
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Urbain
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19 Chs

This cabin is taking too long.


DAY 17.






Tyler woke that morning with more boobs in his face. Bird had moved in her sleep tio mass his face into her surprisingly firm bust while Yuna was hugging the Survivor from her side. Both girls smiled as their eyes opened and Tyler chuckled.

"I love my life. I really do."

That got chuckles before they made breakfast for the camp. Tyler shivered as he shotgunned his energy drink and the rest of the camp came out. Once everyone got their breakfast....Tyler smiled.

"Basically repeat everything we did yesterday. Survivors ready? Go!"

They scattered and Tyler returned to the open pit mine he'd dug out by the forge. Roughly 15 feet by 15 feet with a lader dropping into the nearly 45 foot deep shaft into a rich deposit of lead and rimmed by a steel fence 5 feet high to prevent an accident, the mine produced plenty of raw materials for the friends' project. Tyler had even set up a freakin lift system using logs, stel wire, and a flat slab of steel for mass unloads. Today the Survivor collected a mass of lead and clay for transforming into bricks and mortar for the cabin while Ronny oversaw the laying of the foundation. Tyler climbed out of the pit after two hours and a further 6 feet deeper for some air and water....and smiled as he saw the basement foundation had been layed in crisp red brickwork for a satisfying pattern. Ronny came over with a chuckle for the report.

"Foundation's set, boss. My one note is erosion, but we reinforced it with steel/concrete beams piercing deeper. We'll have the frame up next."

"Good. We got plenty of mats down there and the veins are strong. I'll pitch an awning to prevent flooding now."

"Roger. Benni has the clearing for the 88 AA set and the guns in place. We're gonna see about a tunnel to them but for now that's a secondary project."

"OOOH NOW you're thinkin Ronny! We can even link the mine to it too since it's deep enough. One step at a time."

The redheaded guy chuckled and trotted back to where the camp was constructing frames for the four floor cabin from their mass of oak logs while the exterior would be made from a compound of clay, sod, and moss to create a bombproof structure that would grow moss. Tyler had gotten the idea from an old Nazi Germany armored town used during the war. The Survivor stretched and went over to help with the wall pieces....when Yuki appeared on the screen.

"Hey, Tyler, goy a bit?"

"Sure. The crew got this."

He got a mass of chuckles from the hard-at-work crew while he went to the camper and sat at the small table with a water bottle. Yuki appeared before his face and sighed.

"So you're aware? That Mental Health Interview mandated by the government is set for later today."

Tyler sat back with a chuckle.

"Okay. And the BAD news?"

"Well. We tried to tell them NOT to, but they chose Christine. Your former therapist."

"HA! Of course they did! Okay. MAke it perfectly clear I am NOT playing by their rules, Yuki."

"I did. I flatout TOLD THEM you are NOT able to be controlled by leaders outside the game and you obey no rules but your own. And since I KNOW you'll have a backup plan built for this, figured you'd appreciate the heads up."

Tyler nodded as he looked out of a gap in the armor of the camper at the forest surrounding the base.

"I'll be sure to brag. Anything important?"

"Yeah Eric's here. Disney wants to discuss your batshit crazy crossover."

That made the teenager smirk as Eric came on screen now.

"Oh this oughta be good, Eric. What's the damage?"

Eric smirked as he sat in his leather chair.

"Kid I read that magnum opus you call a fanfiction....and JESUS CHRIST wept. When I gave it to the producers? I shit you not? They were WHITE! NOTHING as ambitious as your world has been attempted before. Not even MARVEL can hold a candle to YOUR idea of a MULTIVERSE brainfuck. We got the nod and YOUR dracoian terms were adopted across the board. What do you need?"

TYler smirked.

"THe anime studios?"

"Are still in negotiations along with the artists and orginal story creaters. They want to know their creations will be respected and we're trying to persaude them to work together to ensure they ARE. Right now we're looking to begin production on the intial few weeks of Tale of the Demon. And that name has got to go since it's HORRIBLE."

"Agreed but we'll get there. Okay. Anyone I CAN'T recommend?"

Eric smirked.

"GOOOOO crazy."

"Alright. For the leading man role of YOURS TRULY.....welll I WANT to do it myself. But I DON'T think I can when I'm stuck in here now can I?"

