
Zero Fate against the world (Old Version)

This is the old version; the rewrite is underway! https://www.webnovel.com/book/30780541908206305 Synopsis: Philip lived his life like any university student, he went to the campus, heard his teachers, made his notes, went home, studied, and played some games with the boys at night. Until one fateful day. It was the final class of the year, and he together with all of the people present in the room, were transported to another world. In a strange and unfamiliar world, everyone received powers and abilities including him, but with a twist, he didn't receive a class. Only a skill. They weren't there to kill a demon king, nor they were there to prevent a war. Although you could say they were there to cause one... How will he do with his strange skill? And how will his "friends" act? Let's find out because I am also curious! . . . Hey! I am just here to say that I don't own the cover image, nor do I own the special abilities of the MC, you will see why. If you own any of these things and want me to take it down I will, but remember that currently, I am not receiving any money from this.

Abadom · Video Games
Not enough ratings
107 Chs

The Judicator of a sundered World

This is it, the very last chapter before his Class change.

I've already written the next chapter, I just need to edit it and post it on P@treon for those that want to see it ahead of time.

Also, my vacation is ending, so most likely, I may have some difficulties keeping the schedule, especially since I have quite a lot of things to go through this period.

It'll last 2-3 months like last time as well, but hopefully, this will be the last year I'll have such a tight schedule.

Anyway, I'm re-reading the first 20 chapters, and as I do so, I'll drop all images on Discord, I'm doing this so I can have a tighter hold of my own plot.

Sometimes, I myself will be surprised when I read some of those earlier chapters, like seeing the foreshadowing of some things I didn't even remember I planned for.

Or explanations I didn't remember doing, so to keep it all consistent... You know how it is.

This chapter has well over 5K words, so enjoy it



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If you wish to support this series, take a look at my P@treon.


And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)






/A few hours later…/

/Fwoosh!... Fwoosh!.../

'Philip swung his sword again and again in many angles, speeds, and power.'

'He was using a new set of clothes, and his ripped suit and pants were now on the corner of the room.'

'Going over everything he knew about this technique, he followed the imaginary manual on his head as he kept raising his sword up and down.'

"Now, to end it. The final movement."


'He drew a long overhead slash, stomping on the ground with a lot of force as his sword stopped parallel to the ground.'


[You have created a new Martial Technique]

"Created?... Ah…"

Of course, this is something that doesn't exist in this world.

This didn't happen last time… Was it because my System was glitchy?

That doesn't seem about right, didn't I do something like this before with my first Class?

"In that case… Rodrigues' Perfected Shadow Technique." Philip said as he stretched his arms

Perhaps I should've called it Philip's? Well, it's just a name, and I don't bother with paying my respects to the people that died to pass this technique down.

[Congratulations on creating Rodrigues' Perfected Shadow Technique]

[Rodrigues Perfected Shadow Technique Lv0]

"One thing done."

But uh… No special rewards?

Alright, I'm being too greedy...

[Your Title, Martial Adept has changed to Martial Expert]

"... There was indeed something." He said with a half smile

'He stretched his arms and grabbed his sword once more, putting it inside it's scabbard.'

'Getting into a drawing stance, he prepared himself.'

Alright then, now…


[Skill fusion has detected 3 Abilities suitable for fusion]

[Pthumerian Combat art + Inhuman Martial arts-(Incomplete) + Rodrigues Perfected Shadow Technique]

'Philip stopped and said:'

"I thought this would happen, this much was planned."

At this point, Skill Fusion's Level is high enough for this to consistently happen.

But I wonder how many more Levels will it take for Skill Fusion to Rank up again...

"In any case, I won't fuse them yet."

To improve the result as much as possible, I'll Max this Skill again.

Sigh, why didn't it Level up to Max like what happened previously?

Are there some conditions for this to happen?...

I don't mind doing it all over again, I'll treat it as an extended warm-up and training from the roots.

But I wouldn't have minded if it just went immediately to Level Max...

"I'm thinking too much…" He said as he brushed his hair

"In any case, this may take a little while though… It's good that I have some time."

"With that out of the way… What was that about pending rewards?" He mumbled to himself as he sat down on the ground to rest

'He opened his Status, looking for any clue.'

