
Zuri {Looking Through You...}

Metallicx · Sports, voyage et activités
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3 Chs

Who am I?

"Ms. The Inspector is requesting for your statement." a patrol office told me

Snapped out of my dreams into reality

I get up from the bench shakily

"Right place, Wrong Time" I muttered to myself

I had done it again gotten myself into unwanted and ridiculous amount of trouble and this time it seems to be the worse.

"If you don't mind me asking ..." I turn towards the Inspector he was tall and had a pointy nose

Well, he had other great features that I had refused to acknowledge.

"...what is this statement for?"

"It's about the death of an individual who lives around there." He replied looking at me as if I had done it.

I have experience racism before but this...this was a whole new level.

"Sir, I didn't commit this crime all I did was go grocery shopping I don't find it fair you're asking me to fi-"

"You shouldn't have a problem filling the statement if you didn't do it." He says chuckling slightly before looking at a co-worker who chuckled along with him."

Zuri that's my name I don't even know the meaning am not even sure if its means anything.

I want to have an easy and fufilled life maybe accompanied with a great husband and kids.

"9.30" *sigh*

"Haven't even eaten"

Tired, sad feeling helpless and neglected

I walk up this front steps of my home

A Two-storey Bungalow on the outskirts of town

"I guess my life isn't that bad after all." I muttered to myself smiling

This house was one of my achievements hopefully there is several more to come.

Walking in I watched the rain outside how each drop follows its on direction.

As if towards their own fate but instead they drop on a lonely begotten surface.

I couldn't help but wonder if I was suddenly being watched something lurking in the shadows

And the sudden call of my name


My neck hairs stood up

I was right

"Am so sorry to scare you I swore I didn't mean to."

That voice... It was familiar even though, I wanted it out of my memory

I turned swiftly

"How did you get in I bolted my doors."

"Yeh, I noticed" He replied grinning

I looked ahead and lo and behold my door was left ajar the door knob dismantled on the floor.

I was shocked how long is he going to terrorize me for?

"Mr Silas, I don't believe this is rig-"

"Your right it isn't but why don't you respond to my texts?"

To avoid being terrorized by you.

"My proposal why haven't you responded to it?"

He set himself onto the dinning bench in the kitchen as if he were some welcomed visitor

"Mr Silas-"

"Look Zuri I have waited for so long to have you, am not going to just give you up like some discarded newspaper."

He stared at me lustfully before he lowered his gaze to my figure

I grabbed a knife

He backed up

"Mr Silas pls do leave or am afraid I would have to use this." I told him through gritted teeth

"You wouldn't dare the Zuri I knew wouldn't."

And at a desperate attempt he tried to grab the knife lunging towards me but I was ready.

I started poking the air viciously then he realised he had no look when I had finally hit his flank.

Now were both circling my kitchen table in a desperate attempt to get what we want.


He lifts his hands as if ready to admit defeat

"You win Zuri"

I sigh in relief lowering the knife retreating

"...but not today"

He grabbed the knife and pinned me to the floor

I suddenly felt the knife blade at the nape of my neck how it glistened in his eyes those greedy, lustful eyes.

"Now you will do as I say or-"