
A Visitor!

Staria: But what if they're here because they made one bad choice? Like hitting their parents because of a stressful situation? Do you really think they deserve to die over something as simple as that?

Asura: Well, in the end they made the choice that led them here.

Staria: So what about you? Why did you end up here? Why shouldn't you get killed by Yunata too?

Asura: Well… I can't say I don't deserve to be here, but what I will say is that I'll be better. I won't make the same mistakes I have before.

Staria: So you just get to go without punishment because you have a change of heart? What about everyone else? What if they wanna turn around?

Asura looks at the crowd trapped in bubbles and feels a bit of remorse.

Asura: Look… How about we give them options. We take a look at their past, if they seem as if they made a simple mistake and honestly wish to be better, we'll give them that opportunity. But if they did something horrible, we leave them here for Yunata to decide what to do with them, deal?

Staria: Yes, deal! But, won't we get in trouble for letting all of these guys free?

Asura: In trouble with who?

Staria: You know, the government, and president, and stuff…

Asura: And what if we are? It's their fault in the first place for having such an in-just system, the people we free wouldn't even be here in the first place if it wasn't for that.

Staria: True. Fine, let's do it. Gather up Qajiri and Asa to help us.

Asura: Okay! (thumbs up)

Asura flies off to get Qajiri and Asa, Staria then spots a familiar face in the crowd.

Staria: No way… that can't be…

Staria spots the president in the crowd.

Staria: If we don't set him free… then what? Are we going to be attacked by the military for kidnapping the president and holding him captive? Are they going to agree that someone like him shouldn't be leading us? But everyone already knows how bad of a person he is, will this even change anything?

While Staria stresses about how bad the outcome could be, Yunata catches himself having an unusual dream.

Yunata thinks to himself: What the… please don't tell me all of this was just an illusion and the fight is still going on.

Mordekai: No, It isn't that…

Yunata: Then why are you here?

Mordekai: Well, you didn't think you'd get off free after killing someone with illusion magic did you?

Yunata: Why should there be a catch to killing you?

Mordekai: Because I'm that important.

Yunata: Whatever man, why are we here?

Mordekai: Because I want to pass on my power to yo-

Yunata draws his sword and quickly cuts through Mordekai's neck

Mordekai: Come on dude, this is a dream. You can't kill me.

Yunata: Last time you told me I could have your powers I woke up from a dream of beating you, how should I know that won't happen this time?

Mordekai: If that were the case, would you not want to accept my power that way you can get back to your friends?

Yunata …

Mordekai: I'm offering you my power as a prize for defeating me.

Yunata: But why? I just killed you?

Mordekai: Because I was always looking for someone who could beat me. I thought the only way I could lose was to fight our god himself, but maybe I was overestimating myself.

Yunata: Fight our god? Our? God? We have a god? That we can just fight?

Mordekai: You don't know? Andreas, the god of our galaxy?

Yunata: What is he the god of? And what does he do? I've never heard of him or even seen him before.

Mordekai: Well of course you haven't seen him, but your education must be pretty poor for you to not know him. For one, he protects us from any threat we ourselves can't deal with. Mainly attacks from other galaxies. Two, he isn't the god of anything specifically, it's just the title of the one who rules above us all.

Yunata: And how does one obtain that title?

Mordekai: Kill the current god and take his place.

Yunata: What if you kill them and don't take their place?

Mordekai: That isn't an option. You are forced into a pact to replace them. It would be stupid to kill our god without hoping to replace them.

Yunata: What about outside of our galaxy? Does it work the same for everyone else?

Mordekai: Well, I haven't traveled outside of ours, why would I know.

Yunata: It just seemed like you would… okay, I'm going to accept your power. That way you can cease to exist entirely.

Mordekai: Well that isn't true, I will always exist in your head.

Yunata: Then I humbly decline.

Mordekai: Come on man, I'm giving you the offer of a lifetime. You get my insanely strong ability AND you get me as a roommate. How could you be so ungrateful.

Yunata thinks to himself: "Well, he does have a strong ability, even compared to the new ones I've obtained. But do I really want him living in my head? I mean, he isn't insufferable. But I would really appreciate my privacy."

Mordekai: Oh, by the way. I will be living here until you accept.

Yunata: …

Mordekai: Sooooo… you might as well take the deal.

After Yunata angrily mumbles to himself stomping around and punching the air, he accepts Mordekai's offer and obtains his ability, as well as his aura.

Yunata: Now leave me alone. Let me finish sleeping.

Mordekai: How long are you usually asleep for anyway? It's already been 4 days.

Yunata: WHAT?!? FOUR DAYS?!?