I checked everything before I went to the party and saw nothing like that…

"Not here, not there, is it hidden somewhere? Like a hidden page, I never found out until now?"

'He looked up and down, left and right, and eventually, at the top left corner he saw something he hadn't seen before…'

'3 symbols one next to the other, they were half translucent, so it became hard to see them…'

"It must be this... But aren't those…?"

'Philip got up, walked to the table, and grabbed the Golden Subspace tool, getting inside its subspace.'


'His expression palled, his legs went weak for a moment.'

It isn't here… It isn't here…

Not here... Not here either.

What... Just what happened?

'He tried to keep calm, but he felt extremely frustrated.'

'He face palmed as he raised his head to look at the ceiling...'

'The Origin orbs had disappeared, the only thing left were their containers, now empty, as if mocking him.'

"Shiiiiit... I fucked it up pretty badly now, I could fail at everything else, but those were the most important..."

'He walked to the center of the training room and sat there, defeated.'

"... It's impossible that someone stole it, so where did they go?"

'Philip looked at Laplabe…'

Did he take it?

Apart from me, he is the only one that could do such a thing.

However, he has absolutely no reason to do so…

"Hopefully I'll learn more…" He said as he pressed on the symbols



[Opening System Log]

[Calculating all missing Parameters]

[Impossible to recover corrupted Data]

[Scanning for new Data...]

[Scanning complete, formulating an adequate response...]

[A reward shall be given]

"Did this all happen while I was asleep? Are you fucking with me?"

How frustrating, I'll never sleep again during these scenarios... But it was so comfortable...

Now that I think about it, why did I even sleep? No way I would risk myself like that.

But my desires ended up surpassing my rationale... This isn't normal.

Was that the side effect? I feel terrible now.

'He thought and thought, but there was no point in crying over spilled milk...'

Oh? There's more?

'There was a new message beneath those.'

"It must be the so-called 'rewards'."

[Displaying Achievement Log…]

[You have made four Extreme achievements and a few minor ones that will be fused into the rewards]

[Disclaimer, a portion of your Achievements were lost due to Data Corruption]

[The first achievement, you have greatly contributed towards the System Repair]

[Second achievement, you greatly contributed with the fragments of the broken creation, Ithas, that have been used for the System Repair]

[Third achievement, you expanded the ***** with never seen before knowledge]

[Fourth achievement, your body has… *Corrupted Data*]

[Plus some minor achievements]

[Based on the recorded factors, your rewards shall be given into consideration for your current state and condition]

[Displaying rewards...]

[Title, Scholar has changed to Great Scholar]

[The Associated Skill, Scholar Vision has evolved into Great Scholar Vision]

[Further progression is possible...]

[You don't meet the requirements for the designation of Sage]

[Title, Ancient Archeologist has changed into Antesunderian Archeologist]

[You may choose 2 "skills" from any of your Secondary Statuses to pass to your Main Status]

[The last reward shall be a pick between several choices]

[1- Race

2- Talent/Potential

3- Skill Evolution

4- Title Evolution

5- An answer to a Question

6- Order, of Second Degree or Higher

7- Increase in Authority]

[The host has 24 hours to make a choice]

'Philip read through it all, word by word, phrase by phrase…'

'Until he came to a depressing solution.'

"I know what happened to them now." He said with a frown as he brushed his hair

No one told me I had to feed it… Because this damn System ate it!

'Philip was pissed, but being angry would lead him nowhere.'

'It seemed that as he slept, his broken system decided to repair itself, and it fucking used his Origin Orbs to do so!'

'He focused and said:'

"Okay, now to make do with what I have, piece by piece."

Although they disappeared, this has shone some light onto what they are…

Fragments of the broken creation, Ithas...

It rings no bells at all. I'll have to see if there is information recorded inside my Multitool, but I'm not confident about it.

The Origin Orbs… Or should I say, the fragments of Ithas were already hidden from the rest of the world, I don't expect to find anything at all in those books…

Mere mentions of them are illegal in this Kingdom, even so, they're clearly experimenting with them, as shown by the existence of the Class ranking Orbs.

I could try my pick at the hidden records of the Principal to see if there's anything there as I have yet to scan those books.

From everything I have, that's my best bet at further expanding my knowledge about these things.

