
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs

chapter 1

[time ago]

[The template system has been bound to the host]

[Please open the starter pack...host cannot respond...the template system will open the starter pack]

[Congratulations host has obtained... 2 character templates]

[The template system will raffle the templates as the host is unable to respond...]

[Congratulations the host has received the character template: [Mamoru Takamura]... ]

[Congratulations the host has received the character template: [Chris Redfield]...]

[The template system automatically equips templates on the host... character template: [momoru takamura] equipped...]

[The system: equipping character template...error...insufficient energy to safely equip template...solution sought...solution found...]

[The template system will convert the character template into energy and fuse it with the host's body... the energy from the character template will change the host's body without interference from the system.

But doing so will cause the template system to lose stuff from the character template... do you want to continue [yes] or [no]?]

[Host is unable to respond... so the template system will begin processing... please wait]

[Template system finished working...insufficient power to keep running...looking for solution to recharge power...solution found]

[The template system will gather energy through the host to function again.

The template system will go into sleep mode while it gathers enough power to wake up again.

The host will not be able to use any of the system features or templates already received... looking for a solution to the problem...]

[Solution found...the template system with the last amount of energy it has left will convert the other character template into energy and fuse it with the host...since the host can't respond the system will do it automatically...]

[Template system: fusion complete... entering sleep mode... 3 2 1... System in sleep mode...]



Shouted our protagonist while he was on the phone with his father.

"That you made some bad investments?... some bad investments couldn't bankrupt your business, dad... what did you do?"

Our protagonist asked his father after hearing what he said.


I scream after hearing his father tell him that he doesn't even have money to send him.

"I, I have a little money saved. Yes, enough to live for at least two months in peace, plus I still have 2 weeks of rent already paid, so, for now, concentrate on stabilizing yourself, I'll be fine"

He said as he tried to calm down and thanked God that he wasn't one of those who spent all his money and always kept it just in case.

"Yes, yes, dad, I'll be fine, I've been seeing a whole year alone. So don't worry, you concentrate on recovering the company"

He said as he tried to be understanding, even though he's upset about the stupidity he did, he can't be yelling right now, so he decided to be understanding.

"Okay...bye, dad"

He said as he hung up the phone and sighed, then realized that he had a lot of eyes on him.

Looking at him he realized that almost all the people around him were looking at him strangely, so he apologized and left there embarrassed.

They were looking at him so much for 3 reasons... his skin tone, his height and the language he is speaking.

His skin tone, unlike other people who have mostly white skin, his skin tone is dark.

Also his height, which at just 15 years old already measures 1.80 meters.

And then there is the language she is speaking in, Spanish, thus drawing everyone's attention after all she yelled several times in Spanish. (:v)

'I need to meditate to calm down' - he thought as he walked quickly to her apartment.

This is Aiden Hinton, 15 years old. dark skin, black hair and dark brown eyes, a muscular body thanks to the fact that he trains for an hour every day since he stopped training boxing a year ago because he moved to another country. He can be considered handsome even though he hasn't had a girlfriend yet. all because of the almost impossible dream in this era... but that's for later.

He has been living in Japan for a whole year by himself, all thanks to his "kind" father who let him come.

I say kind in quotes because, even though his father allowed him to come to Japan alone, it was just an opportunity that aiden's father took to keep him away from him.

It all started when his (adoptive) mother died 4 years ago. although he already knew that his parents were not his real parents (the same father told him). yet his father still spoke to him (only if he needed to ask for a "favor" to help his company). but after the death of his mother, his father stopped talking to him and caring about him completely. He usually left him alone and didn't return to his house until after 1 month with the excuse that he has problems at work.

And his father still treats him, it's all thanks to his mother who made him promise to take care of him until he was of legal age and also because otherwise he would ruin his public image by throwing his (adoptive) son out on the street. (More for the second at least that's what aiden believes)

So he didn't miss the opportunity aiden gave him by sending him to another country when he asked. He sent her money monthly and only called him to let him know that he had already deposited the money in his account, that's why Aiden always had money saved. Who knew if his father would stop sending him and leave him completely alone in another country. (Although it seems that he is already starting to do it or so aiden thinks.)

