a bored guy without a hobby
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unspoken affection is a brewing storm and can easily become a heart demon and reason for fights.
if I could read the raw then i wouldn't be here
it means that any weird sentence or error in grammar is a fault of the machine translation and the translator not proofreading and editing the output. as the text in the gif says.
it is a good book and it's not as blatant as you fear. that said wn is the wrong platform for you if you expect edited and refined books. 95% of the books are in their first version and barely edited once before the chapter is published. the rare 5% are either 2nd versions or at least key points planned for the entire arc before it gets written out.
well yeah they basically already agreed to date after the exam so now he is using cheesy lines to tease her.
just saying that it can be bad. I have seen smart people do stupid things like learning for 20 hours per day and then do worse than they normally would have. all just because their own expectations on how much they need to learn got out of proportion to what they already know.
the harm is perceived disappointment. or the fear of disappearing the other. if it sets a seed of fear of failing then it already does more harm than good. if the seed sprouts and starts to cloud the mind then it's already too late to stop it from affecting the performance.
knowing who the bad guy is and proofing/getting enough evidence of it are two different things. they might have found him pretty fast after the hints but collecting the information and evidence is what is the slowest part here. 5 days for that could even be pretty fast.
i hope the two girls aren't somehow part of the caravan. this sounds way too much like a setup just to keep nuisances around.
thanks for the chapter