
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Urbain
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19 Chs

Day three...with more zombies.


DAY 3.






Tyler woke the next morning feeling IMMENSELY refreshed and and surprisingly wide awake. He sat up and found the sun was visible with no fog this time. He smiled and loaded up before making a breakfast of the ice cream and pepsi. Once fed he left the beach house and headed through the town. The survivor walked along a main street with the fireaxe slung across his shoulders as he sought an outdoor shop or another of the like. Along the sides of the beachfront streets were many resturantes, souvienor shops, and attractions for such a town and after a few minutes Tyler stopped outside a resturante known for crablegs.

"I wonder."

He walked inside to find two zombie....children. he blinked at this VERY unsettling discovery as the two were little girls not older the twelve...naked.....covered in blood.....and he stopped looking them over as he noted crusted blood on their lower abdomens. he slammed the axe into their heads and went for the kitchen.

"NOPe. NOT gonna think about it."

In the real world a shudder was the order of the day and Hannah nodded.

"Agreed. That game is DARK."

Tyler mantled over the bar style countertop and went to where the shop kep their softshell crabs for their sea fresh crab dishes and found the tanks filled with the surprisingly still alive crustaceans.

"Score. I HATE crablegs, but I know how to do stuff wid em,"

He lifted a few dozen of the calorie rish crabs from their tanks and used the various tools around the kitchen to collect the rich meat he then store inside a small cooler he cleaned out with a still functional water hose and stuffed it into his pack. He left the shop through an alley and in the real world Yukimara whistled.

"Kid has good instincts. And is right. Crabmeat is a VERY good food for a survivor. And you can even eat it raw and it'd be fine."

Michelle lifted an eyebrow as Tyler ducked around corners.

"Since WHEN does he like CRAB? He always gagged whenever I brought it home."

Hannah smiled.

"It's called surviving. And take when you can get."

Tyler left the alley behind to walk out onto a sidewalk still seeking his outdoor shop when he passed a store,

"Hrm? Herb's Pawnshop? Eh worth a shot."

He went inside the VERY cramped with shelves shop and found a single zombie in the back he put down with the KABAR to the head since the fireaxe wasn't a good idea. Then the survivor went to the accessories section and smiled as he found his sought for prey.

"A highschooler's day pack. More then three times the size of my current."

He took the thing and went to a tight section between two shelves without a window to repack his supplies in the larger pack.

"Carryweight....120 pounds. I can see that."

The pack wasn't a quarter full once he placed the goods inside....as a sound of glass breaking nearby was heard.

"Hurry up!"

"we're set!"

"Anything good?"

"Nope! Bail! we gotta go!"

A sound of yelling was heard outside and Tyler was quick to shut the door of the pawnshop abd melt into the overly cramped shelves underneath a mass of hanging belts that more or less perfectly hid him as a group of five panicking players were seen frantically searching for loot and were just making a racket. Tyler was comfortably hidden inside his belt den as the players were heard clearer.

"Hey a pawnshop!"

"They might have a gun! Get the door open!"

Tyler pulled the M1911 and cocked the thing with a pull as the door was kicked open. As the loud players forced their way into the shop the second click was masked entirely. Tyler watched as the five players shoved shelves over, broke ceramics, glass doors, and just ransacked the pawnshop in a blind panic seeking guns. They utterly ignored the belts and clothes as they reached the glass case that contained the knives.

"Get it open!"

"I'm trying it's made of plexiglass!"

"Hurry up we need to get out before we die!"

"I'm TRYING! Get me that hammer!"

A sound of banging was heard as the out of their minds with fear players were slamming a 12 pound sledgehammer into the bulletproof glass case containing a mass of knives. idiots aren;t aware those are decorative knives with no edges or sharp tips. Tyler looked out the shattered door now...and groaned silently as he noted a mob of undead zombies approaching the echoing pawnshop. Shiiiiiit. There's over 20! Ugh. I stay here I am going to die. Okay. He looked around the shop seeking a way to escape before the lumbering horde breached the open door. The survivor then had a VERY simplistic idea. He looked to where the five idiots were desperately fighting with the glass case and noted their backs were turned to him. Without a sound Tyler walked out of the belts, rose and walked without making a single sound on the glass encrusted floor as he walked without fear to the front door and out it as the panicking idiots didn't notice the ghost behind them. Tyler walked out the front door and took an immediate right into some bushes where he sat down out of easy sight and again without a single sound as masses of zombies were seen lumbering towards the door.





