
Zuri's Future love he is to fast for her?

When Berry Allen goes to far and gets suck back in time and meets a princess

NancyRow · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Chapter One

Zuri was getting sized for a new Kimino because she grew so fast. She smiles. "Can it be red and yellow, please?" she asks. The woman nodded. "It shall be done, princess," she said and left to make it. Sesshomaru and Soifon had left her in charge. She puts on her old one she sighs. She went to get food. She got a bowl of cherries and smiled happily and was eating happily. There was a loud boom. She stood up, her eyes flashed, and she saw the smoke outside. Barry shook his head and sighed "fuck" he mumbled and slowly stood up. He looked around him, checked the device Batman gave him, and noticed he had gone too far. "great," he mumbled. He saw people and looked at his outfit. "Need clothes," he said and stole some and was walking. "Have you heard the princess is looking for a husband?" a guy said. "Yeah, but who would marry her? She is so odd looking," a guy said. "I mean, the ears are fine, but her hair and eyes," they said. "She will be alone," they said, looking at Berry. "If you haven't met the princess, you must give her an offering before entering the village," they said. Berry was lost on what to give her. He went out and collected flowers, and a servant let him in.

"Princess, you have another offering," he said. Zuri nodded. "Let me finish dressing; I will be there soon," she said. She braided her hair, put on some hairpins, smiled, and walked out in her new red and yellow kimono. "Odd looking," he thinks. "She is fucking sexy," he mumbles. She sits down and holds her foot out. Berry is confused. Her servant looks. "You have to kiss her foot," he whispers. he gets closer and bends down. All he could smell was honey and lavender. He took in her smell and kissed her foot, and moved back. He held out flowers from each region. he smiled, walked over, and took them. "Please put them in water and next to my throne," she said. The servant nodded and left. "Are you hungry?" she asked. "Starved," he said and smiled. Zuri walked down and took his arm.

"Welcome to my home. Since you are new, you get to stay with me. Hope that is okay," she said, pressing on him. Berry smirks. "That is fine, princess," he said. "Zuri is my name," she said and entered the dining hall. His table was full of food. He swallowed, seeing it all. "Berry Allen," he said. "Please help yourself. I have to meet my father. He is due today for a meeting to make sure I am leading okay," she said and bowed. Berry ate most of the food due to his running. She soon walks back in with Sesshomaru in toe talking. "It seems you are doing well," he said, stopping seeing Berry picking his teeth. His claws grew. "What kind of animal," he said. "Father, he is new, please," she said and stepped between them. Berry stood up and bowed. "Sorry, sir," he said and kinda felt scared—Zuri smiled. "See, no need to kill him, okay, father," she said. Sesshomaru sighed and hugged her.

"Stay safe," he said and left. Zuri sighs. "Let me take you to your room. You have a bath, and there is a Hot Spring out back if you like," she said. A Servant walks up. "Miss, the Prince is here to see you," he said. She smiles happily and rushes off. Berry wanted to know more. "Her brother," he asks the woman. She shook her head. "A possible marriage," she said. Berry heard laughter and them leaving. Zuri swallowed her tears and sat there for a minute. "He can't just do that, can he," he asks. The servant nods "he can. He is from another country. She can't do anything," she said and opened the door. "Right if she did, a war would start," Berry said. The maid nodded and showed him to the hot spring. She soon left to check on her.

Batman got through on comms. "Berry," he said. Berry smiles. "Hey Bruce," he said. "you will never guess where I am," he said. Batman sighs. "Can you come back?" he asks. "Haven't tried yet, but I am with a princess, and damn, she is sexy," he said and smiled. Batman sighed. "Berry, please, we don't have time for this just try and get back," he said. Berry takes the earpiece out, gets in the hot spring, and smiles. Zuri was in her room crying. The following day she stayed in her room and didn't come out. Berry was looking around and saw the food outside her door. He sighed, picked it up, walked in, looked at her, and moved her hair. "You need to eat," he said. "What for I am a freak," she said and curled up. Berry looks at her. "All I see is a stunning princess with the most beautiful hair and eyes and someone who needs to eat," he said. She wipes her face. "Beautiful," she said. He nodded. "Yes," he said. She sat up and ate her silk nightgown was seen through. He swallows and looks away. She looks and covers up. "Sorry," she said. She was finished eating. Berry stood up. "Good job." She got up and dressed. "Miss the last prince is here," she said. Zuri sighed and lifted her head, and went to see him. Berry stood behind the door listening. The Prince looks at her. "You must be joking," he said. He said and walked out. Zuri made a fist so tight she made her hand bleed