
Yutian City Life

Yutian Urban Life Novel is a novel set in a modern city that tells the story of the main character going through various emotions such as growth, struggle, love, affection and friendship. The novel's protagonist, Yutian, is a young man with tenacity and perseverance and a spirit of striving. In the novel, Yutian undergoes a metamorphosis from mediocrity to excellence, and he continues to challenge himself in urban life and eventually achieves success in his career and life. The story begins with Yutian leaving his hometown and traveling to the big city to pursue his career. When he first enters the city, Yutian faces many challenges, including language barriers, differences in living habits, and interpersonal relationships. However, with his perseverance and intelligence, he gradually adapts to city life and achieves success in the workplace. In the process, Yutian also made a group of like-minded friends and formed a deep friendship. In the city life, Yutian also experiences a colorful love story. He develops a relationship with several female protagonists, and although the process is full of twists and turns and setbacks, they all eventually become valuable assets in his life. Under the cultivation of love, Yutian becomes more mature and steady. At the same time, Yutian never forgets the companionship of family and friendship. He struggles hard in the city in order to be able to bring a better life to his family and make his friends live a happy life as well. In the process, Yu Angel pulls out all the stops and actively tackles all kinds of difficulties and challenges. In the end, after a series of struggles and efforts, Yu Tian succeeded in realizing his dream and became a good urbanite. He not only achieves success in his career, but also reaps the rewards of a fulfilling love, and at the same time creates better living conditions for his family and friends. The novel focuses on Yutian's growth and struggle, showing the beauty and challenges of modern urban life, and conveying a positive and forward-looking attitude towards life.

Dao33tao · Urbain
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120 Chs

Chapter 48: The Director is looking for you

The campus in the fall, the cool breeze, the leaves are gradually fading. Students are also on campus, some sit in groups of three to five chatting, some quietly sitting there reading, there are also a pair of pairs of ears and temples in there talking about love.


Suddenly from the campus entrance, slowly walked over a group of beautiful women, especially the front of the female wearing a black dress girl, a move between the feet is so charming. Peng Yuyan this line of beauty in the crowd's attention, gently lift lotus step, from their front floated past, leaving only a burst of fragrant wind came to the face.


The chatting crowd suddenly forgot their topic, those who were reading books seemed to be lifted up by the fragrant breeze, and the boys who were there talking about love affairs all had their mouths wide open in fascination as they slowly moved their eyes along with Pang Yuyan and the girls' footsteps. The girls, on the other hand, had a look of jealousy on their faces, and then they pinched their hands towards their lovers' waists, and then there was a burst of painful cries that rose and fell.


Peng Yuyan and Zhao Yutong and the others came to the door of the school leader's office and knocked on the door to enter. A young teacher inside saw Peng Yuyan and the others and was also mesmerized by their looks, stuttering and asking, "May I ask who you are looking for?"


Peng Yuyan said softly, "I want to find the principal of your school."


At this time, Chen Runhe stood up on one side and held up his glasses to read Peng Yuyan and said, "I am the principal Chen Runhe, hello, may I ask you guys are? And what are you looking for me?"


Peng Yuyan scanned Zhao Yutong Huang Yuejiao and the others, then smiled and said, "Principal Chen, hello. My name is Pang Yuyan, and I'm Yu Tian's friend. Other than me, the rest here are all students from your Deep Sea University. We came to find you today for no other reason than we want to ask the school for an explanation for what happened to Yu Tian."


"Oh, it's this matter." Chen Runhe hurriedly said, "Regarding Yutian's matter, we are studying it, and we currently have certain conclusions and treatment plans that we are also grasping to implement."


"Principal Chen, in fact, there's no need for this matter to be so troublesome, what happened on that day, Deep Sea University has so many witnesses, the school can casually investigate and know the cause of what happened. And regarding the matter of Yu Tian violently beating up the Director of Instruction, I think I don't need to say more, Principal Chen should also know who is right and who is wrong, right?"


"This," Peng Yuyan's flip-flopping words left Chen Runhe speechless for a moment, and his face was a bit embarrassed.