Tyler didn;t move a muscle as the players inside were mobbed by the zombies....raped...and eaten alive by them as well. Zombie after zombie poured into the now silent pawnshop and Tyler still did not move a muscle until the last one passed. He then rose without a sound and walked to the front of the shop where he pulled the second molotov cocktail from his pack, lit the fuse and threw it into the shop before shutting the steel cage door. The bottle slammed into a pile of bone dry sweatshirts and Tyler walked away as the flames took root. He walked three streets down as a tower of smoke started to rise into the air and he got an exp award of +2,500 for destroying a hive. He got a mini fanfare of fireworks and smiled at the news. Level up to 2. I have 5 points to place. And a PERK to select. HA. You can't catch a ghost. He walked away from the town as the pawnshop burned to the ground. In the real world, Yukimara nodded in agreement as she heard his thought.

"No you canNOT catch a ghost that KNOWS how to vanish. Okay. He grew up having to erase his own existence to the point I doubt even i would notice him if he didn't want me to. Kinda scary for a kid that size."

Hannah nodded.

"And heartbreaking. He's only 15 you know."

"And has learned how to not be noticed. makes you wonder don't it?"

Michelle snorted.

"He learned it so he'd get out of chores. and he DOES a knack for disappearing when you're looking for him."

Sherry rubbed her eyes as well.

"Tyler has always been a difficult child. He's on the spectrum and his behaviors make him lash out when you try to correct him. Violently sometimes."

Yukimara looked at her.

"Try him and he responds in kind."

"exactly. You push him and he pushes back as hard as he can. On ANYTHING."

"Ha. I was like that when i was a kid. Problem? I wanted to be seen as an equal by those around me. when they didn't listen, I was going to MAKE them listen. Took me YEARS to unlearn that. Mainly because I was ignored growing up."

MIchelle just looked at her.

"TYLER was NEVER ignored. He is autistic and unreasonable defiance is a part of his diagonsis. You can stop trying to downplay his disruptive behaviors now."

Yuki merely looked back to the screen as Tyler was seen looking at a flipped over ambulance wagon. Hannah blinked as she saw the thing.

"THAT'S an emercgency first response wagon! If he's lucky most of the first aid kits and rapid response equipment will still be there."

Tyler crossed his arms as he tilted his head at the red and white vehicle. Hmm. I can't see into the wagon itself without climbing on to it. All the glass is shattered and I don't have the means to stitch up a gash. That thing has the space to hold 6 head not including the driver and backup driver. Hmmm. I have NO serious medical at the moment.....same time the risks of getting mobbed.....He frowned and looked around at the area. Behind him the pillar from the burnt out pawnshop had vanished. Now he was standing inside a small area of suburbs with no clinic or drugstores in sight. Yuki whistled as she and the rest listened to the teenager debate raiding the wagon or walking away.

"Okay. I...think he MIGHT have a tendency to overthink some situations."

Hannah nodded as she blonde doctor watchd closely.

"And yet? I am calling it completely justified. There could be ANYTHING inside that wagon."

Tyler sighed as he looked at the wagon.

"God dammit. I NEED some more healing. To NOT do anything at this point is just ASKING for it."