"Ha. YOU got one helluva an ego kid. We like it. So, sadly not. YOU can't be in this one. Get OUT and you can."

"Oh good. I'll be sure to drip feed my better works to you then."

Eric blinked.


Tyler smirked at the shellshocked rep.

"Oh did I not tell you? I'm sorry. Yeah Tale of the demon is BOTTOM BARREL in my portolio."


"Oh yeah. I have like.....300 stories all told. And some have like 3 full sequals to it and ONE even has a prequal."

Eric blinked again. Completely mindbroken.


"Some. Mainly original works with some more fanfictions in there too."

"....Original. Hit me."

"What if aliens were to come to earth and they turned out to be devilgirls? Succubus to be exact...and they plunged the entire human race into a MAtrix-style hunger game looter shooter with ruling their entire race as Godking at stake?"

Eric slumped.

"What the FUCK kinda drugs are you ON? And where can WE get some? Superhero?"

"Ha. A cynical and jaded retired John Wick level hitman is mutated by a mass of falling space debris that grants him power over fire....along with a sizable portion of humanity. Out of absolutely NOWHERE and the world has to adapt."

"Huh. I SWEAR I've sene that one somewhere but I feel like they did it wrong. Horror?"

Tyler shrugged.

"THAT one I have a PROBLEM doing. I can fuck with you, and creep you out easily enough. But.....yeah. It's weird."

That made the man chuckle.

"Fair. An exAMPLE of you attempting to unnerve someone?"

Tyler frowned now as he sat back in his chair.

"Hm. What's a GOOD one? Oh. Oh yeah that works. Okay. A frame by frame description of the rape of a town leader at the hands of a demented devilman that you KINDA feel bad for because of his past.....but at the same time HATE for the things he does now."

Eric chuckled.

"A classic. That one is?"

"THe revenge of the Demon. The story of a tortured teenager getting sommoned to another world with his classmates. Only to be accused of rape by the princess he slept with that night and tortured for ten years. When he escapes, he and his new wife Sybil, become Devilman and Devilgirl. Monsters that seek to enslave the world and sky to rework it in their image. An image based around desire and desire alone. These two are EVIL. They're not heroes. They're MONSTERS. The story is horror erotica and a LOOOOOOOTTA futarape and impregnation goes on for like a thousand pages of just HELL. The Devilman builds his mountain of sexslaves to the sky, sits on the body of his favorite toy and smirks."

TYler smirks now.

"Was it worth it?"

ERIC shivered from the imagery described before smiling widely.

"Are you not entertained? Oh my god I can SEE the butthurtedness of the masses....and the JUDGEMENT that film would RADIATE when you finished it. Is this not what you came here for? And we're getting off topic. We'll see if your first work sticks. Now, the leading male lead?"

TYler smirked at this.

"To play ME I want..wait I thought this was gonna be animated, Eric?"

Eric blinked himself now.

"Um, leeme check on that because I was under the belief it was liveaction."

Tyler sat back as the rep made a phone call...and sighed as he hung up.

"Yeah sorry. There was a paper snafu. YOUR show is animated using different styles. ANOTHER show was liveaction. So you CAN voiceact yourself in the thing so ya better practice. Okay., Who do you want for Melody's voice actor?"

Tyler smirked.

"HER I want to be the lady that did Sanko."

"OOOOH interesting. Okay. Asuika?"

"HER I want to be played by Mila Jovavich."

"HA! Okay THAT would be kinda cool. Kiria?"

Tyler sat back....and snapped his fingers.

"HER role can go to Zendaya."


TYler smirked now.

"AKI will be played by Kobyashi herself."

"Ooookay. Riuko?"

"The lady that played Ryuuko Matoi in the anime. SATSKI by the girl that did Satuski Kryuuin since they're meant to be the same person kinda."

"Ooookay.....yeah this is gonna be a mindfuck. Otagowa?"

"Hm. HE can be played by Sam Neil."

"Fitting. Amaki?"

"Laura Dern."

"HA! Oh that one'll go over like a lead balloon."

"Why it'll work. Sakura can be played by Mila Kunis. Lillia gets Elma's voice. Kazuma can be a house pick."

Eric nodded as he worte the recommendations down.

"We'll get to work on the contracts. Oh yeah. What about Ira and Meld?"

