
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · Urbain
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19 Chs

Back on the road! Kinda.


DAY 10.






Tyler woke the morning of his third day of fucking off with a mild boredom. For the last three days he had not left the house and merely dicked around with his anime and porn collections...and some minor tinkering with his supplies. In that time period the rapidly growing viewers of his livestream had caught up with his previous adventures. Now he was going to put on more of a show!

The teenager stretched hard after a breakfast of an energy drink and some bagels. He used a knife to shave the rapidly growing irritating stubble from his face and loaded his backpack. For weapons he took his 45-70, M1014, silenced M1911, a single frag grenade and some of the other throwables in his collection. Happy with his loadout he flipped the lever on his rifle.

"Alright. BAck in action."

Yuki chuckled as she sat in the new recliner in the celebrity suite. Her attire being a tight fitting tanktop and comfy sweatpants while barefoot.

"Bout time he got off his ass. Was starting to worry he'd go full hermit."

Hannah smirked from her own recliner.

"Nah. He was just giving his newly ADORING fanbase a chance to catch up. Watch. He's gonna have some fun with it now."

Tyler walked out of the house and found the street still empty as could be...and looked towards the town center. I'll go see if anything ever came of that chopper crew. And so he walked off along the sidewalk with the rifle at the ready. Tyler had set the livestream features up during his break and had a faded out live chat going on in his vision that faded in whenever he focused on it. As he walked he noted people discussing the game and how the other players were doing in the deathgame...and Tyler chuckled as he spotted one comment.

"Yes there IS a flight mechanic ingame, Maxwell333. You can fly anything that is MEANT to be flown. And YES I AM lookin for my own wings."

The one made the chat chuckle and the survivor reached the turnoff for the gas station and tightened his grip on his rifle. Tyler turned the corner with a slow yet steady ease and the rifle aimed...only to slump by what he found.

"oh FUCK me with a UNICYCLE!"

Munching on the carcasses of the dead bandit crew...was an undead TRICERATOPS with STEEL PLATES covering it's SIDES as bodyarmor! The beast was easily 30 feet long and a good 15 tall at the backstraps while the head alone was easily 7 across. Adorning it's head was a set of 2 nine foot long horns augmented by more steel over it's eyebrows while on it's nose was another 3 footer horn like a rhino. A full steel helmet covered it's face so only it's eyes, nose, and steel encased beak were seen while along the flanks were more plate steel. It hunched on four limbs each also defended by more steel and it's minor tail was tipped by a friggin battleaxe head! Tyler sighed as he dropped to a knee behind a burnt out car to scout the beast. Okay here we go. He took in a deepm breath, let it out...and flipped his switch into his serious mode.

"Calm down....focus."

He looked at the beast and his mind began to analyse the living tank....when a simplistic solution appeared in his mind and he smirked. Without a sound he retrieved a few tin can gunpowder grenades from his pack and some duct tape. He attached the tape to the cans and shouldered the rifle. Tyler moved without a sound towards the creature as it fed on the bodies of dead bandits and even a few zombies, all the while not noticing the predator stealthing up to it's steel covered leg. As Tyler got near it he had to fight off his gag reflex due to the stench being like rotted crabmeat thrown into a barrel of shit and left to ferment in August on a steel roof. And the sounds of crunching bones and ripping flesh were also quite nasty as he reached the nearly four foot thick hing leg of the beast. Without breaking stride Tyler attached four of the tin cans to the steel plating of the thing and tapped the frag grenade between them. He pulled the pin and took off running from the now ROUNDING in a FURY creature. The thing whirled on it's legs with an agility that was terrifying and planted it's legs to charge...onlyt for the grenade to explode, also setting off the gunpowder inside the other cans for a surprisingly powerful chain reaction blast that tore a gaping hole in the now BELLOWING in pain triceratops. Tyler smiled as the blast NEARLY severed it's leg entirely and had it fall to the ground due to it trying to lunge OFF that leg.

"Ha. Classic."

