
zerk the new world

the world Zerk was created for a purpose to be the land of the gods or humans would win to have the planet Zerk

PlayerOliver · Histoire
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128 Chs


The citizens of Hus who were made slaves by Pedroko were subjected to inhumane treatment. They were forced to work long hours in harsh conditions and they were subject to frequent physical and mental abuse. This caused immense suffering to the people of Hus and it also generated an enormous amount of wealth for Pedroko and his allies. The suffering and abuse endured by these slaves were an injustice, and it is a dark stain on Zombo's history. The enslavement of people from another country was a cruel and inhumane practice that caused immense harm and pain to the people who were affected by it.

Pedroko has become obsessed with his own fame and prestige, and he ordered several artists to paint portraits of him to be hung in museums throughout the country. His ego was inflated with his own self importance, and he wanted everyone to acknowledge his greatness. These portraits were another way for Pedroko to show off his power and authority to his people, and they served as a reminder of his dictatorship and the oppression that came with it. By commissioning these paintings, Pedroko was attempting to strengthen his grip on control and he was sending a message to his people that he was not to be challenged.