
Chapter 258: Blasted Alien

The green freak returned to his previous spot against the wall. With that attitude, it was a wise precaution. He was sure to get stabbed if he allowed anyone at his back. She'd like to storm up there and stab him in his putrid green heart with a scalpel. Did he help slaughter humans at the Battle of No Name Town, or did he only heal the wounded murdering alien scum? Every time she saw those clips showing their savagery, Madison thought of Rory maybe dying at their hands. Alone, without his family.

The alien continued as if Clarkson wasn't wheezing for breath at his feet. "Jacobson will allocate new duties." He turned his head, making eye contact with everyone. "Laziness will be dealt with. You are dismissed." He moved back a step and then disappeared.

Everyone gasped and deadly silence descended on the room for a few minutes. Then Clarkson dragged himself up, and, as if that broke the spell, everyone started talking and shouting together, demanding to know what was going on.