So he pulled the sawwed off shotgun and set it on his belt with the glock in easy reach. In his pockets he stuffed most of the shells for the shotgun and the extra magazine for the automatic pistol. Then he cracked his neck as he approached the shut doors...and opened them.....and they BURST open from something immense slamming a staggering amount of strength into the steel doors. Tyler was flung across the street bouncing like a stone on a pond before he gritted his teeth and jerked his body around as he impacted again. He landed cleanly on his feet with a surprising agility and faced the new threat. In the street was a 10 foot tall muscular beast covered in tattered clothes. It's skin was grey and the thing's eyes were glowing bright red. Tyler noted the thing walked with heavy steps and the arms were bulging with muscles as it bellowed at him like a pissed off Hulk and slammed hands covered in barbed wire on the asphalt, shattering it like dust. In the real world, a new wave of utter HORROR and SHOCK went up from teh watchers at this unexpected surprise and Yuki gritted her teeth.

"Okay his danger instincts are INSANE. On a SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL his MIND was asking him if he was serious....and NOW we know why."

Hannah nodded with an intense gravity to her as Tyler and the Beast locked eyes.

"Up until he found the ambulance everything he has done was without breaking stride. The VERY first time he stops to ACTUALLY consider his options....he is attacked by that."

Michelle recovered her power of speech. She looked at the boy on the bed behnd her.

"we need to do something."

"Go NEAR THAT bed and I WILL stop you."

Yukimara produced a loaded Barretta 92F handgun and set the thing on a table.

"As an active Delta force soldier and his designated survival advisor I am granted the obligation to defend his real life body until he is released from the hospital. Under this new obligation I am free to respond to any and all threats to his safety with anty force i deem nessecary. I CAN AND WILL shoot you if you go NEAR that bed or I find out you WERE near that bed without supervision. This is your ONE AND ONLY WARNING. DO I make myself clear?"

Yukimara's eyes and voice were clear as a bell and hard as STEEL as she glared a HOLE through the highly intimidated trio and Hannah smiled.

"The bill for the protection of the Players came through. She CAN do all that."

Michelle shuddered.

"YOU two are monsters."

Tyler smirked as his mind started anaylising the beast. In the real world, the screen displaying his eyes was suddenly lined by graphs, rapidly processing notes and details, previously encountered versions of similar style enemies, possible strategies and backup strategies, the beast's precieved strengths, weaknesses, ways to expliot both and escape in a pinch and more tactical information all being analysed by the thinking teenager. Yukimara looked at Hannah as the gibberish speed mental conversation overloaded the halfspeed option in playback.

"This kid is fucking scary! His mind is like a supercomputer!"

Hannah nodded as she looked at the readings on a machine.

"That's not the truly scary piece, Yukimara. The scary piece? With yhr drugs currently being flushed from his system? He's only operating at less then HALF capicity! This kid is a little frightening now."

The eyes turned back to the screen as a series of images all lined up on the beast's outline like a number of holograms remerging into one entity....and Tyler's voice was heard.

"Let's dance asshole."

He rushed the beast and the thing bellowed as it swung an arm at the teenager like a treetrunk...only for Tyler to drop to the ground with the quarter loaded sawwed off shotgun in his hand. The arm swooshed directly overhead and the result saw the head of the thing looking STRAIGHT into the twin barrels. Tyler smiled.

"You forgot your change."

He pulled the triggers and the head of the beast exploded as the quarters tore through it. Tyler rolled out of the way of the now dropping thing and had two fresh shells in the breech. It dropped to it's knees and Tyler smiled as he stuffed the barrels into the hole in the thing's skull and pulled the triggers again. The thing went to the ground and Tyler emptied two more shells into it....and kicked it. No reaction.

"An STAY down."

In the real world, Hannah whistled as Tyler slotted fresh shells into the shotgun.

"Ooookay. THAT was BADASS."

The Ranger chuckled as she nodded.

"VERY. And he DIDN'T overdo it either. I'd expect that level of oneliner from the Terminator in his prime."

Michelle sighed as Sherrie and Christine rubbed their eyes.

"He's reckless."

"How soon can we do something, Christine?"

"Not soon enough. The motions need time to be drafted."

TYler noted something on the back of the beast and smiled as he saw a slack duffel bag strapped to the thing's back.

"Score. Alright....300 pound carryweight Addon? Niiiice! I have close to 500 pounds at this point! And now the real prize."

