
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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49 Chs

Meeting Shirou Emiya

The rest of my time in Rivellon was generally not that interesting. Besides joining up with the group and beating up Bishop Alexander. We had been intercepted by some bitch named Dallis, who I was pretty sure was an undead. Other than that, traveling through the Hall of Echoes was an interesting experience. It was basically this reality's version of the realm of the dead.

I separated with the group after we made it to Reaper's Coast. As interesting as our time had been together, I didn't want to stay in this world any longer than I had to. I just didn't find it interesting to me. I couldn't even use 'Source' for myself, so I just grabbed a large pile of magic books and decided it was time to go.

'You've been sitting there for awhile. Weren't you planning on leaving?' Draig's voice was heard through my mind

'I've noticed he tends to stare off in the distance and monologue to himself. I don't think that's healthy.' Albion followed up with his own observation. 'You know, you don't have to recap everything that's happened right? We were there the whole time.'

"Shush, it's for the readers." I shushed them.

'I think our host has lost his mind.'

'I always assumed he never had one in the first place.'

"I am trying to think of what to do next." I wasn't sure what to do or where to go. The problem with having infinite options, was that it was difficult to narrow down choices.

'Look for more allies or increase your power?' Albion suggested

"I am not the kind of guy who will just tunnel vision himself, just to reach the end goal. The journey is just as important and I would like to enjoy it." If anything I was planning on just chilling on the next journey, then get work done after that and keep swapping between pleasure and work trips.

'Then, go have fun? Or relax?' Draig suggested this time.

"I'd love to, but I don't exactly have a home." Feels bad being a hobo. Man I'm an Elden Lord and a Primeval Sorcerer who is homeless. There's something sad about that.

'What about your old world? They may have kicked you out, but it isn't like it would be difficult for you to force your way back.'

"I don't exactly have much desire to return to that dying world." There was no point in setting up a base there. From what I remembered, the world itself was literally dying out. It probably had a few thousand years left. It'd be bad to set up for the long term, and I honestly didn't believe that i could save the world from dying. Everything dies eventually, stars and planets included.

Wait... I need a house. You know what, let's go learn how tracing works. Might as well ask if Emiya Shirou would let me observe him.

"And that's why I'm here." Zieg said as he sat in front of the table. Across from him was the wannabe hero of justice himself, Shirou Emiya. Zieg had changed out his old dirty clothes, for a casual hoodie, t-shirt and cargo shorts.

"...You didn't explain anything though. You just came in, sat down and said 'And that's why I'm here.'!" Shirou nearly shouted at the absurdity.

"Oh right, I forgot you can't hear my internal monologues." Zieg nodded in realization.

"Are you okay in the head?" Shirou began to become concerned.

'I wonder that myself.' Draig quipped

'Well, he's actually not the strangest host I've ever had.' Albion defended him, sort of.

"Right well, let's get introductions out of the way. I am Zieg Aversis. I have a few titles but they are kind of irrelevant. All you need to know is that I am a magus." He introduced himself. He noted the way that the red head's body seemed to tense up a little when he revealed himself to be a magi.

"You do not need to worry, I did not come here with hostile intentions." He waved away his concerns, he didn't want to come off as intimidating. "I just came to propose a deal that you would be interested in."

"...What do you want?" Shirou asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"Straight to the point, I like it." The white haired protagonist finally had a hint of a smile on. "First of all, what do you know about the great fire of Fuyuki that occured years ago?"

"...I don't have much memories of it. Just flames and dying people. Hundreds of people died, and I would have as well, if my dad didn't save me." His memories were fuzzy, all he could remember was the pain and struggle that eventually faded into nothingness. At least until he was saved by Kiritsugu Emiya, a moment he would never forget.

"And do you know the cause?"

"I heard it was a gas leak or something." It was what the news had reported after the tragedy.

"And you believed that?" Zieg raised a brow.

"...No. What do you know?" The red head responded, it was a weak cover up. He didn't believe it was a gas leak, but there was nothing to be done about it.

"On 1994, The Fourth Holy Grail war took place in Fuyuki." Zieg began, preparing himself for a long exposition and info dump.

"Holy Grail war?"

"For the past 200 years, the 3 founding families of the Einzbern, Makiri and Tohsaka have held the ritual known as the Holy Grail war. The Holy Grail, is by definition an omnipotent wish-granting device that can bring miracles. Summoning heroes from the past as servants and then having them fight until the last one is alive. As a result the winner gets the right to fulfill his desires. Calling back heroes from all time periods and countries to the present to fight each other to the death, that is the Holy Grail War."

"You're saying the reason for the fire back then was because of the war?" Shirou asked as it sounded a bit unbelievable but nothing else could explain such destruction.