But if that happens, he will go to the police or whatever and present the case, so even though he doesn't know if he will be able to get something from his father, because he is rich and money rules in this society. he knows that he can ruin his reputation a bit for being a father who abandoned his son. (The guy has him legally recognized as his son)

And let's not talk about his relatives, both maternal and paternal, none of them want him, because he was adopted, it's not that he cares either, the only thing that mattered to him in this life was his mother... but she died.

And since he had no one to help him through his sadness, he entered the world of anime, manga and games. This is the reason why he wanted to come to Japan.

"I finally arrived... he made me very embarrassed with all those people watching me..."

After arriving at his apartment he felt calmer and I can't help but remember how everyone saw him.

Aiden is usually easily embarrassed in public, even though he doesn't show it outwardly and usually if he has to do something that embarrasses him he tries to act normal. He still doesn't know how he can stand up and fight in the boxing ring when there are usually so many people watching him.

"I'll try to meditate... And who knows, maybe this time I can control that strange energy..."

He said aiden as he carried her to the bed and got into position to meditate.

He finished settling down and closed her eyes as he tried to feel that strange energy that he always feels shortly after he started meditating 4 years ago.

Yes, Aiden started to meditate after seeing that in some anime they do it and he wanted to see if doing it could also release some power or something, even though he knew it was impossible, he had nothing to lose by trying. (Sometime everyone has tried and failed... I think. :v)

But after an hour of meditating and when he was about to give up, he felt something, like some kind of energy that entered his body, but he couldn't do anything with it because as it entered it disappeared and he stopped feeling it.

4 years since she has been meditating, the energy enters her body in greater quantity, but it continues to disappear shortly after entering and without being able to control it, it frustrates him, but he is not going to give up. his small and almost non-existent pride does not let him give up.


He thought aiden while he felt how the energy stopped entering his body automatically and now he could attract the strange energy alone and he could control it, although not very well, but he can do it.

'What happened?...'

He wondered as he frowned and I can't help but feel a little worried about what happened several questions that have been haunting him for the past 4 years reappeared. "What is energy?", "Why is it disappearing from my body shortly after it enters?", "What will happen when I stop doing it?" "Will I be okay when I stop doing it?"

All those questions run through his mind every day tormenting him, but it seems that today was the day he was going to find out.

[DING...Template system regained its power and will be reactivated...but it still needs to be connected to power and fully use the host's power to not go back to shutdown...finding solution... please wait...]

"What the hell"

Aiden was surprised to hear the sudden voice in his head, trying to calm down and not scream, he thought about what the voice said.

'He said template system, so it must be some kind of anime-style system or something like the ones I saw'

He thought aiden as he tried to calm down and wait to see what this system says.

Make no mistake, he is scared, but he has been preparing his heart for 4 years for anything that happens when his body will finish absorbing the energy on its own.

[Template system found the solution... the template system will give 00.6% of the power to the host while the system keeps the remaining 99.4%... is that ok with you, host?]


Aiden was silent as he thought about what to do.

"Okay, but what will happen when you give it to me? Open some kind of burst or something like in the animes I saw?"

asked aiden, after 4 years and 0 supernatural activity. He wondered if it was because of the system that he was absorbing the energy and it was not kept in his body, it did not attract the attention of some supernatural being, which would explain why he has not seen any supernatural being.

[Template System: After the system releases 00.6% power to the host, nothing like this will happen.

The system knows how dangerous it would be to the host's life, so the system will keep the energy hidden until the host can hide it himself...is it okay for the host?]

"... it's okay, thanks" - said aiden while thanking, she didn't know how much 00.6% was, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

[Template system: starting power release process... This process will take a few minutes while it completes, the host can see the functions of the template system]

"Well... this feels a bit awkward. Okay, system, I'll see your functions."

Aiden thought as he felt how the strange energy was appearing in his body, but it feels different than when it comes from outside, it's as if it were purer in some way.

[Template system: starting with the explanation of functions...]


When I was imagining the appearance of the protagonist, I decided to make him look like Chad from bleach, at least in the muscular physique, the face is not the same or anything.

There are several things that confuse me about the world of yuragi-sou no yuuna-san I would appreciate your help when I ask.

I hope you liked the first chapter, I've been watching the yuragi-sou no yuuna-san manga since Friday to make this ff.