Don’t look into the abyss for it will drag you in. 😈
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Thanks tho 😅
What use is that when it’s been two years and I don’t remember what this is anymore 😪
The jitters!
Now I’m sure I caught it !🙀 Help!!
I forget dreams everyday 😧 D.. do you think I caught it?
Africa has 7.5 billion acres.. that gives a little less than 1 acre per person. And most of it is not fertile. Humans use up a lot more land than one might assume - if population increases further, then we might have to encroach the already dwindling forests.
Too much hate on putin here! Yeah, he probably is to be blamed for starting the war. But, we cannot deny europe’s and the us’s hand in it by cornering him and trying to boss around every country. In fact they already rule over most of the world and hence is easy for them to paint others bad