"Ira is Ira Gomagory so recycle that one. Meld....HE can be Keith David."

"Ooookay. Seito?"

"Patrick Steward."

Eric smirked at that one.

"Piccard himself as a Japanese Steward. Kid I love the way you think. Kairi?"

"She can be played by Scarlett Johannsen. Tatski can be played by Index's actor. Akio'll be Miranda Cosgrove and yeah. I think that wraps it up."

Eric chuckled.

"This is going to be a nightmare for the manpower ALONE. Okay. Any OTHER ideas you wanna pitch to the board ALONGSIDE this one?"


TYler sent Tale of the Outcast Warrior over. Eric whistled.

"1549 pages huh? Okay. I'll look it over and go from there-"

"THAT one I AM proud of."

"OH SHIT. Understood."

He left and Yuki smirked as she came back on.

"I better get a cut dammit."

"Ha. And I didn't tell him this. But I CAN jack my helmet into a SEPERATE grid while still diving since I had the secondary cable port plugged in."

She blinked.

"Which means,"

"I CAN do my own acting ALLLLL still diving. I was saving that for when they okay Outcast Warrior."

"YOU think BIG Tyler. Alright. Christine's here now."

Tyler nodded...and retrieved a bottle of whiskey from a nearby cooler as the blonde haired therapist sat down in view of him....and sighed.

"So you're an alcholic now. Great. Alright, Tyler. I'm here for periodic checkins on your mental well being while inside the game. Once a week sound good?"

"No. Once a month with an open bolt schedule incase shit gets real in here."

The top was cracked open and Tyler took a swig from the bottle....as Yuki chuckled in the background.

"Wasn't that one supposed to be for a toast, Tyler?"

"Nah this one's mine. Since it IS a giant shotgun shell and my favorite brand, yeah."


Christine rubbed her eyes as she wrote down he had become alcholic.

"Drug use I assume?"

"Not really. More painkillers for my back and other minor wounds."

He shrugged at that one and the blonde looked at him.

"How are you feeling inside the virtual world, Tyler?"

"Pretty good actually. My crew know what they're doing and do it damn well. Our base is progressing rapidly and we got some seriously epic toys to do it with. We're at the level of skill most attacks are taken in stride and are at the point in our playthrough we're leaving rookie territory and are moving into experienced. Not SKILLED mind you, but getting there."

She lifted her eyes now after jotting a few notes.

"RElations with any girls?"

"Oh every night. Ha. They're freakin great and GORGEROUS too."

"Sex addict as well. Ugh. I understand you're also a torturer now."

THe Teenager nodded as he took another swig.

"Yup. I'm putting the research I did few years back to work now. Sometimes we'll need information and some unlucky prick will have it. They refuse to play ball, they'll LOSE their balls."

"Okay. Okay you've turned into a homegrown terrorist and if you ever escape that game, it will be HIGHLY recommended you be placed into a maximum security mental ward. I have what I need."

Tyler smirked as she closed her book.

"And so do I, Christine. This session, along with every other you may seek to have has been recorded in the event of a screwjob. Try me and I'll release the original version."

She glared at the boy on the screen.

"YOU are a MONSTER. And you NEVER should have gotten out of that group home."

"Buuut I did. BAHBYE."

She left in a huff and Yuki sat down laughing.

"I also recorded it, Tyler. She's not getting access to the room without us present. We learned a few things from last time so focus on your crew."

"Will do. Alright, anything else, Yuki?"

"Nope. I'll let you know."

Tyler nodded as he closed the screen and set the bottle of rootbeer back into his section of the fridge. He walked out and Ronny came over with a chuckle.

"We got most of the skeleton up, Boss. That crane made it easy. We're ready to raise the first floor brick walls. We'll build up floor by floor."

"Good. LEt's get back at it then."

Tyler threw himself into working on the cabin with the rest of the team. By the time the sun went down, most of the first floor brickwork had been completed with plenty of room for wiring the entire thing in the airtight walls. In appearance the place was laid out in an oddly curved manner with two full wings extending from the main atrium. These wings housed the kitchens, common area, a sun room as the girls had wanted their opwn tanniong sections which the guys had been all to0o happy to build, and even had access to a full ten car garage with ropom for even the halftrack with the 50 caliber AA battery attached to it. Tyler had smiled when he saw they had built it to the height to allow for a full chainfall winch and room for tinkering on semis.

