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you should add genderbender tag if the mc is not male after transported
i've been reading normal and better mcs recently, this seems to worsen my mood, mc here acts like hes 14, character development is too slow or non existent, because he keeps taking same wrong choices again n again, trying to be someone hes not
good luck!
no intense talks or emotions lol, he said you should consume my soul, n mc said ok n done lol
i had some doubts, but after i saw elves chapter, i remember seeing a very similar novel, he tames wolf, helps elves, evolves the wolf, same power i think
it may sound a bit cliche, but its definitely interesting and worth reading! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
i really dont know how horse shaped humanoid looks here, can someone link the image
Is this rewrite? whats the difference from your old one? will he still lose his sister? will he still going to leave his city and business? will he still try to act as his own master?