#OntheComeup # Blessed #GivethanksforLife ❤ the page while you're here. I'm Black
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From real world historical examples I recall there have been tribal people that the women disfigure themselves to appear ugly so they wouldnt be taken in raids. This disfigurement continued until it become the beauty standard of that tribe. my point was they werent trying to be valuable slaves but trying to not be slaves. To your point if a person is that sadistic it wouldnt matter if their value was their beauty, they would get tired of the female and then do some shit like that to her anyways for stimulation. Case in point all the nastiness that happens when girls get flown out to Dubai, (they dont fly out the ugly girls). They take pleasure in degrading their humanity with twisted pleasures, from tarnishing their beauty, a power trip I believe.
Happy New Year
suffer for eternity and then says Indidnt say thrre was no end smh
don't do porn kids!
eoe he really just keeos vetting bad luck
being asleep your brain turns off the function of consciousness. beinf knocked out is an external force acting on your consciousness. Falling asleep bodily function like digestion or keeping in your pee and waste are still controlled if you meet in an accident and become unconscious you'll probably soil yourself. so the df powers probably work like how you keep in shit consciously and while you sleep
Baku Baku no mi the fruit of the former king of Drum Island, Wapol. Who Luffy beat up before recruiting Chopper. Highly underrated Fruit btw. Scientific minded person could eat the raw matefial and produce robots, fuse shit and make all types of Hybrid plants and animals as soldiers, mix genes together for easy genetic manipulation no Lab required.etc
Good Point