He climbed into the ambulance...only to find it completely trashed with blackened blood and viscera everywhere. But he paid it no mind as he loaded several sealed boxes from the floor and various panels into the duffel bag...inCLUDING a full oxygen tank. And a breathing aparatus for another tank that made Yuki and Hannah smirk.

"OOOH clever kid."

"I'm curious what he's got planned for the breathing gear and the spare tank."

The Ranger smirked.


"I will say....access to a burning building."


Tyler moved through the wagon collecting everything he thought he could use before he hopped out and took off in a trot away from the location. As he ran he noted fewer and fewer houses alongside the road and that the sun was starting to set. So he looked at the various houses and headed towards one he thought was pretty. This one was a two floor affair with a wraparound porch and all teh glass present. Tyler went to the front door and found it to be locked as well....and he took a step back.

"I wonder....ah. Gotchya."

He slid a small panel aside to retrieve a key with which he unlocked the door. A rasping growl was heard before a naked girl zombie was seen approaching him from the shadows of the atrium...and he stomped her to death without really seeing her. The body was tossed into a bush and he pocketed the candybar she dropped. The front door was locked and he pulled the various curtains down on the ground floor and wedged the door shut. Tyler went to the kitchen and smiled as he opened the fridge.

"Oh here we go. 175 proof Verinoff vodka. A 5 liter GLASS bottle. Plus a full chocolate cake with vanilla frosting, a box of juice pouches, and a can of spegettios. Not bad."

The cupboards were next and yielded a few empty cans and other such items. Then he went to the basement and found it to be fully finished with a metal door. He smirked at this and went to the master bedroom now. Tyler lifted the mattress to find a wooden case underneath the thing and set it on the bed. A 3 number combination was required to open the thing and he tilted his head before looking around at the room...and smirked as he noted the various star wars posters and references. So he took the case,

"5-0-1. Easy work for the 501st."

The case opened with a click and inside....was another gun that made the teenager smirk.

"Another Colt M1911. With three full magazines of 7-oh?"

He blinked as he realized something on the gun and magazines.

"Oh SCORE! Fat stack varient! 14 double stacked magazines extended to hold 21 rounds! Okay that is awesome."

He set the new gun aside and set the duffel bag on the bed and opened the videfeed up. Yuki smiled as she produced her notebook.

"Nicely done on that big thing."

"Thanks, Yuki. THAT was just an ELITE. NOT a full boss."

"Scary. Headshots at pointblank range, Tyler?"

He shrugged as he unzipped the bag.

"Doubtful it's THAT restricted, Yuki. My guess is it's weak to medium caliber and up. Poking it with a 9mm or a 22 will just piss it off."

She nodded as Hannah smirked.

"Sooo what's the plan for the oxygen tanks, Tyler?"

The teenager chuckled as he set them aside.

"A few things really. This one I'll rework into a landmine/boobytrap explosive. I do it RIGHT I can set a trap when pursued or hunting. The OTHER has it's own rebreather when dealing with toxins or burning regions."

Yuki looked up sharply.

"You intend to make a bomb from that tank, Tyler?"

"That was the plan."

"Do you know HOW to?"

Tyler chuckled now.

"Oddly enough, Yuki? I do. Since this is a pure OXYGEN tank it's easy. All I need to do is rig the nozzle here to release the gas onto a lit flame, OR hit it with a bullet beside an open flame. So if I ducttape a lighter to the nozzle or attach a sparkler into the top here, and lit it? Bam. Makeshift timebomb."

Yuki frowned harder now.

"And HOW do you KNOW that?"

He shrugged.

"I did something similar in another game."

"Oh. Um. Okay."

"Ha. You were expecting something terror related, weren't you?"

"Um, pretty much."

TYler chuckled as he pulled a 10 gallon pressure cooker over now.

"Why do ya think I have this?"

She chuckled at that one as the duffelbag was dumped out on the bed. Tyler then set the various medical supplies aside and Hannah nodded as she saw them.

"You know what to look for. Good finds."

"Thanks, Doc. Alright, what did the Beast drop...."