HE slapped the 45-70 into his hands as the beast lowed in pain while now unable to move...and the teenager took aim at the unarmored underbelly. He fired, and the round pierced the throat with ease, and the remaining 5 shots were all buried in the tric's brain. It lowed one more time and went limp before the teenager walked up...and slapped his gun against it's head. Getting no reaction.

"Well THAT was lame."

Tyler's sigh of mild disappointment was all that was heard now in the deathly silent gas station plaza while the chat in his vision was going NUTS over the sudden badassery they just witnessed. Which the Survivor merely shrugged at.

"Eh. This is a Wedensday for me."

He looked for the undead dinosaur's drops...and blinked as he saw a large object sitting beside it.

"Oh now THAT makes NO SENSE and I LIKE it."

A towering Military Flatbed, which was like an amalagamation between a humvee and a towtruck was seen sitting on nearly 18 inch wide tires. Six of them. A green camoflauge pattern was painted on while the windshield was crystal clear...and bulletproof. Tyler smiled widely as he ALSO noticed something poking from the rear of the vehicle by the flatbed.

"And it even has it's own Browning H2 heavy machinegun! Oooooh that is so FUCKING cool! ANNNN I need an expert."

Yuki appeared as if on que with her own amazed smile on her face.

"I haven't seen one a those in a few years! Nicely DONE! And be aware it handles like a bus and it don't like you."

"Ha. Okay. I like, REALLY need a map now. I am officially oversupplied and need to start storing stuff."

The teenager opened the high steel door to climb into the driver's compartment....and smiled as he opened the glovebox to find a laminated and full color military grade tactical map!

"Okay. I'm done. I need to look this over CAREFULLY before I go ANYWHERE else."

So he hopped out of the big truck to look the battered remains of the chopper over now...and shrugged as he looked inside the hull.

"Eh. Four boxes of 7.62 Russian ammo. Good enough."

These were loaded into the truck and Tyler found the keys easily enough....only to release something.

"Yeck. It's STICK."

Yuki appeared with a smirk.

"Okay. Now this is how you drive stick."

Under her smirking guidance, Tyler was able to get the powerful vehicle moving withOUT stripping the gears OR really damaging it. Quite a feat since he WAS close to five feet higher then in the jeep. TYler drove back to the house and parked the beastly truck-thing behind the house and went inside. THere he unrolled the map on the hood of the jeep and smiled.

"Okay. I am here. The town of Wesbury MAssechuesetts. This map covers the entire state of MAss and I need to head south. Winters up here SUCK."

Yuki nodded.

"Agreed. And it is safe to assume you'll be stuck in there for more then a single year. Where do you WANT to go, Tyler?"

HE sat back at the question.

"Well. I'd LIKE to reach a spot in northern Florida on the Georgia line. Warm, plenty of cities and towns, and I can access the ocean. I do THAT with say an aircraft carrier or similar I can basically make a near untouchable base."

Yuki smirked.

"You got ambition. An aircraft carrier needs THOUSANDS of hands all working together.....OOOH."

"Ha. Pretty much. I AM thinking that far out. But for the time being I need a landbased base to hold me over. So I'm thinking I'll head for the coast. There's a fair few ports I can look over and there is a CHANCE I can get lucky with a small ship I can repurpose or at the very least refit for floating base."

Hannah smiled.

"You want Portsmouth MAssechusetts. A HIGHLY active military town and ship maintience port. I had a patient in rthe navy that worked there."

Yuki smiled.

"And if the game is as attentive to detail as it CLAIMS to be, there might even be a submarine or two there."

"I wanna nuke Yellowstone."

That made them chuckle and Tyler smiled as he used a tack to mark the city in question.

"Alright. Now to GET there. Most of the major highways are damaged and some of the backroads too. I'll still make a land base too since I KINDA need one. Sooo...here."

He tapped a section of forest in the middle of a network of highways and within 10 miles of Portsmouth and several other cities and towns.