"If none of this work, I'll have to wait for my next encounter with that guy and my promised reincounter with the Heroes." Philip said as he shook his head

The problem is... How do I explain this to him?

Hey uh... My System ate the 3 Orbs you told me to get...

9 Origin Orbs? Sorry, Bro, only 6 left, I ate the other 3...

Apart from this reward, it doesn't seem anything else changed. Should I be satisfied that my system isn't glitching anymore?

"For now, I'll take a look at what I got." Philip said out loud

To think a single party would reward me like this, was indeed a worthwhile endeavor.

If I hadn't gone, who knows how many days I would've had to train to increase that Skill's proficiency and find out about all of this?

It may have taken days, and during that time, if I had opened the inventory and found out that the Fragments had disappeared... I would've panicked a little.

Ignorance truly is a bliss...

Still... One thing led to the other and now I'm here, with a shit ton of things to go through.

Time to start my favorite activity, reviewing my progress.

"First, My Titles." He said as he opened his Status

3 of my Titles changed. The right wording may be 'Evolved'.

It's pretty self-explanatory, still, it's better to go through their descriptions again…

"... Martial Expert… Just a better version of the previous one, it'll certainly help with my Skill leveling speed."

Scholar has changed to Great Scholar, that was the expected evolution path, and I already knew what I had to do to evolve it, I only lacked the opportunity.

I didn't expect it to Evolve now of all times.

It does the same as Scholar, but better.

Like before, I can use my internal knowledge to inspect objects, albeit it's heavily dependent on what I know.

The Skill remains the same, albeit some things have changed.

At Level 0, I can see someone's Level and information up to Level 50, so I lost a bit there as previously, it was 55 Levels...

But as I level it up, I'll only gain more.

At Level 1, it's 60 and so on, at Level 10, if I assume that's the max Level, I'll be able to see someone's information as long as he/she is within 150 Levels of mine.

A rather considerable boost, no more '???' for this guy...

"But... I don't meet the requirements to be a Sage? What even is a Sage though?..."


'Philip snapped his fingers.'

If I remember correctly, one of the students had received the Sage Class, right?

Wait… If I meet the requirements to be a Sage… Would I be able to receive her Class?

Or uh… Is there a difference between becoming a Sage through proper means and becoming one through a Class?

Anyway, I don't qualify to be one, so there is no point in thinking about it.

Still, it's interesting I meet some of the qualifications to be one on my own like this, perhaps there are ways of getting one of the Heroes Classes through normal means...

After all, according to what I know, each Class is based on something that happened in history, like a legendary warrior that left his name in history, or a group...

It doesn't always need to be so extreme like the Royal knights that protect the King.

'He scrolled down, smiling as he read the line...'

'His expression distorted slightly as a smile slowly formed.'

"This is... Hot… 2 Skills? Just like that?... Oh boy."

What a blast!

'Philip had to hold in his excitement as he thought it over.'

If it's like before, then following the line of priority…

First are Traits, then System acquired Skills, followed by System acquired Abilities.

Skills and abilities that I know how to get can be left for the future, while I should focus on getting things I wouldn't be able to acquire through normal means.

With that in mind.

Pass the Trait Sword Heart to the Main Status.

[Choose one more "skill" to pass]

'There wasn't even a thread of hesitation on his decision.'

There were 3 Traits in my 2 secondary Classes for me to choose from.

Of course, I could've waited for my next class, but being honest, according to the message, I have 24 hours to make a choice.

"What if I'm unable of making a choice and lose this chance? That would be worse."

So I focused on what I already had.

The Traits I have to choose from are Old Blood infusion, Strengthened Body, and the Sword Heart.

The first one is out of the question, I don't want to contaminate my body with that…

The second one was actually nothing more than a Trait given to represent my own Stats during my period in the Memory, it's questionable what might happen if I choose it, besides, it's overall pretty mediocre.

So the last one is pretty obvious, as I'm using a Sword more than any weapon, having something that helps with that is obvious.

Besides, it's a Trait that can help with any sort of weapon growth, not only swords but Spears and Axes as well.

But when we go to the Skills… It gets complicated.

My choice is between Ignition Strike and Invisible Blade.

One grants me an even faster attack, my main strength right now, so losing it would actually decrease my overall combat power.

Of course, I could just equip this Class to get its Skills, but what about my next Class?

