
Visit The Han Clan

Before long, Xian Jinglan arrived at the building, bringing Lang and Aqua with her. Zhang Fei [4] asked Zefyr to lead them to his residence through the teleportation device, especially since he had to renovate the building as soon as possible.

Upon their arrival outside the residence, the four members of the Natural Races' Kingdom experienced a moment of shock. They turned their heads toward the distance, specifically toward the island where their kingdom was located, which was situated far to the northeast.

"Do you know where Zhang Fei got his teleportation device?"

Zefyr shook her head at Xian Jinglan. "I don't know where he got it, but he's had it for a long time. He used it to link four distant locations within our home realm, the Sky Jade Realm."

"Will he sell it in his shop?"