
Plunder Enemy Shop

Zhang Fei and the two women watched the battle inside the house, and Lian Jinshu had already joined his three friends. They couldn't compete with the five, especially since Lao Yao was the strongest.

"They were old, but they were unable to perceive the situation clearly, and their anger smoothed your plan to pit them against each other." Zhou Shenxin then turned to Zhang Fei. "Why do I feel that you are an old man deliberately disguised as a young man?"

"I also think that you are a lustful old man." Black lines appeared on Zhang Fei's forehead after Ling Long said that, but the girl teased him by grabbing his dick and rubbing it. "Hehe! Do you want to eat me right now? I wouldn't mind that."

Zhou Shenxin's lips twitched at Ling Long's behavior. "How can you use demon techniques? Are you also a demon?"