What if their purposes clash?

The second one is also interesting as it gives me the ability to make my sword either invisible or dazzling to confuse my opponents.

It's mainly the invisible portion that matters.

Both Skills were given to me by the system, and unlike Steel Flash, something that evolved from the Taito Flash draw, I cannot really see a way of my training and getting them through normal means.

The same goes for Momentum, but among these Skills, it's the least important to me.

Even in my other Class, there isn't any significant Skill or Ability for me to get.

Unless if I were to consider… Greater Riposte…

"There should be other ways for me to make my sword invisible… Neither is making it really necessary for my combat style."

… I've made my decision.

"Ignition Strike it is."


[The Trait Sword Heart has been transferred to your Main Status]

[The Skill Ignition Strike LvMax has been transferred to your Main Status]

"It grows…" Philip said with a smile as he looked at his Status



Pthumerian Combat art(Modified) LvMax (15)(Hybrid)

Inhuman Martial arts-(Incomplete) LvMax(15) (Passive)

Rodrigues Perfected Shadow Technique Lv0 (Passive)

Mental force Lv9 (Hybrid)

Mental force manipulation Lv11 (Hybrid)

Mental Domain Lv3 (Hybrid)


Ripper Mode LvMax (15) (Active)

Ignition Strike LvMax (10) (Active)

Phantom Sword Lv16 (Active)

Great Scholar Vision Lv0 (Active)

Predator's presence LvMax (Hybrid)

Advanced Skill fusion Lv1 (Hybrid)

Western continent language Lv2 (Hybrid)

Combat Genius LvMax (Passive)

Gamerverse (???)


Castle Town ***** (Weakened)



Sword Heart


"Wow… I suddenly feel a bit lightheaded…" Philip said as he blinked

'He grabbed a bottle of cold water on top of the table and chugged it all down.'

"Haaa… Better."

I should be more careful around these operations.

My main Status is merely a representation of my body, and moving things to the first is the same as tinkering with the latter.

If in the future, I end up forgetting about this and moving to something dangerous, it could end in me changing forever...

'Philip took another gulp of his cold water and said:'

"Enough thinking about these scary hypothetical situations."

Only one thing left now before returning to my night training…

[1- Race

2- Talent/Potential

3- Skill Evolution

4- Title Evolution

5- An answer to a Question

6- Order, of Second Degree or Higher

7- Increase in Authority]

"Heh, this brings me memories from when I was in the Palace..."

I wonder what the other Heroes are doing... How strong they got?

What abilities did they learn and train in? I'm very interested in finding that out.

"Order… Last time I was told to ignore it, and once again, I'll throw it aside."

Right below that is... Authority...

It gives me a Familiar feel… When I think about it, a few things pop up in my head.

Those damned censored words that pop up from time to time whenever something important happens.

The System has a knack for censoring crucial information, so with a higher authority, would I be able to see more things?


I could be looking at this from the wrong perspective as well, but it just feels right that it would give me something related to itself.

"In any case, this isn't my priority, so up I go."

The Fifth option… An answer to a Question. This has caught my attention.

Would it answer me if I asked for a way to return home?

What if I narrowed it down by asking for a safe way to return home right now with my powers without consequences?

What if I were to ask for the location of all Origin Orbs?... I prefer calling them that rather than Fragments of Ithas…

(Your mom's 3 sizes 😳)

The number of things I can ask are endless… And that is exactly what worries me.

There has to be some sort of barrier, otherwise, I wouldn't be given the option for Authority… If everything fits together the way I imagined.

Title evolution is self-explanatory, if I were to choose it, I would definitely use it on Apex Evolver, it has been a big help, especially since I can equip 2 Titles at once and generate a random effect.

What if I could equip 3 Titles at once? Phew, that gives me the chills.

"I wonder what it would become..."

Skill evolution is… Perhaps too good to be true.

Why you ask?... What if I could… Evolve Gamerverse?

What would the result be?

More than changing my race, my Title, or my Talent, this Skill has been responsible for literally my entire current power.

Even with all of the help I was given so far, it's meaningless if I don't have a strong Class…

Well, I'm undervaluing myself too much, but it is a fact that my progress would've been dozens of times slower if I didn't have this to pave the way for me.