"Okay. Now you're startin to think like me guys! We'll be able to mount the 50s now!"

The inner layer of walls had been lined by red brick with a near 6 inch gap between the bricks, the wooden support beams, and the outer layer of the moss-growing concrete mix. The space between the sections would be filled with fireproof insulation, the building's intense wiring scheme, and rebar frames for reinforcement. Yuna had a thought as the friends moved up a set of stairs at the back for the second floor.

"Hey, Tyler. Mind walking me through something?"

The Survivor was guiding the second set of frames for the walls as it was Ronny's turn in the hamsterwheel.

"Sure, whatcya thinkin?"

"JUst, WHERE are we going to get the ELECTRICITY to POWER the house from? We only have that puny portable generator you use for the shoplights."

That made the Survivor smirk as the section of wall was secured in brackets with lead and cement.

"Clear! To answer your question, Yuna? There ARE extremely powerful industrial generators in the world. They're usually military though. I'm planning on building a solar array at a distance and on the roof disguised as something with a heavy duty industrial generator."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah that sounds about right."

Benni smirked as he and Jarvia applied the moss growing concrete mix to the ground floor.

"And as usual Gore's thinking four steps ahead while WE try to understand step 1."

Jarvia shrugged as he filled his latest section of frames.

"At this point, Benni? Just go with it. Just smile and nod. Seems to be the least headache inducing."

The darker skinned guy's sigh got chuckles from the friends as Tyler was seen guiding the next section. As the sun went down, two full floors of their fortress had been erected and completely incased in concrete. Tyler smiled as a tarp was dragged across the still pristine wooden floor of the second floor.

"Alright. No workin after dark people. Seems a good way to hurt ourselves. Regroup at the campfire."

Everyone had tired yet satisfied smiles on their faces as they gathered around the campfire and Tyler looked at the already mildly intimidating structure looming in the deepening darkness.

"Tomorrow we'll get the last three floors in place and wire it. Then all that's left is furnishing the place. And by THAT point our wounds will be healed enough for more raiding."

Yuna smirked.

"And the PLUMBING Tyler?"

"We can redirect the river into the house using pipework and some good ole ductwork. I seen it in a video once on how to live off the grid."

Ronny had a thought as he looked at the thing.

"So, the roof will be pretty weak to bombs, Tyler."

"NOT if we build it like this."

TYler drew a set of boards ion a paper.

"Back in world war 2 when an air raid from Germany seemed like an eventuality instead of a possibility, a new style of construction was adopted for places like munitions factories. If we stand the boards like so in their beddings and reinforce the entire structure like we HAVE been, then the roof can withstand a direct impact from a 1,000 pound bomb. What I am going for, is REPEATED deflections, hence the clusterfuck of different strategies and such."

Benni smirked.

"Surprised you're not putting the quad 50 on the roof then, Gore."

"We will when we find a second module. THAT ONE will be mounted on the halftrack since we can use it for mobile antiair. I'd LIKE to throw an 88 artillery cannon up there, but that might be wishful thinking."

Another round of chuckles was heard from the shaking their heads friends at the idea and Bird smirked.

"And the CAMPER?"

"Well I AM looking for an RV, Bird."


Yuna shrugged as she and Grudgia were on dinner duty that night.

"Long as we get a PROPER kitchen I'll be happy. I want a PIZZA dammit!"

She got a mass of longinmg sighs from the group....


Annnd Tyler smirked. Making everyone slump as he nodded at the forge.

"The same principle applies. When we got the kitchen situated, I'll show you how to make a coal-run oven like they used back in the coal age. And honestly it'll taste a lot better."

Bird smiled longingly now as some warmed instant meals were passed around.

"I'm Italian. I COMPLETELY know what you mean since we run our own resturante with a fire oven. Annnd we'll stop there since yeah."

Once fed the friends retired to the camper and Tyler smiled as Yuna snuggled up with him while Bird got kidnapped by Grudgia. Yuna smiled as he wraped an arm around her waist.

"Goodnight, Tyler. Enjoy the pillows!"

He chuckled as the teenager got comfy.

"Night, Yuna. YOU enjoy the everything. Night Birdy!"

"G'night! Teehee! Grudgia! That tickles!"