And Peng Yuyan seemed to not want to give Chen Runhe any leeway, and went on to say, "It has been so long since the incident happened, and so far, it seems that no one from the school has come out to take a stand and explain the matter. It has to be said that Deep Sea University is indeed too conservative when it comes to accountability. Hiding is not a solution, taking the initiative to come out and recognize the mistakes in oneself, that's the king's way."


Chen Runhe looked at Peng Yuyan and shook his head helplessly. Thinking of his own education work for most of his life, but did not expect to be on the verge of old age, but also by a girl righteously said a pass. But he was powerless to refute, after all, what people say is not unreasonable.


At this time, the young teacher on the side came up to absolve Chen Runhe to, "This Miss Peng, in fact, we had a meeting this morning to study this matter, and Principal Chen also made a self-criticism at the meeting, and Vice Principal Luo also rushed to the police station right after the meeting, ready to go and help explain this matter to Yutian's classmates."


Huang Yuejiao is a straightforward surname, immediately said sarcastically, "What's the use of going now, now the people are all locked up in the detention center."


Chen Runhe was also a little surprised when he heard, he did not expect things to be so serious, in his opinion, at most it is just a few days of detention, did not expect to be put into the detention center. So he quickly asked, "Then what are you guys going to do now?"


Pang Yuyan spoke with an aristocratic air, "Now we want to join forces with the school and hold a press conference to explain the cause of Yutian's beating, so that the police won't dare to mess around, and with the school stepping in, our words will be more convincing."


Chen Runhe frowned when he heard that there was going to be a press conference. As the school's top leader, he also didn't want Deep Sea University to make too much of a fuss this time, but now Peng Yuyan's words were so sharp that he simply had no way back. After a long time, Chen Runhe raised his head and gritted his teeth, "Okay, I promise you."


Deep Sea Detention Center, Liu Pintian lying on the bed, hands resting on his head, eyes staring at the upper bed board, the heart combing the falling thoughts, I do not know how the small maple them things are going?


Ever since Yutian had suspicions about the Li family that night, he was ready to find out what was going on. So he found Peng Xiaofeng and told him about his suspicions, and Peng Xiaofeng was shocked to hear it.


That night, Yutian asked Peng Xiaofeng and Feilong to find a chance to find out the situation of Mount Wangyi, hoping to discover something. Out of certain concerns, he did not send Jack and his men, because they were his personal men, and after all, they were still foreigners.


Instead, Fei Long and the others were from the National Security Bureau, and it was much easier to call them to get things done. Because he was worried that something might happen to them, he asked Peng Xiaofeng's special operations team to help assist. That was why, when Yu Tian was brought to the police station, of the people who came from the Peng family, why Peng Xiaofeng didn't show up.


Yutian thought of an idea after he realized that the primary purpose of the islanders' attack against the Southern Cloud Group might be to divert the political axe's attention. He knew that he was currently a threat to the Li family. And since he had just beaten up the male son of the Mingyi Group, the Li family would definitely seize on it and make a big deal out of it so as to get rid of himself as a threat. So they would definitely put so much attention on themselves. So Yu Tian also went along with the water, as the Li family wanted to come in. Yu Tian this is not to divert the attention of the Li family and the islanders?


Just even Yu Tian himself did not expect is that Peng Xiaofeng heard Yu Tian's suspicion, left and right, think that the matter is significant, so he called his grandfather Peng Gang, reported the matter.


When Elder Peng received the report, there was a hint of a different color on his face that had been ancient and unruffled for many years. Some time ago, he had asked Peng Haitao to convey to Yutian that those people were after more than just a Nan Yun Group. At that time, he knew that there was a problem with the Li family colluding with the islanders, but even he didn't expect things to be this serious. He understood Yutian, if there was no certainty, Yutian would only be in his heart even if he suspected it. And when he said it, then things were probably about right.


If it was really like what Yu Tian had guessed, that the islanders' plot against China had succeeded again, then the consequences would be unimaginable.