Mordekai: Yeah man, sleeping for four days straight is pretty crazy. Immensely unproductive.

Yunata attempts to wake himself up through the use of his black holes but instead finds out he can't activate the ability.

Yunata: What… it worked last time…

Mordekai: Don't worry man, I'll get you up.

Mordekai forces Yunata awake with the snap of his fingers.

Yunata: Dude, what the hell.

Narration: Yunata walks outside to see a couple hundred people working on computers.

Yunata: Whattttt…

Staria catches Yunata in the corner of her eye and angrily stomps her way over to him.

Staria: Yunata…

Yunata: Um, hey.

Staria lodges her fist into Yunata's pretty face.


Yunata: …

Staria: We had to do so much work to get all these people civilized. We had to deal with the president and many other people of high authority. All because you needed guinea pigs. Honestly, this is the most stressful thing I've ever had to deal with.

Yunata: …

Yunata is currently drowning in his own blood after having his face caved in by Staria, yet she doesn't notice.

Staria: And you won't even say anything. To think you could've been our leader. I'm glad we found out how terrible you are this soon.

Staria storms off still angry.

Yunata thinks to himself: I can't believe this. She almost kills me, insults me for jokes I made, then has the nerve to be mad at me?!? Well whatever. I can't do anything but sit here hoping Qajiri finds me. Ughhhhhh.

Staria brings Qajiri over to Yunata to heal him.

Qajiri: Did you have to hit him this hard? You didn't even hear him out.

Staria: Heal him or that'll be you instead.

After healing Yunata Qajiri quickly leaves.

Staria: So, why did you do this?

Yunata: I was gonna test my new magic. I was going to read their minds, attempt to purge the evil in them, and make them stronger. I didn't think I would fall asleep again so soon. It usually happens every 2 to 3 months. Or at least what I think are 2 to 3 months. If I didn't fall asleep, all of these people would've evolved this country into something better by now.

Staria: (smiles)Why didn't you say that before?!

Staria tries to give Yunata a hug but in fear of being almost killed again he dodges.

Yunata: Well now you know.

Yunata walks off in search of Funiki.

Staria: Maybe the punch wasn't necessary…

Yunata: Where would he even be.

Mordekai: You know, you can sense people by their aura now.

Yunata: … Why are you able to talk to me… I'm not even asleep…

Mordekai: That's pretty rude. I'm just giving you a quick tip, look for his aura.

Yunata tries looking for Funiki's aura but quickly realizes that if the target isn't right in front of him, he can't zone out the other auras.

Yunata: Well, whatever. He's probably mad at me for no reason at all too.

Yunata continues to walk around new areas he's never been in search of Funiki.

Yunata: Man, fuck all of this. I'm going to go take my first shower.



Yunata thinks to himself: What's so funny about that? Well whatever. I'll just go.

Yunata walks off to return to the HQ.

Yunata: Oh, Funiki. I was looking for you.

Funiki: Hey man. You've been asleep for four days, you've gotta fix that. We tried waking you up in every way imaginable. And you just refused to get up.

Yunata: Yeah yeah, what about our training. Are we still going through with it?

Funiki: Oh yeah! I forgot all about that! Lets start in 2 hours!

Yunata: Sure.

Yunata heads for the shower before realizing he doesn't know how to wash himself.

Yunata: So… how do I use this?

After 20 minutes of Yunata trying to turn on the water, Hiyo walks in on him.

Hiyo: Dude… why are you in here… naked… sitting on the tub…

Yunata: How about you respect my privacy.

Hiyo: Yeah… whatever…

Hiyo informs Asura of the sad sight he was forced into finding. And Staria overhears this.

Asura: Ughhh, why do we have to teach him how to wash himself.

Asura walks up to the bathroom.

Yunata: Look, this is my first time. Can you really blame me for not understanding?

Staria: Well it's not hard to understand in the first place. You put soap on your body, wipe yourself, clean it off. As simple as that.

Asura: Oh…

Staria: Hey! Give us some privacy will you!

Staria slams the door shut.

Asura: Okay…

Staria: Alright, I've taught you how to do it. So go ahead. Clean yourself.

Yunata: Well why are you still here?

Staria: To make sure you do it right of course.

Yunata: Okay…

Yunata begins scrubbing himself and is extremely embarrassed by how the color of the water is.

Yunata: Fuck this man.

Staria: What!

Yunata shaves off his skin and gets back under the water, unaware of the immense pain he will feel.


Yunata hops under the hot water that is completely burning his bare flesh.


Yunata falls to the floor further injuring himself after giving himself the worst pain he has ever felt.

This is the end of the chapter. We are back!