I'm really tempted to do it…

'He sat down on a chair in the corner of the room and closed his eyes in deep thought...'

"My innate Skill..."

Dammit! I choose Skill Evolution!


[Choose your Skill to Evolve]

'Philip smiled like a Devil as he up from his chair.'


[You have chosen to evolve your innate Skill, Gamerverse]

[Determining Skill specifics…]


[Skill level too high for this operation, choose another Skill]


'Philip slammed his fist on the ground, cracking it.'

"What do you mean?!" He exclaimed as he looked at the status window

Urg… Fine, I'll take this defeat.

'His face was slightly red, he was frustrated...'

But, if I think of this from another perspective… It was to be expected, my Skill is just that great after all…

"Sigh, who am I trying to trick?"

"So Race evolution will have to do."

[Choose your Skill to Evolve]

'Philip froze.'

"... It can't be…" Philip said with a pale face

Just… Reverse?

[Choose your Skill to Evolve]

You can't do this to me… Give me back my Race evolution!

[Choose your Skill to Evolve]


'Philip rested his head on the cold ground of the training room.'

'His eyes were dead as he stared at the ceiling, unblinking...'

I don't know who to blame… I have only myself but that hurts too much…

Is this how people that lost everything gambling feel?

It's a trash feeling.

'Philip rubbed his eyes and sat on the ground again.'

"Fine, since I'm being forced to choose, better make the most of it."

'He got up from the ground, grabbing his sword again.'

"Do I have to choose now?"

[Host has 23 hours, 48 minutes, 56 seconds…]

"Fine, I'll speedrun this."


'Philip stepped forward, slashing with his sword.'

'He had 24 hours… 24 hours to max his Skill.'


'Laplabe remained silent, it was better to faint ignorance of what he had just seen else things would become really awkward.'

'He was used to it, after all, as an old Mimic, he saw a few too many things in his long life...'

'Things he would rather just forget.'

/A few moments ago somewhere really, really, really far away…/

'In the middle of an icy valley, tall frozen mountains surroundings it, a triangular structure floated above the ice, spinning very slowly.'

'This inverted pyramid was extremely worn out as if it was as old as the mountains around it.'

'The pyramid was hollow, allowing people to see through it.'

'It hummed in a very low frequency, just enough to give someone a strange feeling.'

'Approaching the triangular structure showed a very strange phenomenon…'

'There was a large black screen in front of each side, like a shield.'

'It was extremely difficult to see due to how transparent it was, but it was there.'

'Getting near these black screens would actually show that… It wasn't a screen, but a series of words, numbers, and more scribbles moving at extremely high speeds, so packed together that it was impossible to see them with the naked eye.'


'The pyramid suddenly hummed extremely loudly, and one of its faces flashed, and the black screen disappeared.'

'But soon enough, a new set of numbers and words appeared on it… Much bigger than before.'

{Potential… Break of continuity… Has been detected}

{Solution… Cancelation of Protocol…}


{Processing results...}

{Problem… Averted…}

'The screen flashed again, but this time, the Pyramid turned upset down, sending a massive amount of ancient dust onto the ground beneath it.'

'It seemed this wasn't the first time this had happened as bellow it, a small hill had already been formed.'

{Receiving… Transmission}

{Checking transmission Identification…}


'The pyramid suddenly grew very hot, melting the ice around it, showing a smooth black metal beneath it…'

{Time of Identification… 3 full Solar Orbits… Into the future}

{Potential timeline convergence… Paradox…}

{Solution… Direct intervention… Negated}

{Solution… Elimination of the source… Negated}

{Solution… Timeline Divergence… Aproved}

{Processing results...}

{Problem… Averted…}

{Raising… Risk Magnitude… 3}

{Total processing time… 37 seconds… Archiving}

{Contact Central... Unnecessary}

{Resuming normal operations}

'The Pyramid moved once again, returning to its previous inverted position, the only clue to it ever moving was the dust beneath it.'

'Above it, a massive object slowly passed by…'

'It was a blue sphere, filled with many symbols whose borders glowed red as if burning.'

'It was quite the impressive view if there was anyone to appreciate it that is… This place was more silent than a graveward.'

'But upon a closer look, it wasn't difficult to say that this blue sphere in the night sky was in fact…'

'A planet, Eden.'