He used a long rod to set each item aside.

"A box of ammunition with 50 rounds inside, a heavy coat, a long barrel to a gun, a pack of oreos, a screwdriver, a machete, a bottle of glue and a single roll of duct tape. Weird spread."

He took the barrel and Yuki smiled.

"THAT is the long barrel attachment for your sawed off, Tyler. And is simple to install."

"I'll sit on it then. Right now I don't NEED a long barrel shotgun. Plus without the proper stock I'd never be able to control the damned thing."

"So true. Teh ammo?"

He looked.

"Wow. 50 rounds of 45 ACP. I can refill most of my magazines with these. Not bad."

"I can see how that other guy was able to collect so much at once. The coat?"

TYler looked.

"A heavy biker jacket in my size. I'll keep it since I kinda need protection from the weather. Plus I can use the inner pocket to store the shotgun. Think fast PUNK."

He tok over the bottle of vodka and Yuki smirked.

"Let me guess: MOlotov Cocktail?"

TYler shook his head as he took the nearly 190 prof liquor bottle.

"I need medical more then I need weapons at the moment. I still have three more molotovs and about 5 medkits. I'll use this one for an antiseptic."

Hannah whistled at that idead as the teenager put the botle beside the small pile of medical supplies.

"At THAT proof you could use it as gas. Smart kid."

Michelle had a new look of outrage as Tyler started loading bullets into the 45 ACP magazines.

"You are getting out of hand. STOP DEFYING THE LAWS, Tyler! Or when you get out you will be arrested-"

A sound of deep rumbling cut the controlling woman off and Tyler looked to where a basement window sat. He slotted shells into the sawed off and took a spot where he could see out the window while also mostly out of sight. From his narrow vantage point the survivor could see the street cleanly....and he smirked as he saw a battered 4x4 jeep sitting in the driveway of the house. Climbing out of the thing were a set of four men in makeshift body armor wielding pool cues with knives taped to the top and one had a pistol. Tyler smirked as he saw the Jeep was in good condition despite the post apocolyptic world around it and even had a lift kit for higher clearance. Yuki now produced her notebook as Tyler pulled a knife from his arsenal.

"Let's see how he does with an ambush."

Hannah nodded without taking her eyes from the scene on the TV.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Tyler took some rope from his loot and hung the sawed off shotgun just inside the steel door with a strand threaded around the triggers and connected to the door handle. The bobytrap set the teenager went top the back door of the basement..and rushed out into the darkening space between the two buildings. The knife in his hand, he crept along the paneling of the building as a sound of glass breaking was heard above him and a grumble too.

"Jesus we've already been here twice, Greg! WHY are we bothering with this place? Jesus I don't get paid-OOMPH."

The grumble was cut off by the 7 inch military kabar plunging into the man's torso just between two plates of a football padd set before Tyler dragged the dying man from the window without a sound to the grass below. The teenager then stabbed the man twice more, one in the chest over the heart and once more in the throat to prevent a scream. Without breaking stride Tyler looted the man of everything he had and stuffed it into his empty duffel bag before he went to the rear porch. One down. Three left. Tyler reached the rear porch and found two men poking at the thick bushes on either side of the porch with their long pole cue spears...and the teenager smirked as he noted their looks of bored irritation as they did so. These two were wearing more football padding but with the addition of some metal plates over their chests that made frontal attacks a bad idea. So, Tyler took a rock from the ground and tossed it onto the neighboring porch with an audible thunk. Both idiots turned in it's direction....and Tyler had the knife buried between one man's shoulder blades as he rounded. The man grunted and was also dragged to the ground over a railing where two more stabs were inflicted. A gunshot was heard from within the building and the now nervous lone survivor of the foursome was seen jumping.

"Hey Max you hear that?"

His nervous whisper got no response.

"Hey...Max? What the-"

He spun around looking for his companion....only to see Tyler smiling at him just before the knife plunged between the bars of his football helmet into his throat.

"Shhhh, shhh. It's okay.....they're all dead."