"Well not entirely correct, but pretty much yeah." Zieg nodded. "Normally the Holy Grail War is held every 60 years, but the 5th one is beginning soon only after 10 years."

"What!?" Shirou stood up in alarm. The news was shocking as the tragedy of the Fuyuki fire wasn't that long ago.

"Indeed, and the kicker is. There is no wish." Zieg revealed with his arms spread out.

"Then, what's the point of all this?!"

"Well because no one knows about it. You see back in the third war, one of the families cheated and summoned an extra class servant. The Avenger class, specifically Angra Mainyu. A servant with all the evils of the world. He was a weak servant that got taken out quickly, but he didn't just die. No, he hid within the grail, making it so that any wish made upon it would cause nothing but destruction. Like the fire 10 years ago."

"..Why are you telling me all this?" Shirou sighed out before sitting back in his chair, he was shaken to the core and needed to process this. Zieg still hadn't said why he was here yet.

"I am here to propose a deal. I will support you in the upcoming events, because I imagine you wish to either stop it or keep as few people from dying as possible." Zieg knew exactly what the naive teenager wanted.

"You're damn right I do." Shirou spoke heatedly as saving people was his only current passion.

"In return, I wish to observe you." He stated bluntly

"...What?" The red head wasn't sure he heard him right.

"You see, I have good reason to believe that you are capable of a very specialized branch of magecraft in the future. All I want to do is see you develop into it, so that I may also learn for myself." With his Primeval eyes, he believed himself capable of learning how to do it. He probably won't be throwing around Noble Phantasms, but he could definitely take his time and make bases.

"I'm... not very good at my craft. I can use structural grasp to repair things, but I was never much good with reinforcement. Besides with pipes." Shirou admitted a bit sheepishly.

"No worries, one step at a time is what I say. So, do you accept?" Zieg held out a hand.

"...How sure are you that the next war is coming?" Shirou didn't immediately take it.

"100%" He stated with no doubt.

"Then I accept." They shook hands and the alliance was formed.

"I need to figure out an excuse for Fuji-nee..." Shirou sighed, realizing that he would have to explain why he had a foreigner in his house.

"Let me handle that, and if she doesn't believe me then I have experience with hypnotism. Anyway what do you got to eat around here?"

"I have some leftovers in the fridge." He would have to tell Fuji-nee that he didn't have leftovers for her in the morning.

Well I've personally confirmed for myself. Shirou Emiya's circuits never atrophied or degraded. The idiot just never properly turned them on. However he only has 27 average circuits. They seem to hold around 20-30 units of magical energy each. Which means that unless he establishes an external source of mana, he won't be able to manifest his reality marble. Truly fascinating.

And fucking annoying when I had to teach him how to properly activate his natural magic circuits instead of converting his damn nerves as psuedo circuits. The fact that he isn't completely crippled or dead is a miracle in itself. Honestly I'm leaning towards Avalon saving him, but even then it's a miracle.

"Gah!" Shirou grunted in pain as my shinai sent him flying onto his back. Despite the obvious pain, he scrambled back to his feet. I gotta give credit where it's due, he's persistent.

"Come on, kid. Don't tell me that's all you got." I taunted.

"Why are you calling me a kid? You're only a year older than me!" He pointed out as he charged towards me again. The two swords that I gave him in hand.

"Not good enough!" My reinforced shinai sent him flying back again.

The reason he was using swords, while I was using a shinai was because I wanted him to master his reinforcement asap. The shinai in my hand was only reinforced enough to stand up to regular blades, if he were to reinforce his weapons properly, then he would cut right through.

"That's enough." I called out after sending him flying again.

"I can still keep going." He was breathing hard.

"Maybe, but I have other business to take care of today. So practice your reinforcement until tomorrow."

"To what do I owe this unexpected visit to my humble abode?" The dead-eyed fake priest known as Kirei Kotomine, spoke with the pious charisma of a dead fish.

"Greetings, I am Zieg Aversis. A magus that will be staying within the town for a bit." I gave a slight bow, out of courtesy.

"I see, although I question why you would come to me for that. The second owner is currently Tohsaka Rin after all." He raised a brow.

"True, but you were still the student of her father. So this is close enough." I shrugged.

"Are you expecting me to pass along your greetings to her?"

"Yes, I suppose I'm basically asking that, however. Wouldn't it be funny if she asked me the reason for my presence here without her knowledge, only for me to retort with me saying 'I told your teacher to inform you'." I gave a bright smile

"You wish for me to play a part in this? Do you believe I would do such a thing, only to derive joy from her discontent?"

"Absolutely."I stated without doubt.

"You would be correct." He agreed easily enough.