/Half a day later.../

/Drip drip.../



He's been doing this for over half a day already...

Doesn't he get tired? He didn't stop to rest at all.

The old man rarely lost a meal, he was oddly methodic, but this guy?

Does he run on air?

He already sweated a bucket... At least he is drinking water regularly.

"Phew..." Philip exhaled as he stopped

'He had a smile on his face.'

[Rodrigues Perfected Shadow Technique Lv14 -> LvMax(15)]

"Finally, had to work my ass off." He said as he opened his Status

I still have quite some time, should I just...

'He massaged his eyebrows.'

No, I got greedy once and lost a chance, better not.

Besides, sometimes, fusing more things together doesn't result in something better.

"Activate Skill Fusion." He said with a small smile

[Fuse Pthumerian Combat art(Modified) LvMax, Inhuman Martial arts-(Incomplete) LvMax, and Rodrigues Perfected Shadow Technique LvMax?]

Of course.

[Fusing... A few restrictions are impeding the Skills from fusing]

"What...?" Philip said with a slightly pale face

If this doesn't work, I'll kill myself...

[Skill Fusion has bypassed the restriction]

"Ah yes, just this is enough for me..." Philip said as he let out a sigh of relief

[Fusion complete]

[Critical Fusion!]

[You have acquired the new Ability, ***** Lv0]

[Please, name this new Ability]

[Proficiency is being recalculated...]

[***** Lv0 -> Lv10]

[Advanced Skill fusion Lv1 -> Lv5]

[You have created a new...]

[A great...]

'But Philip ignored the achievement notifications, he wasn't done yet.'

I choose this new unnamed Ability for evolution.

[You have chosen to evolve *****]


[Evolution is possible]

[***** Lv10 -> ***** Lv0]

[Proficiency is being recalculated...]

[***** Lv0 -> Lv1]


'Suddenly, Philip fell on the ground.'

'Pain, massive pain filled his body and head as complex pieces of information and knowledge filled his mind... And it showed no signs of stopping at all.'


'Had he made the wrong choice? Creating something not even him could handle?'

'Something similar had happened before when he received over a year of memories at once...'



'Philip punched the ground in pain, his hand glowing in strong blue light as it condensed...'

'The moment his fist crashed against the ground, a large crack that covered the entire floor was created as the entire room trembled.'

'The trembling was so intense that Lablabe was thrown off the table, startled as he crashed against the ground.'

'He quickly morphed and grabbed the inventory tool before it fell on the ground as well.'

"Oi oi... What is happening now?"

I know that Heroes can see it without the need of especial tools, so I was ignoring his self talk...

He was happy, then frustated, then angry... He showed many emotions...

And now, he's in pain?

But what did he do now?

'He took a glance at Philip, blueish purple flames were converting his entire body.'

'But those weren't flames.'

"That's dangerous." He mumbled to himself as he moved away




'Philip continued to flail around as the ground broke apart, and it seemed the room wouldn't be able to last for long...'

"ARG! This is making me go insane!" Philip exclaimed as he stopped hitting the ground

The itching!

'Yet the blue energy continued to move around his body, condensing, shaping itself into something...'

"Philip?... Are you..." Laplabe asked, concerned

'But before he could finish, Philip raised his hand to make him stop, he wasn't in the mood to talk.'

'Although Laplabe questioned himself if he had done that on purpose or not as it seemed more like an unconious reaction than anything.'

'He sat on the ground, sweating, the pain was still going, but he could tolerate it slightly now.'



'Inside Philip's mental world, a red vase floated calmly on top of a fountain near a castle...'


'It hummed slightly as if it could feel something...'

"... Birth..." It said in a twisted tone


/A few minutes later.../

'Philip still remained sitting, unmoving, while Laplabe stood on the other corner of the room, observing him.'

'He had already felt that several people had gathered outside of the room, and he was concerned, nor for Philip, but for them.'

'If they got inside now and he went on a little rampage again, things would turn bloody...'


'Philip suddenly opened his eyes, getting up from the ground.'


'The air snapped and the blue energy condensed into its final form...'

"Philip?" Laplabe asked

"I'm... Okay. I have a serious headache going on but it's nothing I can't handle." Philip replied as he opened and closed his hands

"... As long as you're okay, then it's fine."

'Philip started to look around, noticing the destruction around him.'