When he thought of this, Peng Gang immediately called Chen Dongsheng, the director of the National Security Bureau, and told him the whole story. Chen Dongsheng was also scared in a cold sweat, but he still rushed back, they are now also investigating the Li family, but since there is not the slightest evidence, the investigation is only covert, and there has not been much of a breakthrough.


Peng Gang's frown was getting tighter and tighter, suddenly he slammed at the table, his eyes revealed a trace of murderous aura that hadn't appeared for many years, and his mouth icy coldly said, "Good you Li family, if you really do the Han Jie, I will definitely uproot your Li family."


Peng Gang walked out of the study with a face full of anger and shouted at his secretary, "Prepare a car immediately and go to No. 1 Chief, I have an urgent matter."


The secretary looked at the sky and hesitantly said, "Chief, it's so late and your health is not good, don't you think so?"


At this time there was a middle-aged beautiful woman sitting on the sofa, she was Peng Gang's eldest daughter-in-law and Peng Yuyan's mother, Zhou Shuxian, who also hastened to persuade, "Yes, Dad, look at the color of the sky it's so late, and besides, aren't you retired? Can we talk about anything tomorrow?"


Peng Gang's eyes glared fiercely, then spoke, "Prepare the car, immediately."


A look at the head insisted on going, the secretary can not help, soon drove the car, carrying Peng Lao to the first head of the office of the place to drive. Leaving Zhou Shuxian there puzzled, she felt that the old man today some abnormal, but she a do daughter-in-law also inconvenient to ask more questions.


Peng just talked with the No. 1 head for most of the night, back to Peng's home, Peng just did not rest, just there to think about how to deal with. Peng just know that this is a bad deal, not only to scare the snake not to say, there may cause international disputes, so be very careful. Unconsciously, Peng Gang sat in the study until dawn.


Early the next morning, Peng Gang recruited back his third son and the current leader of the Dragon Team, Peng Hu Tao.


Peng Hutao received a call from the old man and also rushed back. After listening to Peng Gang's flip-flop, he also sensed the seriousness of the matter.


Generally speaking, the National Security Bureau carried out missions against the country, while the targets of their Dragon Team's missions were all abroad. And yet, at this moment, Peng Gang told him that this mission was led by their Dragon Team, cooperating with their comrades from the National Security Bureau, adding that this was also the meaning of the No. 1 Chief.


Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately arranged for his men to rush to the deep sea, and told them that they must cooperate with the people of the National Security in good faith and act cautiously.


Just as the Dragon Group's people were preparing to leave, Peng Yuyan also learned that Yu Tian had been captured again, so she also wanted to go to the deep sea. Peng Gang persuaded a few sentences to no avail, also let Peng Yuyan, then sent four special guards to Peng Yuyan, to protect her personal safety.


Seeing such a situation, Peng Hu Tao told Long Wu and the others to fly to the deep sea together with Peng Yuyan, and so Peng Yuyan appeared in the deep sea.


Just as Utena was thinking about how things were going back outside, a prison guard yelled outside, "Utena, come out for a moment."


Yutian collected his mind, rolled over and jumped out of bed, walked over to that prison guard and asked, "What is it that you're looking for me for?"


The prison guard glanced at Yu Tian and said with a grim smile, "Come with me, our director wants to talk to you." After saying that, he turned around and led the way in front.


In the prison room Liu Gang took a look, then hurriedly pulled Yu Tian whispered: "Big brother, do not go, go no good fruit to eat, that Director Yuan is the scum to come."


Liu Gang also feels that Yutian is a good person, and he also knows that he used to be a bit of an asshole. These days, the rest of the prison cell a few people look at his smile is also a lot of real, talk to each other is also a lot of warm heart, this kind of feeling makes Liu Gang feel full of comfort, so he is in the heart of the eyes do not want to go to Yutian, he is an old oil, he knows that go to the quasi no good thing.


Yutian saw Liu Gang's actions and gave him an admiring look, not saying anything but just smiling, he followed the prison guards and walked away.