The last man went limp and Tyler chuckled as he stripped him to the skin and tossed his body onto the grass.

"I HATE stealth....but I gotta admit it IS fun hunting these pricks like animals."

A heavy impact had him drop to the floor as something hit him in the shoulder.

"Kid I AIN'T stupid as you think I am."

THe gunshot had been the trap going off....but it had NOT scored a single hit on the one triggering it. Tyler grunted as his shoulder cracked and he saw the last survivor holding the makeshift spear at the ready abover him.

"Now then. YOU'RE gonna pay for killin my friends,. kid."

"It was painfully easy."

TYler, however, merely smirked as he looked the very pissed off man inm the eye.


The man stabbed at the flat on his back teenager with the spear....only for the experienced player to knock the spear aside at just the RIGHT moment and lunge up with the knife, plunging the lethal steel into the attacker's jugular.

"I can't tell you how many I've done that in other games on pure reflex. Never failed it ONCE."

THe dying man bled out on the deck as Tyler rose to his feet....and looted him before leaving him to die in the grass. The teenager winced as he felt the pain in his fractured shoulder as he returned to the basement and dismantled the trap. Once that was taken care of he returned to his pile of loot and set the new stuff down as a frowning Yuki appeared on the screen.

"Well, THAT was recklessly stupid, Tyler."

THe teenager shrugged as he puled the bottle of painkillers over.

"Eh not really. Those were maruaders. NPCS, and I needed a baseline."

The delta soldier frowned harder at this as Tyler popped one of the painkillers.

"There was not a better option?"

"Hey the plan was sound. The TRAP was a missfire. Which let's be honest, was KINDA likely. Same TIME, the risk was required. Anyway. I got a jeep now."

He set the keys before him and smirked.

"Tomorrow I'm leavin town. I got enough food and ammo to last for a few days. Plus enough containers to transport gas provided the battery don't die on me."

Yuki sighed as she looked at him.

"The failed trap aside, that was a well executed ambush. And even the counter was well timed. How bad is the wound?"

TYler rolled his shoulder with a mild frown.

"Sore like the first time you work out. Same time not that bad. I'll be fine by morning."

Michelle broke her silence now.

"YOU are GOING to get yourself killed if you do NOT start reigning in your destructive behaviors. And DON'T YOU DARE think of DRIVING that vehicle WITHOUT a license-"

"I WAS planning on driving drunk. That better?"

Yuki and Hannah snorted at that reflex chuckle and the doctor rubbed her eyes with a smile.

"JUST to be able to say you did?"

"Pretty much."

TYler unloaded the duffelbag of loot and looked the various heavy plastic fopotball pads over with a tilted head.

"Hm. Nothing in my size. Same TIME I can rework them easily enough. I-oh hello."

He spotted a small plastic case laying in the midst of the pile and took it curiously....before opening it. And whistling at the pure white powder laying inside some baggies.

"Jesus. Cocaine. PURE cocaine too going by that stark whiteness. About...50 grams worth."

EVERYONE in the real world lifted an eyebrow at his evaluation...and Michelle said it.

"HOW do YOU know what pure cocaine looks like, Tyler?"

The teenager chuckled as he looked at the lot nmore closely now.

"I knew a guy back when that sold it on the street. Was a good friend a mine and I worked for him for a bit. I shit you not I made close to 4,500 bucks in one afternoon at his spot. Guy owed me a favor for getting him out of a bust with a copfriend a mine and that was the trade. But my GOD was he pissed when I slept with his sister AND his stupid hot mom in one threeway."

The room was so silent you could have heard a pindrop. The three services ladies had looks of exasperated irritation on their faces while Hannah and Yuki were wearing understanding expressions. Then Tyler smirked.

"My past has FAR more then what was reported to the state. And YOU clowns don't even know HALF of MY story."

Michelle sighed.

"Oh for god's sake, Tyler. ENOUGH WITH THE LIES! YOU did NOT live like that and YOU KNOW IT! Stop trying to make yourself seem tougher then you are! That's it. Sherry put him back on his meds before his discosciation with reality gets worse."

