

2019-09-27 JoinedGlobal



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With Silver and Iron

A world of magic, monsters, and different species, a world full of mysteries and possibilities. Sounds fun, right? Then how about war? Also sounds like fun. But what is so funny in hundreds of men killing each other because of conflict between two men with gold pieces on their heads? Do you think it's funny for those whose houses were burned to the ground, families hanged on the trees, or young girls ***** by the soldiers? In a world where humans are dominant, other races must be treated equally, with respect, right? No, they are not. In the territory of humans, they are living in ghettos, starving with little to no food, like rats in the cage. Not every fantasy world has to be a place where at the end of the rainbow there is a bucket of gold. Some of them are dark and rotten, with people caring only about themselves, a place where if not monsters or fellow neighbors, then war, starvation, or disease will take your life. But not everything is so hopeless, there are moments, places, and people truly beautiful that can make your life bearable or even give you a reason to live. This is the story of a man who was born in such a world, a man who was an outcast, despised by society, treated like things he slays to protect humans. "A necessary evil", as some priest once said. ….......…………………… A story has no definitive direction, it's just a way to pour my fantasies in. You may find a lot of similarities to the Witcher or Goblin Slayer or something else But in my defense! This is Fan Fiction! I can do it whatever I want (sort of). No updating schedule, writing this to just somehow past the time. The whole concept of this idea is the classic Light vs Dark, but in a setup more like the mentioned The Witcher and Goblin Slayer where it's not always about flowers and plushies, but a hard reality. The pic for the cover I've found is sick! I don't know the author but kudos to him/her!

ReeviN · Anime & Comics
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The Spirit of Vengeance

Welcome to the world of Heroes and Villains, a world where becoming a Hero isn't a childhood dream anymore. Being a Hero means bringing justice, hope, extending a helping hand to those in need, and fighting Villains, those who disregard Law. Heroes are good, Villains are evil, but is it that simple? Do all Heroes deserve to be called ones? Do all Villains are truly evil as public opinion says? Where to puts Vigilantes, those who are hunting Villains, but are themselves hunted by Heroes? Are they good? Bad? Does something like "Good" and "Evil" even exist in our world or we just forgot their meaning? Who decides what is good and what is evil? Who gave a right to that person to decide? The answer is simple, there are no good people, there are no bad people. There are only victims and guilty, and I must punish them, as I am the Spirit of Vengeance! ××××××××××××××××××× It's a Fanfic placed in the My Hero Academia universe. The MC is a teenager at the age of 17 but as we all know there isn't a second class in UA High School as our lovely Aizawa-sensei expelled the whole year, thus the MC will have to start from the 1st class, not that he cares. And, omg surprise incoming! He will have Ghost Rider powers! But don't expect super OP characters, NO! I will nerf it slightly, just a little because he is too OP, literally one of the top beings in MCU (probably). And what joy brings reading about someone who is too OP? Where is the struggle? Where is the joy of the unexpected happening?! Oh, and I will add some non-canon characters and events, Enjoy!

ReeviN · Anime & Comics
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GATE: "Monster" In the Other World

A gate appears out of nowhere in the very center of the city, monsters, and soldiers, as if someone pulled them out of a fantasy novel starts pouring onto the streets, killing, kidnapping, stealing perhaps even raping. Japanese army after they get a hand in the situation sends their own forces through the mentioned gate, therefore arriving in a fantasy world full of different creatures, races, magic, and even gods. But even if there is magic, you can't underestimate the power of modern technology. Wind bullets? Just use a normal riffle, a better rate of fire, accuracy and you won't exhaust yourself when you are out of mana, just change a mag. They are using wyverns? We have AA stationary guns and M2 Browning on our Humvee! A huge army is marching at us? You won't believe it! We have artillery! A dragon is coming? Let's welcome him with ML! Large-scale destruction magic? It requires at least 10 people, a huge amount of mana, and time to cast? Hah! We can just nuke them! (Only as a last resort though!) To summarize, sure magic is cool and awesome, but don't forget the wonders and miracles of technology. Who needs magic when all you need is your brain and drive to improve both you and your surroundings! ______________________ The MC is a friend of Itami back from when they were in Special Forces. Now Itami is still working as a JSDF soldier but his friend, Kai Hattori, turns out to work for a mysterious international organization that takes care of such "anomalies". Follow Kai as he set his foot in the new world, where all rules have changed. In the new world, there is nothing that can hold him back, maybe he will even find the long-desired thrill? ________________________ Some explanations. This is a crossover of other anime but I'm too lazy to list them so you will get to know when some places or characters will be introduced. But the GATE is still a fundamental element of this story! I'm not very good with military stuff but think it's cool, so please, excuse me if start spouting bullshit regarding military jargon, rules, etc. Btw the equipment will be modern with some touches of futuristic stuff and later on even sci-fi-like like Cyberpunk or Warframe or Mass Effect. And if you read my other FanFics, you know I don't update frequently, sometimes even for months. So just add it to the library and wait! Or just read the first chap and forget about it as I probably will hahaha.

ReeviN · Anime & Comics
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