
Chapter 70: You Belong to Me

Julia pressed her back against the cold, brick wall. If she could have, she would've clawed through it to get away from the madman coming at her. The false feeling of safety she had experienced around him disappeared.

"What are you on?" She could only manage a whisper.

The latest drug, popularly called Superman Crack, made you invincible for a short time before you went crazy and died. They'd shown on the TC what people under the influence of it did. It shortened the life expectancy of the user to less than a year but, in that short time, they did a lot of damage.

John threw down the pieces of iron bars he'd crumpled in his large hands. "On?" he asked.

No matter how sane he sounded, she knew. She, more than anyone, knew what drugs did to people. It could turn the most mild-mannered husband and father into a monster. What would it do to someone like John who'd turned monster a long time ago? She'd grown up with criminals, had seen the worst of drug addiction and violence.