"That'll be a three day trip for me at my pace. And I'll need as many supplies as I can get before I get to building. That tric dropped another crate like the rex did and I'll open it later. I'mma get back out there and collect more gas and stuff. I'mma need a lot of it."

Yuki nodded.

"I'll give the word you ARE working on a longterm plan for a player alliance. YOU get back tom work."

TYler headed out now and went back to main street with the rifle up and a smirk on his face. I want my own battleship or battlecrusier. Be freakin AWESOME to fire a set a 15 inch guns at Boston...or go whaling.The teenager spotted a small hardware store sitting beside a firestation and smiled as he went over. I'l ALSO need some smoke equipment and more oxygen tanks. The hardware store's security gate had been dropped down and the windows were all boarded up as the teenager approached. So he walked to the rear of the building where deliveries were brought...and he smirked at the wide open backdoor. His lever action 45-70 was swapped out for the semiautomatic 12 gauge M1014 and headed inside. Nearly instantly he was faced by four zombies stumbling around in the storefront. Tyler shrugged as he hefted the gun.

"Eh I got this."

Tyler kicked the backdoor in with a bang...and got no reaction as he moved into the building. He was greeted the main repository for deliveries and there were nurmerous sealed crates sitting around wearing various tool maker logos. The Survivor ignored them for the moment as he moved for the storefront itself and found it too was devoid of inhabitants. That made him chuckle.

"Not EVERY building will have something dead in it."

A soft thud was heard in a nearby closet and Tyler smirked as he looked over at it.


He walked over to the now rattling door and threw it open without breaking stride....only to be faced by a naked and blod smeared little girl zombie. The girl was nuck naked with blood encrusted hair and even THICKER crusted blood around her small thighs. Tyler whistled at this nightmare fuel as he placed the barrel of the shotgun against the squeaky voiced zombie girl.

"Yeesh. Good LUCK sleeping tonight."

The trigger was pulled and the little girl's head exploded from the pointblank headshot with a sickening spattering sound underscoring the shotgun blast. A soft click of plastic on cement preempted the thud the zombiegirl's body made as it hit the floor. Tyler stepped over her corpse to look into the closet....

"Oh score."

Only to find a 12 pack of jumbo duct tape rolls. He took the valuable adhesive and left the girl to rot before looking the shelves over. Here he was pleasently surprised to find a screwdriver set, a few claw hammers, some welding supplies, and even a big ole and intact air compressor. Al of these were stuffed into Tyler's backpack before he returned to the backroom. Using a spare corwbar he pried open the various crates...and smirked at what was inside.

"Another pair of tanks for the acetelyne torch, an electric sander, a powered drill, a medium sized portable generator, several 40 foot extension cords, 30 pounds of copper wiring, three portable worklights, and even a pair of high powered floodlights. Not bad."

The loot was loaded into the backpack, filling it's carry capacity and Tyler headed back to the house. He returned without issue and unloaded the new equipment into the jeep, filling it's own cary capacity in the trunk.

"NOW I can utterly FILL that thing out back."

He looked at the sun's position in the sky....and shrugged.

"In der mornin. Sorry, I am NOT gettin caught out avter dark. Especially in THIS game."

So he went back to the jeep and looked it over.

"I got plenty of steel panels and even some scrap iron too. Yeah that works."

The teenager pulled out the welding helmet he'd found and his collection of metal siding with the torch. The teenager smiled as he had an idea for the windshield as well.

"I'll just cover it with sheet metal and cover the hole with glass and a grate."

After covering the flammable leather seats with a flame retardant tarp, Tyler got to work adding to his primary vehicle's defenses. Sparks flew as he added several sheets of half inch thick steel plates to the doors, hood, grill, fenders, and an extra thick sheet over the majority of the windshield. Here he cut a long gap at the perfect level for clean vision while the windows were also given the zombie apocalypse workover. All the while Tyler had his music playing in the background...including a metal cover of a famous disney song about being made into a man. All the while the worker had a half smile of concentration until he had the last piece in place.

"Alright NOW we're getting places."

