
Chapter 260: Conditions

Elation surged through her blood until she felt punch drunk. "Really, you won't be sorry. I'll - "

He held up a hand. "I have conditions."

Her shoulders slumped. "Of course you have conditions." Why would he simply allow her to continue with her duties, when he could make her miserable with all kinds of impossible conditions? "So what are these conditions?"

"You will work as a doctor, but you will also do your painting work. If you work less than eight hours a day as doctor, I will take away the privilege."

She glared at him. She worked between ten and fourteen hours on painting and moving the smaller equipment from offices to be changed or painted. Another eight on top of that would mean she barely got to sleep. "You think I can't do it. Well, I'll show you. I'm an Alabama girl, no miserable alien will stop me from doing my life's work."

Oops, she didn't mean to call him a miserable alien. Better get out of reach of those quick arms of his.