
~A Day In The Trenches~

Joshua_Humphries_3494 · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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A Day In The Trenches

The ground was layered with a thick layer of sludge like mud, seeping into my uniform, cold, filthy, and alone, I feel my heart beating, my hands shaking, but worst of all, I feel the very life in me, slowly leave my body.

I need to get out of here, and fast, if I want any chance to survive, I need to think.

Bomb shells and gunshots were all that could be heard, it was deafening, I can barely hear myself think. I need to focus, im losing blood, im getting dizzy. THINK!

I hear soldiers running in my direction, I dont know from which side, I hope its mine.

A hand grabs my be the shoulder and pulls me in, putting pressure on the wound on my stomach, he tells me I'll pull through, hopefully..

I feel safer than Iv ever felt in my life, but something doesn't feel right.

I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to cry out, to scream, but I can't, it would give us away, plus this man has a rag shoved in my mouth so im unable to make noise. As time goes on, he slowly adds more and more pressure to my wound, literal blood, sweat and tears seeped from my body, it was awful.

He pulls me close and tells me to rest, he says we'll be fine as long as im quiet. I closed my eyes, and blacked out.

When I awoke, a burning sensation, flooded my stomach, the agony that filled me was unbearable. A bloody note was left in my top pocket, it simply read, "if you are reading this, I am most likely dead, you need to run, escape, flee back to England, get the word around, the leader is dead, I have finally done it, Iv finally took down the Russian leader"

I struggle to my feet, it takes a while, but I eventually make it, I shouldn't be moving, its only making my stomach worse, as I bit by bit put one heavey foot in front of the other, more and more blood spews from the front.

It must have been hours, but I seen to have made it back to camp, hopefully I can be tended too and sent back to England, instead i was thrown to the floor, which put me through more hell.

A revolver aimed at my head. "move and your dead"

This can't be happening, im literally dying here and this guy has a gun to my head, I knew I shouldn't have rested, we're at war here, im in a trench, why did I rest? Is this what I lived for, just to die in a cold trench on the front line?

My country would be ashamed.

I here a bunch of shouting, in a foreign language, it must be the Russians.

I must have blacked out, because im now in some kind of bunker, with oxygen attached to me and a sign that reads "move, and suffer the consequences".

A soldier with a gun in hand opens the door to my room and points it at me, screaming at me in what must be Russian. 3 men come running in behind him and all stand guard while a woman slowly walks in with a briefcase.

She tells me If I dont tell her where the schematics are for the nuclear missle Britain are building, she would force it out of me, I said Id rather die. "that can be arranged" she smirks at me, lifts up my shirt, and slowly starts to tear open the wound on my stomach, smiling as she goes. "your choice soldier, tell me, or die" she opens the briefcase, and presents a series of syringes, each filled with some form of liquid, and and a scalpel on the side. She says "choose one"

I tell her that I don't care what they do with me I won't die a scared man.

I reach out, grab the scalpel, and without thinking, slit my own throat, it took a while to die, it was awful, choking on my own blood as I slowly suffocated to death.

They kidnapped me, kept me alive for answers, but didnt realise I was just a waste if their time.

5 people surrounded my lifeless body, covered in blood, they all read the bloody note in my pocket, and wept.