
Zombie Escape

Chen started packing food and water, a rope,

homemade weapon made by using a knife đŸ”Ș duck tape and a iron rod .

He used rope to get out of the apartment by going from window he landed down and picked a gun which has 5 bullets in it from a dead soldier and finded a car which was not damaged the key was in the car so he sat in the car suddenly a zombie from backseat of the car attacked him he shot the zombie dead with the gun now the gun has four bullets in it but the sound of gun attracted zombies so he started the car and drived through the road that was covered by cars and police barriers he's car crashed in a police barrier the car was upside down the door were jammed so he shoot the glass two times and shattered it and escape the car but zombies started to chase him so he runs to building for shelter.

Note by creator: Hello no thing

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