheats on mc , ml cheats on mc. after all important things have to be said thrice. you have been warned.

    (BL) Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!
    LGBT+ · ForeverPupa
  • akukit
    Répondu à ForeverPupa

    the thing is author your ml just doesn't feel right. it's like she went from a cheater of a husband to another dickhead. if that sound bad then it's probably why, you should stop self inserting yourself in your writing . you make the story look like the women will finally escape clutches then live wih her head held high but instead we have ml. and his stupid narcissistic ideology . he literally blocked her from having any opportunity and you want us the readers to ship them together. let's be honest, you are just writing your masochist fantasy. your other book also started great but hen turned out the ml was also cheater and it made me drop th novel at that point. you just wants the mc to feel like they are cucked. it's not wrong to write That but you should put warning a sign of ntr woul b appreciated very much in your other work too. if you wanted to write angst then you could have said so in summary but you make it seem like women will be in power but at the end she will be dependent on ml. extremely poorly written female character. and a annoying ml. you should know that with world , plot and character , if any of those tank your whole novel become dumb and repetitive .

    Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother
    Urbain · ForeverPupa
  • akukit

    delete hey silver sounds like they are friends and his parents hasn't died .

    "Hey Silver, thank you for taking me in for a bit."
    Tales of the Legendary Magus
    Fantaisie · Belg4r
  • akukit

    your math ain't mathing bro.

    he felt pain and tingling sensation as the violet energy drilled into his veins travel through all parts of his body. This violet energy was in high quantity compared to the other two energies they both shared 1/3 compared to violated energy which is almost 2/3 of Zack's absorbed energy.
    Ancient Tears BloodLine
    Fantaisie · Aravind_S
  • akukit

    i love you author

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Rise Of The Infinite Sovereign
    Fantaisie · VOID_
  • akukit

    i dont like mc that kills without reason.

    Now that Kira said that, Cairo realizes some of the implications. He had some misgivings about using innocent people as test subjects but ... there is something on him that is pushing him to do anything to increase his strength even if it was unethical
    Unrivaled Mage!
    Fantaisie · KenceRussel
  • akukit

    mc is so dumb,

    "I don't know why. Maybe because his Tokata's father and he deserves to be in his son's life or the fact that he isn't a bad person and was just blinded by the effect of my heat or the fact that I feel weirdly connected to him. I just don't know." I said before the tears increased and Rin sighed before she hugged me too.
    Oh My Omega
    LGBT+ · Psycho
  • akukit

    he is not wearing a condom I don't want pregnancy an write know the thing you are calling a child is mass of lump that can't feel sense or need called proper human

    "It doesn't matter because I'm not killing it. It's not this child's fault and I won't kill it because of that. What if I do the abortion and something goes wrong? What if I die in the process or lose my ability to give birth? I'm keeping him because his mine."
    Oh My Omega
    LGBT+ · Psycho