THe jeep's formerly green paneling had been completely covered by high grade steel save for the absolutely nessecary places, the gas nozzle, the wheel wells for changing tires, the headlights, sections of the windshield and windows, and around the edges of the hood sinc eit had to open. On the grill Tyler had attached several razor sharp steel spikes for a makeshift battering ram while the rear bumber had something similar that didn't interfere with the trailer. The camper's siding had also been given a touch up with more steel paneling that would shield the sleeper even when the thing was opened up. A fact that made him nod approvingly. Now all he needed to do was figure out a way to weld some wrought iron gratings over the gas tank nozzle and wheels that could ALSO be moved for changing and refueling. Tyler smiled as he looked the thing over...and noted he had left plenty of room in the open roof for him to get in and out. Kinda like a tank turret minus the main gun. Which he WAS going to add when he found one. Happy with his upgrades the teenager returned to the basement and sat on the couch with a smirk.

"That thing is going to be FUN to roll out in. And I also need to add some paneling to the truck outside too."

The teenager looked to the livestream chat now and smirked as he read some of the comments.

"Yeah zombie kids are a special kinda fucked up. I shit you not I found a naked zombie woman chained to a wall in a bandit hideout...and YES they WERE definitely fuckin her. A LOT if the crusting and stains were anything to go by."

Annnd like that the chat was filled with disgusted horror and Tyler chuckled as he pulled a drink from his back.

"Sounds nasty hearin of it....try SEEIN it! I was there ya know!"

The teenager made a dinner of another instant meal and a bottle of water. Fed he yawned and waved at the ceiling where the unseen camera was watching him.

"NIght ladies and rejects. See ya in der morning."

Yuki chuckled as her and Hannah's screen went dark.

"He has skil working with tools. And the additions to the jeep were what I'd choose if I were in his place."

The blonde doctor nodded as she looked at the asian ranger.

"NOW all he needs is some truck floodlights and he'll have the stereotype of a survival vehicle."

Yuki smirked as she looked at the other monitor that displayed Tyler's livestream along with chat that was still discussing the day's events and action.

"They haven't sen anything yet. That tric was ambushed and Tyler is DANGEROUS when he as the drop on you. I can't wait for them to see him have to outthink another T-rex."

A few hours later a heavy crashing sound smashed Tyler out of his sleep. It was pitch black in his basement hideout while a sound of gunfire, screaming and explosions could be heard outside. Without a sound the now PISSED teenager peeked out through a basement window at the street....and groaned without sound at a group of helicopters in the sky firing at each other with machien guns and rockets. Three birds had been shot down with a large transport helicopter, known as a Chinook, laying on it's side on fire in the middle of Tyler's STREET! A full squad of soldiers in full fase masks and urban combat equipment were firing machineguns into a large horde of zombies as they appeared from alleys and shadows to approach the now stranded surviviors. Tyler watched with his 45-70 at the ready while the soldiers held their position and rivers of lead was flung at anything that moved. In the sky the choppers jousted with each other as another was hit with a well aimed rocket in the rotor. It's main rotors screamed from sudden loss of balance and fuel pressure all the while falling from the sky to land on some more houses in a hellish fireball. The explosion and impact rocked the house Tyler sat in with some dust falling from the ceiling. Once it's progress was halted, the dead chopper exploded again and flung more pieces of itself into the air...as a heavy whizzing sound preempted something hitting Tyler in the shoulder, sending the gawking teenager to the floor. He grunted and gritted his teeth to prevent crying out in pain as blood pored from his shoulder. FUCK. Idiot shot me. Huh. It hurts a lot less then I thought. DON'T CALL ME! THEY CAN HEAR IT!

In the real world, a much frazzled Yuki and Hannad nodded at the thought message. Both ladies had been awakened by the sudden roar of gunfire and explosions coming from the TV that was NEVER allowed to be turned off. Yuki had a grim, focuses expression on her face as she watched the video through Tyler's eyes.

