
A New Hope

on the tower he saw a broken helicopter but he has no other choice he started the helicopter an flew to the hospital in the halfway the engine broke but he safely landed it on a building's roof and he spends the night there he wake's up and goes to an building apartment he entered saw a person hanged on a rope he was very scared them he checked his pockets and found a bike key then suddenly a zombie appears he runs very and got away then he goes to building's underground parking and found the bike and started it but there were many zombie outside so he was thinking a way then he suddenly remembered that he can go from sewers then he makes a hole in the wall and found the sewerage and starts the bike and rides it inside sewer and luckily the bike has a GPS so he follows the GPS and gets her to sewer in front of hospital but there were no signs of zombies so he climbed up and realised that it was a trap then suddenly some man came and knocked him out and then he wakes up after a day and finds himself locked in a cage then he finds many more people locked in the cage and he checked his secret pocket and picked the knife and asks the guard to come here because there was a fight then the guard come and he holds the guard captive and asks him for the cage key and the guard's gun and guard gives him the key and the gun

Creator: sorry for wait and

short chapters and Thank