
Zuri's Future love he is to fast for her?

When Berry Allen goes to far and gets suck back in time and meets a princess

NancyRow · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter Two

Berry was pissed off. He walks out. "Listen, I know you just met, and I am new and everything. We can get married," he said. "Berry, as much as I would love to say yes, you must be a prince," she said. He sighs. "It was worth a shot," he said and sighed. Soifon walks out. "Do you love her?" she asks. Berry looks. "Mother," Zuri said. "it's well, I umm, I hate seeing people judge her and call her names. It's not fair. She is so beautiful and kind and cares for her people, and having these self-loving princes call her things that are not true hurts," he said. Soifon smiles. "Sweetie, your father didn't marry a princess, and you can marry who makes you the happiest," she said. "Then I pick Berry," she said. Soifon clapped. "Great, once you marry him, he will be a prince," she said happily. "I can't wait to tell your father," she said, rushing off. Berry smiles. "Prince Berry," he said and laughed. "Bruce wouldn't believe this," he said. "Bruce is he a friend," Zuri said. Berry laughs. "You ready for a story," he said. Zuri lays down blankets and pillows, gets snacks, and lays her head in his lap. "Yes, tell me," she said. Berry smiled and started telling her about his world and what he could do along with all his friends. "Wait does that mean you're leaving soon," she said. Berry swallows. "I mean, not anytime soon," he said. Zuri nodded. "Then I will enjoy my time with you," she said. Berry smiles. "Same, and who knows, maybe you could come back with me," he said. Zuri smiles. "I would love that," she said. Sesshomaru walks in and grabs him. "You will marry my daughter," he said. Berry was daggling off the ground. "That is the plan, sir," he said. "If you hurt her, I will kill you myself. Do you understand me," he said. Berry nods. "I won't. I only want to keep seeing her smile and laugh," he said. Sesshomaru put him down. "Go dress him and get everything ready," he shouted. It took six hours for the castle to be ready and the town to come. Sesshomaru was waiting with Soifon. Zuri walks out in an all-white Kimino, and Berry is in a lovely black and purple outfit. He looks to see her. He smiles. "Wow," he said. She soon got up to him she smiled. They soon got married and were sitting next to each other during dinner. She was holding his hand. He smiles and kisses the back of her hand and smiles. She was eating. Sesshomaru walks up. "Okay, me and your mother are returning to the country," he said. Zuri giggles. "Okay, Father be safe," she said. He flew off with Soifon. "your dad can fly," Berry said. Zuri giggles. "He is a demon. He can do a lot of things," she said. "I can only make whips with my hands," she said, and her nails glowed purple, and whips came out. "See," she said. He smiled "cool," he said. She made them go away. Berry smiled. Soon the meal was over. She was in their room, and she was undressing. Berry was still unsure he didn't look no matter how much he wanted to. "Berry, you could have looked we are married," she said. Berry nods. "I know it's just if you're not ready for all that," he said. She smirks. "As a princess, I am trained in all things," she said, pulling him down, getting on top of him, and sitting there naked. He swallowed and moved fast so she was against a wall. He was kissing her neck. Her arms went around his neck, and her legs around his waist. "You smell amazing fuck" he moans into her neck. She smiled and held onto him.