
Chapter 48: You Tested It on a Human?

"You are my breeder."

"What does that even mean? You always avoid my question. I'm some breeding machine? A slave?" Throwing her hands up, she paced in front of him.

"It means you belong to me," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. With his legs planted wide and his massive arms crossed like that, he was an impressive sight.

"Why implant me with a useless device when you make sure not to speak around me anyway?" For now, she'd let the breeder thing go. She needed some sign from him, however small, that she had his trust. She needed it more than her next breath.

"It is not useless. You can communicate with us and any other alien you might meet."

"Oh, that's very funny. Like the earth is just crawling with different kinds of aliens." The silence from him had her do a double take. "You are the only aliens around, right?"

He hesitated, then nodded.