
Chapter 19

I and Nicholas were marching directly to

Malcolm's secret evil hall to attack but to our

surprise, we were blocked by his evil

warriors halfway.

"who are you and where do you think you

are going?" Their leader shouted in terror.


"we are your worse enemy and also your

worse nightmare. We came here to end your


Hope satisfied with the answer?" I replied

him in a provoking manner.


"strike!!!!" He commanded and all the armies

more than a hundred ran towards us with

their swords.


"please be careful!" Nicholas told me.

"i am the one who is to tell you that!" I

replied him and the battle started.


It was a very rough but easy one for me as i

slew Malcolm's evil armies like chickens.

Only a blow or a kick from me will send one

to the ground.


Nicholas on his own side was trying, he was

fighting with his sword but i was using no


Before the count of 7, he had killed one.


That's how we killed the guards who

blocked us on the


"that was tough" Nicholas breathed.

"yea, if you say so!"





"Something is wrong somewhere.

Something is wrong.

I am having this feeling that the being who

is attacking us now is not just an ordinary

being, i can smell he had killed all my guards

i sent there. No!"


"master, so you mean you haven't seen the

enemy up till now?" My assistant asked me.

"no! I suppose to see him but i couldn't.

That's one of the reason i said he is no

ordinary being" I replied.


"so, what are we going to do now?" He

asked me.


"i think i have to send more of the

warriors!" I replied him and commanded

some of them to attack the unknown

attacker again.

"hmm, someone is trying to get on my

nerves. No worries, i will surely get you. I am

Malcolm the great emperor of Rome!

Nobody touches the tail of a lion and live to

tell the story!

That being has touched the lion's tail and

won't go unpunished"



We had finished eliminating the evil armies

and it wasn't up to 5 minutes, we saw

another troop coming.


"oh my God!!!" Nicholas shouted.

"i already expected this before, i am not

surprised" I said and stood waiting for them

to come.

Nicholas also stood and we waited for them.

They got to where we stood and another

battle began.

This ones were more stronger and swifter

than the first set but it was also nothing for


Only one blow or a kick silences one.

Nicholas also was trying on his own side.

It was a tough and rough one.



"this meeting is postponed. What we should

be contemplating on now is how we can

overpower this enemy" I told the few ones

left with me in the meeting.

"no problem sir!" They all chorused.

"fine" I said and called my assistant.

I invoked more power into his body so that

he can be strong enough to stand by me.

"thank you master! Am grateful" Chevron

thanked me.

Chevron was the name of my assistant.



We managed to kill all of them, they were

very many.

After eliminating them, we continued our

walk to our target's secret hall.



When the choosen one and Nicholas got

there, the door was locked.

Out of fury and anger, the choosen one

pushed the door open with force.


Meanwhile, Malcolm and his armies were

inside when the door was pushed open.

Everybody was surprised.

Nobody not even a god can open that door

except an evil god because the door was

locked with evil.

Malcolm was very surprised and

dumbfounded to behold the sight of

Darlington and Nicholas.

What surprised him more was how he came

back to life and how he got back his hairs.

"Darlington???????????........" He exclaimed.


"no his twin brother! Hahhahahahaha"