
Zoro in Naruto World

What would happen if our favorite one piece character zoro got transmigrated into the naruto world... Read the novel to know more. Warning: I don't own any one piece or naruto characters they own to their respective owners. Peace

zoro_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs


"So these are the brats huh" Sakumo asked.

"Yes they are"

*sigh* "I will have to test them first, I can't just accept them now can I?" Sakumo smirked.

"I understand, do whatever you want" Hokage replied.

"Yeah I like that too, I don't want to work under someone weaker than me" Zoro said.

"Ohh... I like your attitude kid" Sakumo said while running his hand on Zoro's head.

"Okay then tomorrow at 6 am in training ground 7 show what you brats can do" Saying this Sakumo left the office followed by the three.

"Hey don't you think we should make a plan?" Minato asked.

"I don't care" Zoro replied.

"Me neither" Fugaku added.

"Then how to plan to beat him tomorrow" Minato asked.

"Cut" Zoro placed his hand on the swords.

Both of them looked at Zoro and his swords, even before they were wondering why he was carrying three swords with him.

"You use swords?" Minato asked.

"..." Zoro didn't reply and remained silent.

"Okay..." Minato awkwardly said.

"Then let's meet tomorrow" He added only to see that nobody cared and they just moved on.

*sigh* 'this is going to be hectic' he thought and started walking towards his house.

'Hmm... now that I think about it, he had a sword on his back although it seemed to be a smaller one. Let's see what I can do against it' Zoro thought while clutching his swords.

'I heard he is quite strong and some say he is stronger than the sannins together. Is there even a slight chance of us defeating him?' Fugaku was thinking while going to his house.

'I have heard that he is quite a fast one let's see how good I am against him' Minato thought.


The next day.

Training ground 7.

Minato is the first one to reach there and is standing in the middle of the ground.

"Seems like I am first" he said laughing awkwardly.

"What do you expect when you reach here an hour before the allotted time" a voice came from behind so Minato turned to look who that was.

"You are saying that but even you are quite early, Fugaku" Minato said.

"Yeah I couldn't hold myself" Fugaku said looking here and there.

"Zoro hasn't arrived yet" Minato said.

"He would surely be sleeping" Fugaku chuckled.

"Well well you should watch your surroundings before you speak"

"Huh?" Minato and Fugaku both were confused, looking here and there to find the source of the voice. "There" Minato pointed towards the logs that were placed.

Zoro was standing on top of the middle log with one sword in his hand while two of his swords were embodied on top of the other two logs. "H-Hey since where are you here??" Minato asked.

"Long before you came"

"Hey don't you think training before the fight with sensei might tire you down?"


Fugaku was quietly observing Zoro "We will need a plan" Fugaku commanded dragging both Zoro and Minato's attention.

"Huh?" Minato and Zoro together.

"We cannot defeat him on our own he is even stronger than the sannins combined and you guys think we can defeat him on our own??" Fugaku explained, what he was saying was correct but it sounded like he was scared to even give it a try.

"Wow to think the mighty Uchiha would be scared just by the thought of fighting him" Zoro chuckled.

Fugaku was pissed off "I am not scared just try to understand the situation"

"Calm down" Zoro said quietly.

"Yes Fugaku you need to calm down" Minato added.

"Tell me what all you both can do" Zoro said while putting his swords back into the scabbard.

"Well I can do-...

—_—_—_—_—_An hour later—_—_—_—_—_—

"SO it's all decided then" Minato enthusiastically said.

"What is decided?"

"Aghh" Minato fell down scared he looked up to see Sakumo sitting on a brach right above them.

"H-HEY sensei don't scare me like that" Minato complained.

"okay okay" Sakumo jumped of the branch.

"So let me explain your mission to you guys" Sakumo said taking something out of his pocket.

"Bells?" Minato asked.

"Only two" Zoro smirked.

'Not bad this boy already understood the meaning of the test' Sakumo thought in his head.

"Two?? that means..." Minato and Fugaku looked at each other while Zoro couldn't care less.

"Yes that means one of you is going back" Sakumo said with a dark face.

"You have two hours to take them from me" Sakumo added while placing an alarm clock on the log.

"Now then 3... 2...1"

"BEGIN" as soon as Sakumo shouted all three genins threw smoke bombs on the ground covering the whole area in smoke.

'Smoke bombs... not bad' Sakumo's lips curled up.

Somewhere in the woods.

"Hey there are only two bells that means only two of us will pass" Minato panicked.

"Don't you see it's a bluff" Zoro said calmly.

"Huh? Bluff" Minato was confused and so was Fugaku.

"Yes it's a bluff it's just to check our teamwork" Zoro explained.

"So don't worry about it and just go with the plan" Zoro added while taking out his swords.

"Yes" Both said softly.

All three parted ways from there going in different directions.

By the time the smoke cleared and Sakumo was seen standing in the middle with nothing but a plane face with his eyes closed.

"So you will fight me first Zoro"

Zoro was standing right Infront of Sakumo with one sword in his mouth and one one in each of the hands. Sakumo opened his eyes to see something he never saw.

"3 swords huh? quite different" Sakumo said while pulling his own sword from his back.

"Let's see how good you are" Sakumo said and waited for Zoro to attack him.

Zoro smiled a little and bend his knees a little then crossed and arms while his swords were parallel to each other.

'This is bad this move doesn't look good'

Zoro dashed right and Sakumo.



Sorry for the delay I was having a lot of trouble which I had to take care of.

One important thing- In the last chapter I got only 3 comments just 3 how will I get the motivation to write more man

zoro_writercreators' thoughts