Yuki sighed and looked at Tyler as a phone was produced.

"You're right on the purity. I spent time in south america during the smuggler wars. And you NEVER forget what the real deal looks like. Now WHAT is your plan for it, Tyler?"

The teenager smirked as he set the powder beside his medical supplies.

"I have a few options really. One is a good time. The other is a energy boost in a pinch and the other is some more rigging shells and stuf. There's a few other things in here too. Guys had 5 ounces of pot, a few more bottles of alcohol, and this."

TYler held up a thumb sized bal.

"Molly, I think."

Hannah smirked.

"Yes it IS molly. And for the love of god don't mix them?"

"Nah.....oh there's an idea."

TYler looked at his pile of supplies as the light of idea appeare din his eyes...before a sadistic grin spread across his face.

"I DID see an air compresser inside the garage. I take that, add that pipe from the closet, ad a lever, and reuse the leftover hyperdermics...bam. Bootleg tranq gun. Oh I GOTTA try this."

The ladies int he room were quite taken aback by this as Tyler retrieved the electric aircompresser from the garage and a tool box before taking it apart. Yuki watched with a new intensity as the halfsmiling teenager worked.

"Okay. NOW I am worried."

30 minutes later Tyler had a haphazardly constructed air powered gun. The tank from the air compresser was mounted to a long pipe from the closet with a crank to add air pressure to a valve. Ammo was loaded into the pipe directly through a rubber sealed hole and the thing was fired by a small button beside the awkward looking thing. Tyler smiled as he loaded a small twig the same size and shape of a hyperdermic needle and cranked the wheel a few times. There was a soft click and he pressed the button while peering down the makeshift sights. The twig flew from the barrle with a soft whistle to embed itself in the wall. Tyler smiled as he set the thing aside.

"And NOW I have a stealth weapon. Alright."

Yuki lifted an eyebrow.


"I was a fan of magyver."

"Okay. That checks out. And the plan for the weapon?"

He smirked and puleld the cocaine and moly over.

"I'll rig a few of the needles with these. I plug someone with cocaine mixed with some good ole bad acid and BAM. INSTANT freakout rage. The Molly for hallucinations."

Hannah whistled at the ideas.

"Scary and yet? I think I've seen this in a few movies somewhere."

TYler chuckled as he crafted the drugs into a liquid form and filed 5 needles worth of them. These he marked with a marker before storing them inside the empty cocaine box.

"I'm also an evil scientist. Okay."

The weapon was placed inside his backpack and he tok the football padding over with a knife. These he cut into sections and used some glue to make into more feasable armor for his frame. The thicker pads were glued together for the chest and back sections while over his shoudlers were the more curved pieces. Holding the contraption together was thinner pieces of cloth that allowed free movement and were oddly comfy to wear. The armor covered his entire torso and he removed the face gaurd section of a helmet before adding those to his knees for makeshift knee guards...and would add a VICIOUS attack to a kick. Happy with his setup the remains were piled in a closet as they were useless. Then Tyler returned to loading magazines from the ammo the Beast had dropped. Yuki smiled as she saw his idea of armor.

"All your vital points are well defended from zombies. And players will be wary sincen you look like an NPC from a distance. Nice."

TYler chuckled as he finished the last magazine.

"I work at it. In the morning I'll be taking off. After I refil the gastank and load in."

Michelle glared at him.

"NO you will NOT be driving a vehicle at your age! And TAKE that RIDICULOUS outfit off this instant! That is NOT how a proper young man dresses and you wil most CERTAINLY throw those drugs away!"

Tyler ignored her as he looked his fod supplies over now...and tilted his head.

"I don't have a means for transporting water. Gotta watch that. Oh yeah. I leveled up."

He opened his interface and smirked at the number.

"Level 5 and with 25 points to place. Alright."

Yuki wrote his base numbers down as he sat back.

"We'll get an rpg expert to."

