
Building His Force II

Zhang Fei and the others' first stop was the residence of one of the Bai Clan members, and Shang Yumei also joined them.

Han Yuanzhi immediately led them to meet Bai Zizhen, but the old man fell into a daze after seeing her new appearance, and his eyes showed interest in her.

'This old fart!' Han Yuanzhi immediately hugged Zhang Fei's arm. "Old man! We came here to offer you something."

Han Yuanzhi's words brought Bai Zizhen back to his senses, but he frowned because she was hugging Zhang Fei's arm so intimately. "Before you make an offer, tell me how to recover your youth."

"Senior Yumei helped me regain my youth." Han Yuanzhi deliberately used Shang Yumei as a scapegoat, especially since she was sure that Bai Zizhen would not dare to say anything to her, considering their vast cultivation differences.

Shang Yumei naturally didn't mind it, especially since it would keep Zhang Fei out of danger.