"This... Is going to be pricey to fix." He joked slightly

"Is that your biggest concern?"

"Of course not." He said as he walked to grab his sword

'It had been flung aside and it was now stuck on the wall.'

'He grabbed it, but stopped as he saw his reflection.'

"What the..."

"You finally noticed." Laplabe replied


/At the same time, outside.../

"I swear, each day he pushes me more and more towards insanity." Viera said as she looked at the door towards the training room

'She was wearing a nice blue shirt with a pair of white shorts that went past her knees, Sebastian said it was a bit too revealing, and technically, for this place's standards, it is.'

'Fashion can be quite subjective, especially when there are so many races in this continent...'

'But Viera felt comfortable like this, and there was no one here to judge her, apart from Sebastiano...'

'However, her clothes were stained, because previously, she was eating a nice spaghetti, and it suddenly flew towards her face when everything started trembling.'

'She was pissed, but even more so concerned.'

'Viera suddenly realized that she probably said 'what happened?' more times this month than she did her entire life...'

"It seems things have calmed down." Sebastiano said as a drop of sweat fell from his forehead

"Then I'll go check it out." She said as she walked forward

"Wait, Madam! The lord..."

"Yeah, I know very well what he told me, but I can't..."


'The door to the training room opened, revealing Philip.'

"You can't what?" He asked

"Eh?!" Viera replied startled

"What is it? Is there something on my face?"

"... What happened with you?!" She asked as she looked at him






Bahahaha! You'll only get to know what he looks like... NEXT WEEK!

I feel so great right now, it was the perfect way to end this.

Besides, why don't you all give me ideas for a name? Even if it doesn't make sense, I may end up considering it.

Aside from that, goodbye my fellows!












You still here? Go away.













Really? There isn't anything here for you my guy. Tsk tsk...










You sure are persistent, I'll give you that.

Fine, I'll go over my word count, but if that's what you want...

Make sure to drop that power stone.

See ya!



"Me?" Philip asked as he raised his right arm

"Well... Things happened. How do I look?"

"Be serious, where did you take this armor from?" Viera asked as she looked at Philip

'Just like she said, Philip was currently clad in full sky blue armor, and it wasn't just that.'

'The armor looked... Weird.'

'In several key points of the armor, the metal seemed to evaporate and warp in unrealistic ways, leaving behind a blue smoke that floated into the air.'

'The armor was also full of black lines, they seemed chaotic, but they formed patterns that were quite elegant.'

"Armor? Is this how you see it?... It certainly does look like that." Philip said as he thought deeply

"You aren't making sense now." Viera replied annoyed

"Oh, sorry, why are you here again?"

"... I came here... To find out... Why... DID MY FUCK... Why was my spaghetti suddenly flung into the sky." She replied as she grits her teeth

'Philip frowned, but he soon understood what she was talking about.'

"Ah... My mistake, that was... A slight miscalculation from me. It won't happen again... Probably."

'Viera simply stared at him with a frown, she wasn't satisfied with such answers anymore.'

"I... I was training and ended up punching the ground really hard." Philip replied embarrassed

'He walked to her while grabbing a small piece of tissue from his inventory.'

'He stopped in front of her and whipped the sauce from her cheeks.'


'All of the young maids flushed in embarrassment, the scene of seeing a knight wiping the face of a girl was simply too stimulating for them, like a scene straight out of their romance novels.'

"Sorry... Can you forgive me?" He said in a low tone



'She said something in embarrassment, but Philip said:'

"I didn't quite hear it."

'But she then looked at him seriously:'

"Don't push, you can hear a butterfly flapping its wings outside, so don't make me repeat it."

'She turned around and said:'

"I'll make something for me to eat, meet me once you're done."

"Miss!" Said one of the maids as she walked after her


'Philip shook his head, he turned to Sebastiano and said:'

"Everything is okay, but you may need to call some people... Do you know anyone that can repair a room?"

"Yes I do sir, I know a construction group, that performs yearly maintenance in several properties in the area, including this one, I'll call them as soon as you give the order."

"Good, for now, don't call them, but make sure to check if they are available." He said as he turned around

"For now, I have some things left to finish, until then... Just wait for me."

'Philip closed the door to the training room, leaving the others outside, confused.'