"Don't bother, Yuki. I know EXACTLY what I want my build to be. Okay. I had STRENGTH: 5. DEFENSE: 10. STAMINA: 2. AGILITY: 2. DEXTERITY: 3. INTELLIGENCE: 15. I have 25 to place. I'll slap 8 into stamina and agility, and use the remaining 7 in dexterity. So I now have 5 STRENGTH. 10 DEFENSE. 10 STAMINA. 10 AGILITY. 10 DEFENSE. 15 INTELLIGENCE. That'll give me a huge boost in my physical abilities."

HE hit apply and shivered from the upgrade and Yuki nodded.

"Level out your character and move in stages. Smart. IOS there a perk system?"

"Oh yeah. Okay."

HE looked at the second panel and smirked at the offerings.

"And they're dictated by my attributes. Okay. 15 intelligence gets me access to the Crafter perk. Makes crafting easier and reduces costs of making new items from scratch. I have five perk choices. I'll take that one. Strength only gives me a small boost to attack damage when using melee weapons and my hands. Stamina....oh. A reduction in stamina when running. Minus....10%. I'll get that one. Ten defense opens up a -5% in bleed out time on a wound. Takes 5% more time to die from that. I'l take it. Agility...a boost to climbing. Plus 5% ease in climbing things. That makes four. The last one.....I'll drop into stamina. Increase stamina by 10% when entering combat. And lasts until the fight ends. Alllrighty."

He hit apply and Yuki smirked.

"Good choices. And now I'm curious to see them in action."

"ME too. Alright. I'm done for the day."

He went to the kitchen and used a pot to boil the crabmeat for the night's meal washed down with a juice box. Afterwards he settled on the bed in the basement still in full armor with the sawed off in hands' reach.

In the real world the screen went black and Yuki whistled as she loked the notes of the day over.

"Okay. So he is an INGENIOUS survivor that is also good with his hands. I have not seen him panic or even get reMOTELY worried. even when facing that big bastard down he merely focused."

Hannah nodded with a lok of respect in her blue eyes as she looked at the recording of the day's events.

"I would have screamed like a kid and shit myself when that thing appeared. ANd yet he just took it instride. His mental fortitude is extreme."

Christine just sighed.

"It's because of his discioative disorder. Things that normally bother normal people don't sink in as much for him and so he can be called SLIGHTLY sociopathic."

Yuki chuckled.

"I get the feeling that's a GOOD THING in there. Being able to remain calm and collected under any circumstances is nothing but a strength."

Sherry rubbed her eyes.

" He is utterly reckless and is now intending to drive while intoxicated. He is ACTIVELY plotting the enslave some poor soul with those drugs and we're just going to WATCH?"

MIchelle looked to the bed behind them.

"We need to do something before he goes to far-"


Yuki lifted her barretta and smiled as she cocked it.

"NO you will NOT do ANYTHING I do not approve. Or be shot. Choose."

THe three ladies glared at her for that one and Sherry sighed.

"You're a monster. And we're filing a motion to have you removed from his case so WE can get him back on the proper path in life."

"Good luck. I'm required by law to make a recording of every exchange between me and Tyler and send it to my superiors for evaluation."

They blinked at this and Hannah looked at her.

"Why'sat Yuki?"

The Delta soldier chuckled.

"They're trying to build a group of the best players in the game and have them meet. If they do, the higher ups believe they can get the others out of the game world the quicker if they pool talents. As it is, Tyler's evaluations have him in the drawing to not just be a member of this ingame task force, but to be a LEADER among it. It's what? Day 4? And he already has armor, a jeep and guns. Plus a high supply of medical and food? Most of the other players have been struggling to even find a place to SLEEP at night that's semisafe and here he is practically living in luxury. He has already faced an elite andf won without a scratch. Word through the vine is the number of players that can kil elites one on one like that and NOT take a scratch are int he double digits. The only question remaining is if he would cooperate with the other players if givent eh oppertunity. I....think he wouldn't. As the inherent risks of dealing with people don't REALLY pay off in a survival situation."

Hannah frowned as she looked at the screen herself now.

"Okay. Now THAT I'll slap a 50/50 on. And now I'm curious."