
Chapter 357: Sinners

"How many humans are there on this farm?" Viglar asked.

"The probe counted four hundred," Azagor said.

After the probes had pinpointed the six farms that were active and operated by the brothers, they'd scanned for small humans. Four of the farms had small humans, one farm none, and the sixth farm had registered DNA that matched Susannah's. He was headed to this farm. Susannah worried about recognizing Noah, and Azagor was determined to verify his DNA.

"Are you sure we're going to the right farm?" Viglar asked.

Azagor nodded. He knew, deep in his gut, that this was the right farm. The surveillance showed that the women were treated worse than slaves, their clothes old and falling off their bodies. The conditions didn't seem to be any better than the raider camps the Zyrgins destroyed. "I am sure this is the right farm. The probe picked up only one small human. I suspect this is the farm they sent all their sinners."
