
Chapter 2- Meh

Eva tilted her head to the side, her eyes flashing in confusion as she stared at the pearl bead. "Is that all? I thought hidden compartments would reveal some huge secret, but...meh.'' She thought feeling disappointed.

She picked it up with her bloodied fingers, as soon as the pearl bead came in contact with her blood, Eva felt a sizzling pain in her finger.

She lifted it slowly to her face, expressionless, though her eyes were watery, 'Ow! It hurts... is this what pain feels like?' her thoughts were true to her feelings. Being a Zombie for 10 years without any physical feel of anything, suddenly she felt pain.

Her green eyes darted around, but she couldn't find the pearl, instead, she saw a teardrop tattoo on her wrist.


She squatted down, ignoring the pain in her ribs, and searched around for her pearl, she ignored the tattoo thinking this body had one before.

Her mind was on the pearl, 'it was the first thing I ever had in the strange world, even if it's just a bead, I still want it.' with this thought in her mind. She bent to the ground searching for it.

As she crawled, her fingers pressed against a wall, which opened up, and she crashed through.


She rolled into the strange passage, her head hitting the ground. "Ow! Woo hoo!" Her mind screamed with pain, cheeks scratched open from the fall.

She felt anxious as her hand touched the wound on her face, "My beautiful face! Please don't scar." She was so focused on her face that she ignored the bleeding man and cat nearby.


Her eyes darted to the sound and she finally noticed the situation of the room: the room had scorched marks on the ground and pits all over the room, black blood stains, and smell of burnt flesh.

Her nose twitched, and her mouth watered at the burnt smell, which reminded her of roasted meat.


Her stomach let out a loud sound and she swallowed with difficulty, she couldn't be blamed; she hadn't eaten anything since becoming a zombie.

'She had to go back to the city to eat, and the dungeon was about to eject them. It was reaching its time limit.' Lost in her thought of food, she ignored the man and beast on the ground, no thought of saving them ever crossed her mind.

Almost passing she felt a tail wrapped around her ankle, it was so weak that she could break loose, but seeing the cat's fluffy fur up close, she was entranced.

The first expression graced her face and it was a smile, which lit up her green eyes making them shimmer like emeralds.

Her hands twitched, 'I want to hug it, Is this is owner? If I save them, I'll take the cat as payment.' Coming to a decision, she nodded outwardly.

Both the man and cat were conscious, their eyes barely open as they saw the woman's face clearly but their bones were too shattered to muster any word.

Unaware, Eva closed her eyes and tried to gather energy in the air, but it vanished immediately. Eva failed in her first try of accessing this body's powers.

She tried again, and on the fourth try with her body soaked with sweat, she was able to gather the energy in the air, her hair and hand shone with green as she transferred it slowly into the bodies of the two.

The wounds healed slowly, till all their internal injuries were healed. She collapsed on the ground, heaving, as she wiped the sweat from her face.

Julian and Ethan who was in his cat form watched everything. They felt grateful but suspicious of her seemingly selfless actions.

They waited for what she wanted to do next while pretending to be unconscious.

Eva caught her breath and picked up the cat, who almost changed back by her bold actions.

"I'm taking...your cat... as payment for saving you. Don't... come looking for me." She said in a slow pace, not yet used to speaking clearly.

After saying those words to the stunned duo she walked out of the room, holding the cat who was frozen in shock.

Her hands ran through his fur with a squinting eye of enjoyment, not knowing the black fur had a faint blush on his cheeks by her molesting.

After they were nowhere in sight the man on the ground sat up and burst out in laughter.

"Hahaha.... Ethan, my pet! hahaha...." He laughed until tears slid down from the corner of his eyes, and his stomach ached softly.

He pulled his dusty black hair back, his grey eyes glowing with interest and mischief. He remembered that young woman's face in his mind.

Then his eyes flashed dangerously when he thought how they got into this bad situation in the first place.

His grey eye flashed coldly, the time paused and humming in the air as energy, everything was in slow motion before he took deep breaths and got his powers under control.

He dusted his body, and left the room, in time to meet Selina whose eyes flashed with disappointment and anger at seeing him walking out healed.

Her eyes flashed and she called out surprise, "Oh my you look hurt...do you need healing? I'm a healer." Her beautiful expression was filled with worry and innocence but the man passed her by like she was air.

Julian's mind was focused on getting out and finding all the information about that energy manipulator and didn't notice Selina.

Selina froze in shock, looking at his leaving back, she checked her face if it was in order and her hair. Thinking he wasn't able to see her beauty with the dim lightening of the dungeon.

"Excuse me! Stop you can't walk being badly injured like that!" She shouted after him not forgetting to retain her soft and innocent voice.

Julian's pace quickened, he didn't know who is this crazy woman following him, did he tell her he needed her healing? Her words were giving him headaches and couldn't help but stop the time around her making her stand in place and watch him leave.

Selina tried to call after him but saw the ticking symbol of time wrapped around her and knew he used his powers against her.

Her heart felt depressed, why didn't her beautiful face move him? She was very confident in her looks after all her last life she had been the top beautiful woman in the underground city.