"He got hit from an idiot not caring where his lead goes. He were in MY unit....and a civvy got hit like that? We'd BEAT the idiot."

Hannah, however, had other concerns.

"He got hit in the shoulder. If the game is as realisitic as it BRAGGED....we're going to have some problems. There are a LOT of nerves and muscles in the shoulder you canNOT repair without extensive surgery or you'l lose all use in your arm. WITHOUT considering the possibility of infection."

Tyler gritted his teeth as his shoulder throbbed from his gunshot but he put it out of his mind to take his silenced M1911. Without both hands, using a long rifle was out of the question. So he would make due with his sidearm while outside the cacophanoy of war continued.

"So much for getting any sleep tonight."

He peeked out the window again as a series of rope ladders were dropped from hovering blackhawk helicopters to retreive the surviving soldiers...while the helicopter battle continued to rage. More choppers were shot down before one of the forces fighting was seen to suddenly turn tail in a full retreat. Only for their opponents to give chase firing machine guns. Several dozen fires were seen burning in the quietening suburb and Tyler nodded. The hordes of zombies were seen wandering off after the loud choppers, leaving behind a new mess of blood and viscera. Give it half an hour and we'll go from there. He left the peephole to sit on the blood soaked carpeted floor with his useless arm...and dragged his supplies of medical equipment over. Then he used a section of rope and a steel pipe to craft a tourniquit. Once the bleeding lessened Tyler settled against the wal and sighed.

"God DAMMIT. I shoulda KNOWN everything was going TOO well."

He sat there without moving for half an hour and nodded as only rthe sounds of a roaring fire could be heard outside, but even that was dying down rapidly.


Hannah and Yuki appeared on the floating screen and Tyler smiled wrly.

"Hiya doc....ya got a point now!"

"Shut up and get a flashlight."

"I can't. That'd be as good as saying HERE I AM!"

Yuki sighed.

"Go in the closet. Bam."

"Oh that works."

TYler went into a nearby closet and set a highpowered floodlight flashlight on a peg. Hannah nodded as she saw the nearly blue arm from the binding.

"Okay. The bullet is still lodged in your arm. Use the pliers to dig it out....and a flame to sanitize it."

TYler used a longnosed lighter to heat a pair of longnosed pliers until Hannah nodded.

"Good. Now this is going to hurt like hell....but try NOT to panic."

"Eh I got this."

TYler set a small mirror beside the light and used the needlenosed pliers to reach into the quarter sized hole in his shoulder. He fished for a moment without his face distorting the ONCE..

"GOTCHYA ya little bastard!"

He gave a sharp yank, and with a slight sound of squelch, he ripped the bullet from his shoulder. Then he smirked as he saw the caliber.

"Oh I'm okay. 9mm parabellum steel tip. Meant for penetration. Possibly fired from a barreta."

Yuki chuckled.

"That is exactly what that is. The damage isn't that bad considering and it had to punch through the glass to get to you."

Hannah smiled in relief as well.

"Agreed. If it had gone right through you MIGHT have lost your arm. Alright, now you need to apply the disinfectant."

Tyler followed Hannah's step by step instructions on cleaning and sealing the wound using some gauze and duct tape. Once that was completed....Tyler used a layer of super glue over the duct tape to be doubly sure, a move that had Hannah nod.

"Now don't get it wet and wait a few days. Given the healing rate ingame, you'll be fine in three days. How's it feel?"

Tyler undid the turniquit and smirked as feeling returned to his arm.

"Good enough. I can move it like usual and al I can feel is a slight STIFFNESS. I can aim and yeah. Thanks Doc."

"Try NOT to get hit again? Please? I have enough stress as it is."

"Ha. I'm sure Yuki would be MORE then willing to help relax you, Hannah!"


He laughed at the now pissed and smirking ladies as the pain in his shoulder died down. The crisis dealt with the teenager climbed onto the bed now and settled with a minor sigh.

"Annnd I got shot. By accident. Because some idiot dunnit know how to aim. Greeeeeat."