
Zack And Ted

A boy Named Zack that has a mission in Earth...his friends trying to help him to save the world But Peter the son of the Future want to get him and take his friends he will help it to save! The Main Characters of the Story: Zack Ted Sarah Kristopher Charles Zack's Dad Peter Carl Cast of story Merriam Webster Kung Fu Kevin Zach Guards the in Story: Guard 3 Guard 4 Guard 2 Writed By: Jorge Joshua f. Casiple Posted By: JorgeComics1234 You can follow us in: Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLyHdUJgeH8/?igshid=m07aijmjnoi0 Fantasy, Action and Adventure! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLyHdUJgeH8/?igshid=m07aijmjnoi0 Hope you like my Story don't forget to rate us!

Jorgecomics1234 · Fantaisie
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Peter is Kidnapped

Sarah: So what we gonna do to save Peter, Zack?

Zack: We need Ted, Brayan and Kristopher to get here...but I didn't know how to sent they here!

Sarah: But this place is full of technology right? so we have enough Technology to sent them here right?

Zack: Yeah...your right,

Julie: Hey are you new here?

Zack: Yes

Julie: I'm Julie nice to met you"

Sarah: Hello I'm Sarah

Zack: I'm Zack

Zack: Can you help us to sent our friends here?

Zack: I know that's difficult but we need to sent them here!

Julie: Oh...sure no problem

Julie: Use this machine!

Sarah: What is that for?

Julie: That's Machine Help you to send them here but before that search their names to transform them here!

Sarah: Ohh..okay

Zack: Let's search their name sarah...

5 Minutes Later!

Julie: Are you done guys?

Zack: Yeah...we select them

Julie: If you done select the Red Button...to success send them here!

Sarah: Okay"

Ted: I don't see them guys!

Brayan: Yeah...what the!!! why we get here?

Kristopher: What...Zack, Sarah what are you doing here? We finding you!

Zack: Guys we just Time Travel!

Sarah: Yeah we send all of you to save Peter!

Ted: Huh? where's Peter...

Zack: He kidnapped!

Kristopher: Woah we just Time Travel to the Future!

Brayan: We finding Zack, Sarah, and Peter for 1 Hour

Zack: What the...only 1 Hour we missing*

Sarah: But we came here 3 Days Ago!

Brayan: The Time is Different here"

Zack: Anyways Let's save Peter now!?

Julie: I will help you*

Ted: Thanks

Several Moments Later...

Zack: So the plan is...Sarah and Julie Are going to distract the guards then Ted and Brayan are going to Peter...then me and Kristopher are going at the cctv here!

Sarah: So...we all ready?

* All Saying Yes We Ready*

Sarah: Let's go"

Kristopher: Let's go at the cameras Zack!

Zack: Okay...

Zack: Ohhh the cameras has Password! a note it says 845637

Kristopher: Let's Try the Password"

Zack: It works*

Kristopher: What who is that? can you zoom it Zack,

Zack: Okay...

Zack: What It's Dad!?

Kristopher: What your dad is the Mastermind!

Zack: Because I know how he walk and how to choose clothes!

And his look like my dad! no way this is happening

5 Minutes Later....

Sarah: Hey guards!

Noah: What are you doing here huh?

Julie: You cannot catch us you loser!

Noah: hey come back! Guards get them

Guards: Yes sir!

Ted: Brayan Guards are left this is our change to go at Peter!

Brayan: Yes...carefully

Ted: Huh! it's Zack's Dad what are he doing this!

Brayan: Uhh...

Zack's Dad: So You again Ted...since long time we see again right?

Ted: Hey what are you doing this!

Brayan: Yeah

Zack's Dad: So where my Son? give me him right now!

Ted: I will not give him to you!

Zack: Oh...dad why are you doing this huh?

Zack's Dad: Son get away from Ted he kill your mom!

Zack: Hahaha what a funny joke!

Zack's Dad: I said don't trust him or I'm going to kill your friend!

Peter: Help Zack!

Ted: Ugh Zack I want to tell you something!

Zack: What Ted?

Ted: I just want to apologize that...I kill your mom!

Zack: This is Prank right!

Zack: No way you gonna do this"

To Be Continued...